To be honest---I don't think so.
What would be interesting would be to meld the idea of Ultimate Daredevil with
Daredevil 2099.
What I would do, since they've never officially said how old Kingpin actually is, is to create a backstory where we find out that Matt Murdock was actually adopted by Jack Murdock. He finds out that his real father is actually Wilson Fisk.
Matt still attempts to destroy Fisk's empire....but begins to take more drastic steps to reach his goal. And ultimately he does indeed takedown Kingpin, but realizes that in order to compensate for the power vaccum and that to make any relevant change, someone must head up crime in the city. DD decides that he will become the new Kingpin.
And as such he must struggle to find the balance between good and acceptable evils. This would lead the character's book to be a lot like the duality of TV's
Granted, this idea sounds horrible at first glance, but this is all off the top of my head and done for the sake of making DD different rather than just a 616 cut-out.