Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
I have to say, I read Hickman's ULTIMATES before I read FALL-OUT, and with the exception of the bad guy being Reed, there was nothing in FALL-OUT that wasn't evident in the first issues.
The set up for Ultimates in UFallout incude:
Why the Norse gods live on earth (although that was barely addressed in Fallout)
Why Captain America isn't there
Tony Stark's involvement in the Kratos Club
and, as you mentioned, Reed making it back from the N-Zone and beginning construction on the dome with the children of tomorrow.
I'm also wondering how Spider-Girl got to be on the team. She's just with them all of a sudden.
But I think this is just an opening arc. There's no real need to introduce most of the characters, we know them already. Hickman opened with fast paced action and that's okay. I just hope that after this arc is concluded, we get a little more interaction between the team.
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