Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
Re: Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2 (Discussion/Spoilers)
i'm guessing that's a mysterio induced hallucination?
i'm guessing that's a mysterio induced hallucination?
i'm guessing that's a mysterio induced hallucination?
Bet I can believe who the "iconic super hero" is moving into Aunt May's house. Mostly because he did it two issues ago.
Isn't Man-Spider supposed to show up in Ultimate Avengers, too? Millar's not as big at throwing away villains.
EDIT: Should've read the preview. Huh. Neat.
She's gonna adopt Xavier's cat mystique.
And then Peter is gonna remind her that he used to have a kitty from the x-men himself.
Still, I wish Lafuente would rework his Gwen and May, their face really aren't that nice! Gwen is his second-to-favorite character to draw, I hope he makes her prettier soon...
I wish Lafuente reworked everyone's face, and Peter's hair. They're awful :/
I wish Lafuente reworked everyone's face, and Peter's hair. They're awful :/
The rest of the art is awesome though
Still a vast improvement over the faces that Immonen drew imo.