Ultimate Colossus

No, I think that Colossus and the Thing are about the same. I think he could put up a fight against the Hulk but I dont know if he could win against the Hulk but who knows?
Just remember that strength and stamina and imperviousness, (is that a word?), do not neccesarily win fights, (Ms Pym's breasts for instance).

I think both Ultimate Thing and Ultimate Colossus are more intelligent than the Ultimate Banner when he is the Ultimate Hulk, and the combination of their intelligence, (although far from genius level), and their strength/stamina/imperviousness could see them defeat Ultimate Hulk individually.

For instance, in 616 Peter Parker told Mary Jane that he knew of a way to kill the Hulk if he had to. Now in 616 Banner turns into Hulk straight away. If he got a bullet in his heart or brain when he was Banner, he would be Hulk instantaniously and he would not die. So I am interested in how Spidey would be able to kill him, and if Peter can, (obviously by using his mind as opposed to his strength), then maybe anybody could.
longshotjimlee said:
Just remember that strength and stamina and imperviousness, (is that a word?), do not neccesarily win fights, (Ms Pym's breasts for instance).

I think both Ultimate Thing and Ultimate Colossus are more intelligent than the Ultimate Banner when he is the Ultimate Hulk, and the combination of their intelligence, (although far from genius level), and their strength/stamina/imperviousness could see them defeat Ultimate Hulk individually.

For instance, in 616 Peter Parker told Mary Jane that he knew of a way to kill the Hulk if he had to. Now in 616 Banner turns into Hulk straight away. If he got a bullet in his heart or brain when he was Banner, he would be Hulk instantaniously and he would not die. So I am interested in how Spidey would be able to kill him, and if Peter can, (obviously by using his mind as opposed to his strength), then maybe anybody could.

Exactly, and on top of that everyone is going to have either an off-day or an exceptional day. Spidey might have fought Hulk to a standstill at one time or another. But Hulk rampaged and killed hundreds of people and destroyed part of Manhatten. He destroyed entire alien spaceships. Spidey can't do that on his best day.
Why does everyone always try to bring intelligence into these fights... honestly there's no way anything or anyone in the marvel universe can stop the hulk... I believe that's what was intended when he was first created and that's how it goes...

strength, stamina, and imperviousness do win fights... at least the kinda that was brought up in the first place on this thread... we don't want to know about one on ones here and we don't want to know whose the smartest out of all of them... we want to know whose the strongest/toughest one out there.
XTFLyons said:
Why does everyone always try to bring intelligence into these fights... honestly there's no way anything or anyone in the marvel universe can stop the hulk... I believe that's what was intended when he was first created and that's how it goes...

strength, stamina, and imperviousness do win fights... at least the kinda that was brought up in the first place on this thread... we don't want to know about one on ones here and we don't want to know whose the smartest out of all of them... we want to know whose the strongest/toughest one out there.

Okay, Galactus wins... ooooops hold on, Reed's brain has beaten him before.

Have you never heard of a story about a tiny little man called David with a slingshot?
we're not talking about galactus though... we're talking about Colossus and how strong he is... I asked why the intelligence was always brought up because in the hulk v thing thread it was an issue too ... the original question was based on how strong colossus is compared to everyone else not how smart he is.
as UltimateE pointed out, everybody had good and bad days. But if Colossus was on top form and Hulk was on top form, Hulk would beat him, (ultimate wise).

However, I reckon The Thing and Colossus are equal.
XTFLyons said:
no second mutations.... please

I think if done right it could be cool. But make it an event; make it happen because of something, not just something that happens to everyone.
As far as we know, it just...happens. I do not believe it was triggered by anything, but I could be wrong. I didn't read anything X-Men immediately before Morrison's New variety.