Cool. I'm thinking Kermit-y for DJF.
That's funny, 'cuz I actually do a dead-on Kermit.
I can't remember who I originally said I'd do....but I just sent Random the voices/lines for:
...and I'm halfway done with David Spade.
That should keep Random busy for like 2 weeks or something.....
So, how's the voices coming?
I really should pay more attention to doing school work than this stuff, I hope you enjoy it and that it was worth failing college.
:lol:You right, definitely need more of MWoF's left eye, the top of Ice's hat, and Baxter's shoulder
Hey Random, how'd those voices work out? Did they come out ok or do I need to do some over?
No new updates on voices
I really should pay more attention to doing school work than this stuff, I hope you enjoy it and that it was worth failing college.
I'm not sure if I sent my lines in yet. Do you need me to do/redo them?
I thought I sent you stuff? Send me an e-mail with the address you want me to send stuff to and I'll try again.