Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volumes Ten and Eleven

Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

It's me okay.

I got a one shot idea, but I wrote the Flash first, so sue me.

I'm starting this tomorrow.

But the story involves Mole, TGO and Curly.

My god people, I have TWO HANDS!

I should add by starting tomorrow, I mean writing it.
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Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

It's fine, honestly, it's giving me more time to work on my stuff, so there won't be a huge delay before I start up.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Okay, the story has revamped some, but still features Mole, TGO and Curly.

And a Dwarf Planet.

Oh yeah.

I went there.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten


The Debut of SSJMole, the further adventures of TGO and Curly, plus what lies on the surface of Pluto!


Hopefully you get this next week.
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Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Cool cover Ice, is Mole the blue Shocker?

I love the title too. :lol:
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

I typed it out.

Not too sure how I like it, but I think it's funny enough.

I'll post it tomorrow if I like it.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

A darkened room, the Red Moon's light reflecting off of a mirror.

A shadowy figure, putting on a costume.

A stretch of a wire, the sound of whining forms of electricity.

The figure, stands in front of the mirror, his reflection shadowed.

Blue electricity runs wild over his glove gauntlets, an invention of his own to channel electricity. His Mohawk is visible in these flashes of light, along with his face. The man smiles, wolflike.

Man: Let's do this.

Suddenly, the gloves short circuit, sending electricity flying wildly across the room, and causing the mirror to shatter.

Man: AW MAN!
Man's Mother: NO BUT'S MISTER!
Man's Mother: NO!
Man: AW MOM!

The man left the room, discarding his glove gauntlets. In the shards of the broken mirror, a hand reaches out, and grabs the gauntlets.

Person: Well, he's in, though I don't know why we need him.

A Pause.

Person: Oh, well, if it's those two then he would be perfect, wouldn't he?

The person adjusts his tophat, tosses the gauntlet to the floor, and then jumps out the second story window into the clear night.

Later & Elsewhere

TGO: Darn it to heck! Listen, I told you to go and blow up the vault, why didn't you listen to me?
Curly:Cause I'm too big for the vault?
TGO: We need money, and for that, we need to rob the vault!
Curly: I forgot why we needed money.
TGO: Curly, for someone who is entirely made up of gold, you are stupid.
Curly: Yeah, well, so's your face.
TGO: Whatever. We need to the money to make a spaceship, to get to Bass Lak Tus' corpse, to revive his ***.
Curly: Oh….did you already answer the question to why we don't steal our own spaceship?
TGO: Cause that's tacky. NOW! TIME TO…

Before TGO could finish his proclamation, he got punched in the face.



Pluto or Bust!

Volume 10, Issue 73, By Ultimate Houde

TGO: Who dares punch the greatest face in the universe?

Two people stood in front of the bank. One of them was wearing a red shirt, jeans shorts, and a straw hat. He had a huge smile on his face. The other was a figure, tall, muscular, and have a scarred face. The one in the straw hat talked first.

Lynx: The name is Lynx, and my friend here is Method, and we don't like unregistered losers like yourselves roaming the planet of the Emperor.
TGO: Tell the Emperor the Thee Great One is going to kick his ***.
Lynx: Like he gives two ****s about you.
Curly: Um, are they part of our plan?
Lynx: Oh, the stupid one speaks?
Curly: I'm not stupid.
Lynx: Sure your not. And my friend here isn't stronger than you. Not like I would need him to take you out though. Should have stuck working in that Hawaiian restaurant. At least you wouldn't have gotten your golden shiny *** handed to you.
TGO Curly, show these new freaks some manners.

Curly charged the two E-men. Lynx threw his fist backwards, and it stretched to incredible proportions, and then came flying towards Curly at high speeds. It impacted with Curly's punch, the two of them cancelling each other out. Curly then got hit backwards as Method flew up and punch him in the face. Curly fell, landing on top of TGO.

Method: Don't worry populace, these two fools are prisoners of us, and they will be imprisoned.

The gathering crowd cheered the E-Men.

Another voice rang out from the crowd.

Man: Really? I don't think you are the good guys here.
Method: Oh, and you may be?

The man jumped out of the crowd. Well, he more stumbled out, and fell backwards as his trench coat got caught. He fell on his ***, and his costume revealed. He was covered head to toe in Spandex, he had gauntlets on, and somehow, his eyes were squinting in his mask which covered his face, but not his awesome Mohawk.

Random Onlooker: That guy has an AWESOME Mohawk!
Mole: The name is Mole, and I'm going to defeat the two of you!

The two E-Men looked at him, and started to laugh.

Mole: What's so funny? I got this awesome electrical suit and stuff!

They continued to laugh.

Mole: That's it, I'm taking you two down!

His suit began to emit a yellow glow, expanding outwards in a circle. At the same time, from beneath Curly, TGO also began to glow in preparation to explode. The two energies mixed, the electrical powers combining with the explosion powers. The circle expanded further, blocking the view from outside to what was happening inside.

Method: This could be serious.
Lynx: I'll go check it out.
Method: According to my analysis, there is a high amount of electrical powers being tossed around inside that thing.
Lynx: I'm rubber, I don't care about that.

Lynx then jumped into the circle fearlessly.

The moment he entered, the circle imploded with a popping sound.

The dust settled in seconds, and Method frowned. Lynx wasn't in there at all.

Method: This is unfortunate. I must go talk to Professor Houdenmeyer about this.



Hopefully not over a rainbow, cause that's stupid

And probably copyrighted by Disney. Asshats. Anyways…..


A small rocky ice dwarf planet floating through the solar system, which use to be known as Pluto, didn't have much in the way of scenery. The former planet was nothing but ice, rock, and now had a population of five.

Yes, five.

The fifth person will be revealed.

Anyways, a bright light appeared on the surface of Pluto, and probably would cause astronomers to ***** about what it meant for several decades, until finally they have a convention, and the ones that care vote, and huzzah, more *****ing.

See the parallel?

Anyways, the dwarf planet's surface.

Bright light, and several beings fall out.

TGO: What happened?
Mole: Oh man! This is not going well!
Lynx: Where the hell did you take me?
Mole: I don't know! Our energy must have been crossed.
Curly: I don't think the beams are suppose to be crossed…..
Mole: And somehow, we ended up here.
Lynx: And where is here, exactly?

A voice spoke up from nearby.

Voice: Pluto. Now do you mind, I hate when people show up here uninvited, and then try to sell me ****. I just want to read my comics, and be alone. And talk to myself about comics and all that.
TGO: WHOA! There's someone else here on Pluto. I figured out we are on Pluto, because I'm the smartness.
Curly: He is.
Voice: For UC sake! You two are here? Man, you end up on the most unforsaken place in the universe, this floating piece of rock…
Lynx: Actually Pluto is a planet.
Voice: No it isn't. They had a vote or something, didn't they?
Voice: Whatever newb, I'm going to go over to the other side of this planet. You jokes go fight yourselves and whatever.
TGO: That voice knew of me? Maybe I had sex with it? I should probably go tell it about my crab infestation.
Lynx: Whatever, HOW DID WE END UP HERE!
Mole: I think I have an explanation.
Curly: Can I suggest something other than spandex for your next costume, seriously, your current costume may be too much.
Mole: Ah, well, anyways, I think my electrical powers, which are AWESOME!!!!, mixed with TGO's explosive powers, resulting in the spatial disturbance we find ourselves in.
Lynx: Fine, you two bring us back, and I'll arrest the lot of you.
TGO: Hmmm, I like this new cat …
Mole: Mole
Curly: Wombat.
TGO: Duck
Mole: No, my name is Mole.
Lynx: This lunacy needs to stop! I want to get off this planet!
TGO: I concur, Kangaroo, welcome to the Interweb Vikings. Shall we return?

Mole, reaching into his suit, pulled out a device, and tossed it behind him.

Mole: Just the regulator, alright, let's power up guys!

Mole charged up his suit, and TGO went to explode. The energies touched….


Lynx looked at the street he was on, which was devoid of the Interweb Vikings. Method landed next to him.

Method: What happened?
Lynx: We were teleported onto the planet Pluto, and they teleported us back, but I have no idea where they are now….
Method: Wait, I thought Pluto wasn't a planet anymore.


Not Pluto

In case you were wondering.

Mole, TGO and Curly sat on a beach, soaking up the sun, laughing.

Mole: You guys are awesome!
TGO: Of course we are.
Curly: So guys, what are we going to do tonight?
TGO: What we do every night……TRY TO WAKE UP BASS!

A pause.

Mole: Why are you trying to wake up fish?


The device on Pluto blinked a few times, before coming on.

Person: Hello? Hello?

The owner of the strange voice walked over. He was wearing red clothes, torn up, and a cloth blindfold that flapped in unseen wind. He bent over, and picked up the device.

Voice: Well well, I guess this means the vacation is over soon, huh Old Man.
Person: We are working on it.
Voice: So that guy was yours huh?
Person: Oh yes, it was one organization we didn't have someone in, and now we do. Funny, we even called him Mole.

The two people laughed.
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Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Awesome, I love the Interweb Vikings. I'm also curious as to who it was on Pluto.

Looking forward to the next one!
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Its was really funny, and in case anyone cares, I've updated the UCff character profiles with Mole.

Now when is DSF going to do his arc?
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Jesus, I didn't even see this was up.

I need to drag my notes and already-written scenes back together, but i'll start up the new volume in the next week or so.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Jesus, I didn't even see this was up.

I need to drag my notes and already-written scenes back together, but i'll start up the new volume in the next week or so.

When you start that thread you could just provide a like to the wiki since it has all the links for all the issues up there.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

And don't forget, Mole is now part of the Interweb Vikings and works for the mysterious person that Entropy and Marvelman work for.

Man, this is beginning to sound like 616 X-men.
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

And don't forget, Mole is now part of the Interweb Vikings and works for the mysterious person that Entropy and Marvelman work for.

Man, this is beginning to sound like 616 X-men.

details, details...
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

*Enters Thread, looks around*

... awwwww...
Re: Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume Ten

Sorry. Two writing classes that meet four days a week for three hours a day. A job. And I'm moving.

I'll do my best to have both #74 and #75 up this month, since i've started both issues, and want to finish the story I started two years ago in my first story-arc... But after that, I don't think I have time for this anymore. I'm constantly working on and polishing my short fiction so I can start getting published, and I've just started a novel.

Originally I was going to stick around until #100, but by then I'll be working on my senior thesis (roughly 150 pages of original fiction over the course of a year).

Let me know if you'd like to step into the shoes of Editor-In-Chief of the UCFF.