Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - volume 6

Bass said:
James Sholl: "What was that about the holocaust?"
Nurhachi: "I didn't say anything about the holocaust."
James Sholl: "Are you saying it's not important?"
Nurhachi: "What?"
James Sholl: "Anti-semite!"
Nurhachi: "No, I'm not!"
James Sholl: "Oh, you must be one of those covert-covert-anti-semites. You don't even know that you are, but you are."
Nurhachi: "I'm sorry!"
James Sholl: "You're forgiven. Now, what were we talking about?"

So Ultimate Gambit is Sin City crossed with a celebrity binge? Very clever.

I wannna Mookie...

And of course MWoF survived. The drunk always walks away from the accident. :wink:

Okay, that was damn wierd, but enjoyable wierd. Can't wait to see what you're going to do to The Cabinet/Brotherhood.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Sucks for whoever comes after bass :twisted:
Yes. Yes it does. :-|
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Bass said:
I can't believe you changed your Avatar back to Zim. Look at the Tog pic and look at your Avatar! I can't stop laughing at that. :lol:

Thanks a lot guys for all the kind words. Makes all the no-sleep worthwhile. 'Tis much appreciated. :D

I love you guys. :heart:

You know it wasn't on purpose either. I didnt feel like making a new one so i went back to good old Zim.
Bass, you need to write some fanfics and draw some more. How come you kept this drawing talent so hidden?
ProjectX2 said:
Best. Issue. Ever.

How come you can draw good and write good?

That was better than The Ultimates 2 #9.

It's unfair. How can you be so good?

I found that hilarious. It was so long, yet every bit was entertaining.

I love you.

Have my babies.

I literally bursted out laughing really loud. Tried to stop myself since its so damn early and people are sleeping. Oops. :innocent:
Well, people at work were wondering why I was laughing, they read it, and loved the interplay between the characters.

One thing I did like was the common mispelling of my name, Howde instead of Houde.

Ultimate Gambit being Marv was great.
MWoF surviving the wreck because he was drunk, brillant.
Ice selling out would be something Ice would do.
DIrishB being the one guy who knew what was going on, tremendous.
Nur wearing hemp, and DIrishB going to smoke it, excellent.
ProjectX2 forming his own group of religionists, then sacrificing them, awesome.

And I find it amusing we both spelt had TGO spelling his name as TOG. Great.

This is why your my partner in Law & Order Bass.

Can't wait till I see what you do with Houde.
Dude...that was brilliant...I'm speechless. Best Fanfic i've read. Best.Issue.Ever.

I'm not used to laugh out loud reading things on internet....but seen how you wrote TGO and the avatars made my day. I coulsn't stop laughing my father went to my room to see why I was histerical.

6/5 Dude you should draw more too. It's so cool. I hope you draw all ppl from the Cabinet (or Brotherhood, what name are we running again?) =D
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Ultimate Houde said:
Ice selling out would be something Ice would do.
Don't know what the hell you're on about.

*Walks out wearing the Gap shirt, McDonalds tie, Pepsi Armband, Starbucks shoes, and Coca-Cola badge*

*Cell phone rings*

Hello? Who is this? Burger King?
*claps for a while until he loses the feeling in his hands* that's ggggrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt! (i'm eating frosties as i type)
Thats was so ****ing long(like 4 issues) but it was hilarious.
Too many awesome parts to count. Genius! Every member got time to shine be funny and kickass!
Baxter said:
I wannna Mookie...

My sister makes these cookies that were muffins. I called them mookies. They're ****ing delicious.

Baxter said:
Okay, that was damn wierd, but enjoyable wierd. Can't wait to see what you're going to do to The Cabinet/Brotherhood.

Won't be nearly as weird or silly. It should hopefully be quite scary. The Avatars won't feature. You have a lot to do in the issue.

The running order is "silly weird" (i.e. me being stupid) followed by a "exciting drama" (i.e. me trying to be cool and serious) in a repeating pattern, except for #50 which... well, I can't tell you.

Thee Great One said:
You know it wasn't on purpose either. I didnt feel like making a new one so i went back to good old Zim.

I know. Just a nice bit of synchronicity. When I was scanning the pictures, I noticed you'd changed your avatar. I laugh everytime I see that Tog-Zim. Zim's brilliant.

ProjectX2 said:
Bass, you need to write some fanfics and draw some more. How come you kept this drawing talent so hidden?

Because you never ask about me! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Ultimate Houde said:
Nur wearing hemp, and DIrishB going to smoke it, excellent.

DiB wasn't really trying to smoke it. Ice was being an ***.

Ultimate Houde said:
This is why your my partner in Law & Order Bass.

I miss that show. You need to do more L&O:UC.

Ultimate Houde said:
Can't wait till I see what you do with Houde.

You can't wait till #43?

Ultimate Quicksilver said:
I hope you draw all ppl from the Cabinet (or Brotherhood, what name are we running again?)

That's the plan. Plus, if you uploaded your pic (I know you did Quicksilver) to the "UC Members Picture" thread or what-have-you, you'll look a bit like the real you. People who haven't get masks and look like their name sakes (Proj as Xorn-Ultimate Ant-Man, MWOF as Ultimate Captain America-Daredevil, Ultimate Gambit as Ultimate Gambit...). So if you want to look like you, upload a picture to Ourchair's thread. (Find it yourselves, I can't be arsed.)

Also, Quicksilver, you're a general in the Brotherhood. I would think you're quite happy with that. Only Baxter should be upset since he's your slave n' all...

Icemastertron said:
Hello? Who is this? Burger King?

I'm pretty sure Burger King would never betray Doc Comic that way.

Slimjim said:
Every member got time to shine be funny and kickass!

Yay! Thanks. That's what I'm trying to do. People complain there's too many characters. Nonsense. I love it. More characters! I had a list of people to try to centralise, but I don't know if I can fit them in (I'm looking at you Rufus and Dr Draco - Dr Draco is particularly breaking my heart as I thought the idea was super sweet). We'll see if I can or not.

Seriously guys - thanks a lot for being so gracious. It's really, really appreciated. I'm very glad you all enjoyed it so.
Bah, if you really know us you'd know the bit with me covered in gold and destroying Hollywood was based on a true story

<3 Bass
Bass said:
That's the plan. Plus, if you uploaded your pic (I know you did Quicksilver) to the "UC Members Picture" thread or what-have-you, you'll look a bit like the real you. People who haven't get masks and look like their name sakes (Proj as Xorn-Ultimate Ant-Man, MWOF as Ultimate Captain America-Daredevil, Ultimate Gambit as Ultimate Gambit...). So if you want to look like you, upload a picture to Ourchair's thread. (Find it yourselves, I can't be arsed.)

Hrm... Interesting.

When you're done with your arc, you should do some Character Sketches, because the cover rocked uber-hard.
Bass said:

Dr.Strangefate said:
Hrm... Interesting.

When you're done with your arc, you should do some Character Sketches, because the cover rocked uber-hard.

Definitly, the best Cover and Issue ever. I'm even sexy in Bass's rendition of me. Damn I'm hot.

I loved how I kicked TGO in the balls. Brilliant.

MWoF dying and coming back? Quite Jesus-like.

Icemastertron selling out? Genius!

Nurhachi being pissed when told wrestling was fake? Appropriate.

Ultimate Gambit. Just what the hell ever happened to him anyway (in real life)? I never see him post anymore.

ProjectX2 being a neo-L. Ron Hubbard...makes perfect sense.

The issue was crazy long, but loved it. Look forward to more, and especially more covers. Awesome. I think I'm gonna use my part of the cover for my new avatar.

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Bass said:
Also, Quicksilver, you're a general in the Brotherhood. I would think you're quite happy with that. Only Baxter should be upset since he's your slave n' all...

But I am, and im looking forward to the Brotherhood written by you. If its half of what you did with #40 its gonna kick ***