Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - volume 6

I just noticed a weird and coincidental parallel to this and Civil War...

If you consider Stark and E to be on a similar level, then The Project = The New Avengers... and yeah...

Im tired. But I think its sort of valid.

UC 50 is better than Civil War, to the MAX.
I just noticed a weird and coincidental parallel to this and Civil War...

If you consider Stark and E to be on a similar level, then The Project = The New Avengers... and yeah...

Im tired. But I think its sort of valid.

UC 50 is better than Civil War, to the MAX.

The difference being that Bass didn't rush the ending and made the avatars look like stupid coward characters.
Civil War #7 also wasn't 100 something pages long and take nearly a year to write. :)
****ING HELL YES!!!!!

(i've read it before, but still)

The Ending = ****ing Amazing.

Thanks! Anything in particular?

That took me two hours to read, and all I can say is ****ING AWESOME!!! There was so much suspense, I didn't know what was gonna happen! So many died, that was really unexpected, but I made it (kind of)! Great job balancing characters and story, this was truly the greatest chapter of UC. Excellent work Bass!

I'm very pleased that you think so, thank you!

May I add that the title "The Divinely Damned Dr. Strangefate" ****ing rocks?

I thought that was a particularly clever bit of writing on my part. :D

Holy Hell. That was ****ing long.

Good stuff though.:)

Glad you liked it.

Holy crap that was awesome to such a degree I cant even fathom. Seriously this was worth the wait. That was so excited and ended on such a downer, I cant wait to see what happens next

Also kick *** cover!

Yes, it's interesting to point out that, in #50, the heroes saving the world is a downer! Poor guys. I'm glad you liked it, and the cover too!

But I can't take all the credit:

I just wet myself reading this. Totally awesome!!!!
Lurkers, Trolls, Bots, flamers and a kickass speedster. Can't get better then that.
Awesome 50th fic. Worth the wait and I'm looking forward to read the new Ultimate Central Fanfics.

One Question though: Do we all have counterparts? :D
Thanks, Quicksilver.

It would stand to reason that everyone has a 616 counterpart. However, 616 Central, as the older universe, has lots more 'continuity' than the "Ultimate" one, and it's possible that some counterparts are already dead.

But it's up to someone else if they want to do anything with the 616 counterparts we've seen so far, or debut new ones.

I just noticed a weird and coincidental parallel to this and Civil War...

If you consider Stark and E to be on a similar level, then The Project = The New Avengers... and yeah...

Im tired. But I think its sort of valid.

UC 50 is better than Civil War, to the MAX.

The difference being that Bass didn't rush the ending and made the avatars look like stupid coward characters.

Wouldn't know. Not read it.

Also, the characters that died weren't useless like Black Goliath.

Yeah, it defeats the purpose of killing a character if the character is useless and unimportant. I read Civil War #1, and I am a ridiculous Marvel zombie. I have all 40+ volumes of the Marvel handbook that detail every character and their powers (except #39), and I have never heard of Black Goliath. Never. This is coming from someone who knew the entire Earth X trilogy cast before reading it. I know some of the individual names of the Celestials. I'm that sad. And I've never heard of Black Goliath. Seriously, if I don't know who he is, he's not important enough to make a plot point around.

If I'd been writing Civil War the first casualty would've been Captain America. Think about it. You kill Cap early on and two things happen: first, the anti-registration guys lose their leader and become far, far worse off. Since they're the 'heroes' of the story (let's not pretend that Stark, the man who hires Bullseye to catch Spider-Man, is a good guy), it's gotten palpably worse. Secondly, Stark would remove himself from the pro-registration side, he wouldn't champion it as much. He'd relinquish a lot of his control, allowing for government officials to step in and do remarkably questionable things such as hire Bullseye to catch Spider-Man. Also, the shock twist of Cap's death would propel the audience into an ensemble cast, which would slowly be picked off one by one and the lowest second-tier characters on the team, for the reader, has to step up and become major characters to keep their interest. See, you can only have Stark and Cap fight each other so many times before it gets dull. So I'd've thought, the first fight they have, is the worst fight they could've possibly had, and Cap dies straight out the bat. This is, however, something I've just thought of now. Civil War had nothing to do with my thoughts for #50, which, I had worked out the basic plot for before I wrote #40.

Civil War #7 also wasn't 100 something pages long and take nearly a year to write. :)

Actually, Civil War is around 168 illustrated pages long (24 pages per issue). And it's definately taken a year to get done, at least. How much time only the writing took to do, I don't know. It's worth putting out that it's also had input from a number of the top writers in Marvel's camp at the moment.

I'm not saying #50 is better than Civil War. Because I haven't read Civil War completely, and I'm not sure how true such a statement is for people who are not members of UC and depicted in the fanfic. I'm just furthering your comparison. ^______^

Also, the multi-quote thing we can do now is unbelievably cool, as it allows me to quote everyone easily.

I do have a question; what did you think about the Ultimate E turnabout? Was it "Well, duh" or "I didn't see that coming, but it makes total sense", or some other third possibility (dare I say, "That was needless and stupid")?
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But I can't take all the credit:
That just makes it more awesome :rockon:
I do have a question; what did you think about the Ultimate E turnabout? Was it "Well, duh" or "I didn't see that coming, but it makes total sense", or some other third possibility (dare I say, "That was needless and stupid")?

I thought it was awesome, I didnt even expect E = Emperor.
Some Questions...

Am I right in assuming the entire populace no longer has super powers, and it was temporary thing, like World War III in DC?

Also, who was the fourth conspirator in the Ultimate Bigby, Compound, Ourchair group?

Now, in other post Ultimate Central thoughts...

Could the new group, 'The Project', be run in a Global Frequency manner, where people get calls and go too where they are needed. I think that would be a nice way to have a cyclical cast, unless I'm interpreting this ending differently than I'm suppose too.
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That just makes it more awesome :rockon:


Random said:
I thought it was awesome, I didnt even expect E = Emperor.


Some Questions...

Am I right in assuming the entire populace no longer has super powers, and it was temporary thing, like World War III in DC?

This is explained in the manifesto I sent to DSF and Nurhachi for future writers. My thinking is that most of the world, for a brief moment, had super powers, but have now lost them and want them back. That said, it's always possible some did not lose their powers, and there's also the possibility that those who lost their powers lost them at a rather... inopportune moment, and Nurhachi's actions may have killed thousands. The way I see it, all three have happened. Most have lost their powers, some have kept them, and others have perished in losing them. It's really up to future writers, but I think there's much here to be dwelled upon.

I'm not sure about the WW3 reference as I don't know anything about the current WW3 DC plot.

Ultimate Houde said:
Also, who was the fourth conspirator in the Ultimate Bigby, Compound, Ourchair group?

It was never revealed. I have pretty much decided who the fourth member is, told DSF and Nurhachi who that is, but it is now out of my hands. I felt I should add a storyline to the UC fanfic since I was upsetting the status quo so.

Ultimate Houde said:
Now, in other post Ultimate Central thoughts...

Could the new group, 'The Project', be run in a Global Frequency manner, where people get calls and go too where they are needed. I think that would be a nice way to have a cyclical cast, unless I'm interpreting this ending differently than I'm suppose too.

That is a particularly good idea. The only thing to remember is that The Project don't have a base or mode of transportation until someone writes in something for them. They don't have a nigh-omnipotent backer such as DSF, E, or BLT, or a base of operations to work from. I have some ideas, again, in the manifesto, so we'll see what takes.

Actually, Civil War is around 168 illustrated pages long (24 pages per issue). And it's definately taken a year to get done, at least. How much time only the writing took to do, I don't know. It's worth putting out that it's also had input from a number of the top writers in Marvel's camp at the moment.

I'm not saying #50 is better than Civil War. Because I haven't read Civil War completely, and I'm not sure how true such a statement is for people who are not members of UC and depicted in the fanfic. I'm just furthering your comparison. ^______^

Felt I should also add to this that I did #50 as a hobby, in my free time, with no monetary compensation, while Civil War is a professional assignment. It's also worth pointing out that there is considerably less pressure and editorial interference for an amateur fanfic than for writing for Marvel. Killing of, say, Nurhachi is a rather different matter to killing, say, Iron Man. ^____^
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This is explained in the manifesto I sent to DSF and Nurhachi for future writers. My thinking is that most of the world, for a brief moment, had super powers, but have now lost them and want them back. That said, it's always possible some did not lose their powers, and there's also the possibility that those who lost their powers lost them at a rather... inopportune moment, and Nurhachi's actions may have killed thousands. The way I see it, all three have happened. Most have lost their powers, some have kept them, and others have perished in losing them. It's really up to future writers, but I think there's much here to be dwelled upon.

I see, but fail to see other things, maybe I'll send a PM.

I'm not sure about the WW3 reference as I don't know anything about the current WW3 DC plot.

Not talking about that at all, there's an old JLA story called World War III, where something invades Earth, and they manage to give everyone super powers. Your story, and that story, are extremely similar.

It was never revealed. I have pretty much decided who the fourth member is, told DSF and Nurhachi who that is, but it is now out of my hands. I felt I should add a storyline to the UC fanfic since I was upsetting the status quo so.

A storyline being open is a good idea.

A plot line never explained is a bad one.

That is a particularly good idea. The only thing to remember is that The Project don't have a base or mode of transportation until someone writes in something for them. They don't have a nigh-omnipotent backer such as DSF, E, or BLT, or a base of operations to work from. I have some ideas, again, in the manifesto, so we'll see what takes.

It's the only way I can see it working, if The Project operated in a cell format, they couldn't find everyone, considering the world seems to be under E's comtrol at the moment.
Not talking about that at all, there's an old JLA story called World War III, where something invades Earth, and they manage to give everyone super powers. Your story, and that story, are extremely similar.

Oh yeah! You're so right! I'd forgotten all about it. Yes, it is kinda like that. They get powers, then lose them, for the most part.

A storyline being open is a good idea.

A plot line never explained is a bad one.

That's fair, I suppose. But, bear in mind, you know the name of the group, three of the four members, a device they use in their plots, and their motivation. The specific details are all in the manifesto. The Conspiracy was always something meant for someone else to try. It was also, a bit of a red herring in what to expect for #50. That said, if I recall, I did say I wouldn't be resolving the Conspiracy in #50. Sorry to disappoint.

While I do agree a plot line never explained, a plot line in which nothing happens is a bad move, I think that I can get away with it because I gave it very little attention throughout the run, so while it appears a red herring, on retrospect, you can see how it was never part of this block of 11 issues. The hope is it would be a block of someone else's.

Ultimate Houde said:
It's the only way I can see it working, if The Project operated in a cell format, they couldn't find everyone, considering the world seems to be under E's comtrol at the moment.

Well, yes. The Project has to be smart, sneaky, and somewhat invisible. Nontheless, I'm sure some of them are already on E's most wanted list. We'll see what other people do with it.
Okay, fair enough, but none of the writers have this manifesto.

We should though.

Okay, and I like how my Team Up fits into this other world with little resistance.

This was incredible. It felt so epic I couldn't help but think of LotR and StarWars. The battle scenes were so well crafted, the deaths were well executed, the suspense was always there... I'm beyond amazed. Seriously.

Great job Bass! :rockon: :rockon: :rockon:

I bet the deaths will be retconned :p
I've only read up through ACT I so far. I tried to start ACT II, but my eyes started to melt, so I figured I take a break.

So far, it's freaking awesome, though. Definitely can't wait to finish it. This was well worth the wait :rockon:
Hey Everybody, this is the Good Doctor Strangefate putting on his Editorial boots for a few minutes while we've still got everybody's attention.

I'd like to petition those who've read Bass' helluva story arc to come forward with their ideas for future story arcs as the future writers of Ultimate Central: The Fanfic, Former Writers like Moonmaster and ProjectX2 are especially welcome to come back and write a few stories. The maximum of issues you can have in a story arc will be 6 issues, although you can petition for multiple story-arcs. Bass, of course, is welcome to come back and write for us anytime (and I might try to muscle him into helping us plot out Issue 100, once we get that far).

I'd like to also remind readers to check out Ultimate Houde's fantastic first arc of Ultimate Central Team-Up, and would like to also put a call out for writers for that title. Even if you think you only have enough ideas to fit into one issue, that's totally cool with us. I'm talking with Houde about him writing the second arc of that series as well, as we start to get rolling with both series coming out a little more regularly.

Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - Volume 7 will consist of issues 51-56, to be written by Baxter upon his glorious return to Ultimate Central. This will also allow us to take a little time to digest Issue 50 fully before we get back into the game.

The next two arcs will be written by TGO and Ice (if both are still willing). Nurhachi had talked about writing another arc himself, so hopefully we'll be seeing another arc from the UCtFF founder himself. Another arc after that we'll be led into issue 75, to be written by myself to kick off Dr.Strangefate's return to the face of the Ultimate Central Universe.

But regardless we need more writers, and this past issue has given us a LOT to work with. Send me an idea you might have in a PM along with your Email and I'll send you a copy of the UC Manifesto so you can develop your ideas into a story-arc.

I hope in the brave new world that Bass has created for us to play in we'll get some newcomers who can rise up to the challenge to continue upholding the great work we've had on this series.

For people wondering what the **** I'm talking about, check out The Ultimate Central Trade Paperback thread, and put your reading hats on. Bass' issues can be found by perusing this thread, and the issues will soon be added to the TPB.

I'd also love to see some more fan-art if anyone's interested...

So yeah, the future of this fan-fic is in your hands. Let me know where you see it headed. I look forward to hearing from you.
Houde and I have been discussing Team Up arcs for a while now, we just need to sort them out after Bass annihilated everything.
Pff. All I did was kill off all the main characters.

Hey Everybody, this is the Good Doctor Strangefate putting on his Editorial boots for a few minutes while we've still got everybody's attention.

I'd like to petition those who've read Bass' helluva story arc to come forward with their ideas for future story arcs as the future writers of Ultimate Central: The Fanfic, Former Writers like Moonmaster and ProjectX2 are especially welcome to come back and write a few stories. The maximum of issues you can have in a story arc will be 6 issues, although you can petition for multiple story-arcs. Bass, of course, is welcome to come back and write for us anytime (and I might try to muscle him into helping us plot out Issue 100, once we get that far).

Fantastic. I can hijack it for another nine months... :roll:

Dr.Strangefate said:
But regardless we need more writers, and this past issue has given us a LOT to work with. Send me an idea you might have in a PM along with your Email and I'll send you a copy of the UC Manifesto so you can develop your ideas into a story-arc.

I hope in the brave new world that Bass has created for us to play in we'll get some newcomers who can rise up to the challenge to continue upholding the great work we've had on this series.

I'm sure they will. :)
The next two arcs will be written by TGO and Ice (if both are still willing). Nurhachi had talked about writing another arc himself, so hopefully we'll be seeing another arc from the UCtFF founder himself. Another arc after that we'll be led into issue 75, to be written by myself to kick off Dr.Strangefate's return to the face of the Ultimate Central Universe.
I'll see if I can still be up to it. But if I do go, Nur is going before me.

The maximum of issues you can have in a story arc will be 6 issues, although you can petition for multiple story-arcs.
Again if I do go, I was already set up for 2 arcs, 4 issues each.

I'll see what I can do.