Didn't **** any of those *****es
... I'M BOARD...

Victor Von Doom said:I never want to see Ice without pants on again. Seriously.
...what?thee great one said:You like my pink pants?:heybaby:
Random said:...what?
Dr.Strangefate said:I am Pretty much Awesome.
i am aware of that i made it 8) . I thought you'd want to keep the covers a secret:wink:Ultimate Houde said:And your on this cover
That's the first apperance of RANDOM (I love that shot of me) Look at the hilt of the swordUltimate Houde said:Whose the guy in the middle with the sword?
Well its only characters that have been made in this thread and who also appear in the fanfic, except for me, I could make character based on that cover, if there are any varriations you want, just tell meslimjim said:I had my own goddamn arc.....stand alone issue and was on a ****ing cool cover in dr.strangefates arc
and i took over the world!
NOT-COOL :evil:
i apologize if im in there and jus didnt notice :twisted:
Thats TGOIceshadow said:Are you the one with the flaming shorts?
Victor Von Doom said:Is Bass Galactus or Lo Pan? :lol: