Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - volume 5

O no... I hope to god I don't die. I finally save the day while being brainwashed but still I seriously hope I don't die. And Doc I'm so pumped for this issure you better get it out fast.
When the site Ultimate Central began giving people incredible abilities, its creator Ultimate E created a team of heroes to bring justice to the world and deal with the astounding effects of the site. Icemastertron, Nurhachi, ProjectX2, and The Man Without Fear became the Avatars.


The extra-dimensional entity known as Lil Kis has been destroyed, and the universe is safe once again, but the repercussions of the monster's defeat have yet to be seen. What will become of those who were the Defenders of the Universe? The bonds have been broken, SlimJim, having seen into The Good Doctor's past will never be able to trust him, or perhaps any living being, ever again. And the Doctor's need of Ultimate Gambit has expired, so what of him? And also, what will become of the former master of the Cabinet, Goodwill?

Most importantly, the repercussions of The Good Doctor absorbing the soul of "Lil Kis" have had much further effect than anyone could have possibly imagined. What could possibly come next in his master plan?

(To Read from Issue #1, go here, to read from Part One of this Story Arc, go here)


In the City

As Ultimate Gambit walked the streets back towards an internet café which could provide him with a direct line to Ultimate Central and his fellow Avatars, he was glowing with self-confidence. He could no longer even remember what he had talked about with Doctor Ratsengaf, but he felt grateful all the same, he was on a high of achievement, like he had just helped to save the entire universe from it's imminent destruction by defeating some super-powerful being. But that was all simply the therapy's work, and as he passed a pay phone, he made up his mind, and pulled out the card from Ratsengaf's office. He dialed the number and waited.


ULTIMATE GAMBIT: Hi, this is… um… Ultimate Gambit.



STRANGEFATE: Yes… Yes… I am simply surprised that you called back, and so promptly. Is anything the matter?

ULTIMATE GAMBIT: No! Not at all! Actually, since today's session went so well, I was thinking we could maybe make this a weekly thing…

STRANGEFATE: … (heh) Of course… Of course… Now dear, what time should I put you down for?


In the Suburbs

Widdle Wade sat in his bedroom, fiddling around on his computer. He was bidding on a Deadpool dual Alarm Clock/Semi-Automatic rifle on eBay when a voice clouded in mist whispered into his ear.

VOICE: Why not just become Deadpool? Wouldn't that be better than just getting all these useless trinkets?

WIDDLE WADE: Who are you? Where are you?! What's going on?

VOICE: Settle down now… I'm a friend, and I have a proposition to make. How would you like to become your idol? I mean fully, with all of his skills, complete with Healing Factor, and an arsenal of weaponry that would make the Army cringe.

This took Widdle Wade off guard, he didn't know if he could trust the voice, but he knew that he trusted his heart, and that he would do anything to be like his idol.

WIDDLE WADE: I… I would like that very much…

A man with jet black hair, and a large golden ankh strewn across his chest, placed a hand on Widdle Wade's shoulder. The boy stumbled, shocked to find a stranger in his bedroom.

WIDDLE WADE: How did you…

STRANGEFATE: That's not important. I'm here to help you achieve your greatest fantasy…

With a wicked smile and bright red eyes, The Good Doctor leaned forward to kiss the boy on the forehead. Pulling away to reveal a glowing purple lip-print on his forehead, which lifted Widdle Wade off his feet and spread to cover every inch of his body. He could feel himself changing, aging, developing muscles he didn't even know he had to develop in the first place. But then something went wrong, his skin started scarring and bubbling, breaking out in hives and lumps and sores. Widdle Wade shook with panic.

WIDDLE WADE: No… I take it back! I tack it back!! I don't want to be like Deadpool!!! Not like this!!! Not like this!!!

But the man with the dark hair had disappeared, and in his wake stood the dark Master of Magnetism, Ourchair, and the Silver Speedster, Ultimate Quicksilver.

OURCHAIR: Widdle Wade… Are you ready to embrace your destiny as one of the members of the Cabinet?

ULTIMATE QUICKSILVER: Are you ready to wreak chaos against those who stand in our way, and take your rightful part in the domination of the Human Race and Planet Earth?

Scared silent by the hasty elevation of events around him, Widdle Wade nodded mindlessly, unable to comprehend what he was agreeing to and followed the men into the Darkness.


Meanwhile, in the sewers

SlimJim had led his Death Knights to an open cavern. He was still reeling from the shock of dealing with Doctor Strangefate, and seeing the horrible things that man had done had brought him to swear never to trust another living human being. He stood atop a particularly large pipe to overlook his army, and then began to speak.

SLIMJIM: Death Knights! We are at the dawning of a new era, where not only the super-powerful man shall be inducted into my army, but any dead creature. We will follow these pipes out of the city, and travel across the nation, across a host of nations, to call our brethren to action from their resting places beneath the earth, so that we may rise up above the common man, and make them subjects of my kingdom, with the dead ruling as they rightfully should!

The Death Knights cheered, save for one. Rene had been hit by a strand of debris as Lil Kis exploded. The debris had punctured his skin, and had begun the process of rejuvenation before the shard's power disappeared completely. He was now neither fully man, nor fully goblin; neither fully alive, nor fully dead. Frightened and alone, Rene slipped into the darkness, and away from the Knights.


The Tower of Strangefate

Goodwill sat alone in a dark wet cell in the cold recesses of an ancient tower. He might have been comfortable in such conditions while in his powerful dragon form, but all of that had been taken from him when a shard of pure reality altering thought passed through his corpse and woke him from his undead slavery under Slim Jim. The more the thought about it, the more he wished he was still dead.

There were rats in the prison with sharp teeth, who liked to bite Goodwill while he slept. So he tried not to, and had therefore not slept in almost two days. He was falling apart, the silence ripping through his eardrums like a rusted nail. So when the putter of tiny footsteps filled the dungeon walls, he perked up.

GIRL: Mister?


GIRL: --Are you real? Or are you just another part of the castle…

GOODWILL: I think so… I mean, yes. Yes, I'm real.

GIRL: I'm so frightened mister, the Doctor doesn't know I'm here… But I've been wandering these halls for months, I don't even think this place has doorways leading out.... not unless he makes them… I'm just so tired of running, mister, I don't think I can do it much longer.

GOODWILL: Where are your parents?

GIRL: They…

Her voice broke.

GIRL: He took them…


GIRL: And… they're dead now, I think… there was lots of blood…

GOODWILL: How? Why?!

He was speechless, the extent of Doctor Strangefate's insanity had never been so clear to him. Never before had he realized what sort of threat he had provoked time after time after time.

GIRL: My older brother… he wanted to become a sorcerer. He came to the Doctor and asked to be his apprentice, and the Doctor took him… and for a long time we thought we might never see him again. But then one day he came home. I think he must have thought himself to be in love… he gave us over as a sacrifice to the Doctor, and gave up his name to be one of his soldiers.

GOODWILL: His soldiers? You mean the Cabinet?

GIRL: No! Don't you realize what's going on here?! This is about something bigger than all of that. It isn't about any of the petty thievery or politics your pitiful followers have tried to achieve. He's building up to take the ultimate prize! He's building an army of sorcerers to… I've said too much… he'll know I've been here… oh, God, how could I have been so stupid?!

GOODWILL: No! Wait!!

But she was already gone as Goodwill's tired, aching arm reached out to her. He winced as he leaned back against the hard stone wall, still unfamiliar with the soft pink flesh that had once been scales. He heard a short, cold laugh from the darkest corner of the cell, and looked up.

STRANGEFATE: Well, would you look at that, Goodwill has found himself a little friend.

The Doctor was adorned in a red silk evening robe, hanging open to reveal his bare chest. Goodwill could see the Pentagram scarred into the Doctor's right breast. It glowed with a soft purple that flickered like a weak campfire. He wore a dark smile upon his face, which in conjunction to the red glow from his eyes, twisted the Doctor into something demonic. Goodwill shuddered and wondered if he would kill the girl.



DR. STRANGEFATE: This is my home, your thoughts are not your own as long as you remain my guest.

GOODWILL: Your guest?!

STRANGEFATE: You are getting food. You have a place to sleep. Believe me, there are far more terrible things I could have submitted you to; the Labyrinth, for example.

GOODWILL: Enough, Doctor.

Strangefate frowned and the red in his eyes flared up. Goodwill felt his heart contort itself as if it were being squeezed tightly within his chest. It stopped, and he collapsed onto the floor, panting and sweating, attempting to catch his breath.

STRANGEFATE: It is not proper etiquette to instruct a man to do anything in his own home. You wished to speak?

GOODWILL: The girl… said her brother… army of sorcerers…


GOODWILL: Is it true?

STRANGEFATE: Perhaps, Perhaps not. It doesn't really matter to you, now, does it? But the girl is an interesting development… albeit, a useful one. Goodwill, in the weeks and months that follow, you are going to do whatever I tell you to do without question or complaint.


STRANGEFATE: If not, I will force you to rip your little friend apart with your bare hands, and proceed to eat her. This would be while she is still alive, of course.

GOODWILL: You couldn't do something…

A flick of Strangefate's hand brought Goodwill onto his feet, and another made him start a violent waltz around the room with an invisible partner. Strangefate released his control and Goodwill collapsed at his feet, looking up at his captor in terror.

GOODWILL: Y-You wouldn't…


He grinned.

GOODWILL: You're a monster.

STRANGEFATE: And you are my slave. You won't be served your dinner as a punishment for talking back to your master. If you need something, the rat will do. We'll be seeing each other again soon… Do try to get some sleep now…

Laughing, the Doctor vanished into the shadows. Frightened and alone, save for the rats and the breeze, Goodwill curled up against the cold stone walls, and began to cry.

To Be Continued
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Wow....you are a crazy bastard in your run Doc...
I loved/hated all your stories it made me cry/laugh/horny always. And me and ourchair are becoming really badasses/slaves. :p
poor poor Goodwill.......:D nice job So now I can have animal death knights:D *ponders zombie monkey death knight*
TheManWithoutFear said:
BTW Doctor, how many more issues you doing? 2? 3?
This chapter is part 4. And look at his sig. It says 6 parts. :wink:

Good chapter. It has very good details that make it stand out more.
Pandrio said:
Hey Doc, when do you think you can get the next chapter out?

I'm leaving town for a few days, so not until Sunday...

I'll try to finish completely by early early next week.

But until I've got a full solicit up, here's the next cover:
