Ultimate Captain America and his wacky enhancements...

Amalgam of alien assistance and anatomical augmentation

"The Ultimates" caused me to renew my interest in comic books, and it's nice to finally locate a website devoted to the Ultimate Marvel titles. This particular thread sparked my interest because Captain America remains one of my three most favorite Marvel characters of all time (the other two being Iron Man and the Hulk). Well, on with my perception of this thread.

Some of you are very close, in my opinion, to piecing this puzzle together, so I figured I would give it the old college try on placing the final pieces to this puzzle. Now, some of you have argued that the Allies may have been in cahoots with the Kree in the creation and implementation of the Super Soldier program. This could be true because the United States did not really know much about manipulating human chromosomes during WWII, explaining why the Allies would need assistance from an advanced race such as the Kree. Also, as we all know, each one of us possesses a unique genetic structure, and the implementation of drugs in certain amounts affect us in different ways. The Kree could have used a mixture of certain chemicals that affected only the anatomy of one Steve Rogers and no one else. A different mixture of said chemicals may be needed to affect another individual in a similar manner, as argued by others. Personally, I believe it would take the combination of alien assistance and anatomical augmentation through chemical concoctions to create a Super Soldier in the Ultimate Universe. But, this is simply my opinion and mine alone. Feel free to agree or disagree at your discretion.
Interesting thoughts...welcome aboard.

Would anyone feel kind of let down if it is determined that Cap's existance is thanks in part to aliens? I'm not sure I would like that....
Yes, but wouldn't that mean that Fury would know about the aliens? Why would he recruit other companies and all to get this going again? Why would he be surprised about the alien invasion if he knew they existed? Hmm...
Goodwill said:
Yes, but wouldn't that mean that Fury would know about the aliens? Why would he recruit other companies and all to get this going again?

Not necessarily...Cap got his powers waaaaay before Fury's time, and as top secret as it was (I mean, they don't have any reference to try and duplicate the results), it's entirely possible that no one outside of a very small circle (not necessarily within SHIELD, mind you) knew about it.

Goodwill said:
Why would he be surprised about the alien invasion if he knew they existed? Hmm...

Because maybe they're different aliens from the ones he knows about. He knows about the Skrulls (and a few other unnamed species) - odie1kenobi75 is speculating that the Kree are involved. He might not know about the Kree.
I was the first on this board to say that the Kree may be involved with the allied forces... Let me make that known. I normally wouldn't care but the post that I explained that in was far too long to get ignored. I understand completely what Odie is saying and I know what you are saying, but don't you think the gov't would have passed that stuff to Fury? I mean, he is a pretty powerful government officer, here. I don't think gov't officers keep stuff from other gov't officers in the same office building. I'm just saying that Fury HAS to know something if this was to hold water... Otherwise, we'd have a bit of a problem, wouldn't we? I mean, it can't be that serious of a problem...
Goodwill said:
don't you think the gov't would have passed that stuff to Fury? I mean, he is a pretty powerful government officer, here.

Most likely, yes. But not necessarily.

Goodwill said:
I don't think gov't officers keep stuff from other gov't officers in the same office building.

Oooh - I bet they do. All the time. It's why you have different levels of clearence for certain things.

That's kind of missing my point though - what if this was SO high-level that the people that knew about it - if anyone - never passed it along in any way or made record of it (remember this is before computers and the such) and once they were out of the picture it was forgotten? What if the higher level officers who knew about it were killed or disappeared or something along those lines?

I'm just painting scenarios for how Fury wouldn't necessarily know about it.
There's also the possibility that only the people directly involved with the project, dotors, technitions, ectera, knew about it and that they were taking credit for the advancments that they were given by a few lone kree contacts. Remember, survielance wasn't anywhere near what we have not in the early 1940s. After someone left work they were on thier own, and I wouldn't even be all that supprised if there wasn't some kind of video records of the experiments. That kind of tech was still very cumbersome.
Well, that's like saying something about Area 51. If that place existed, it would have been established a while ago... By now, a lot of the original employees have retired or whatever. If one were to be shot, and that part of their life didn't matter to them, they'd leak it to the media? I know I would. I hope I am getting my point across because, if so, it makes sense. I mean, secrets can't be held for as long as you're saying they could be, UltimateE.
What if the Kree alien were posing as a human scientist. In the 616 universe the scientist who was personally responsible for Captain America's advances was shot just after his expirement on Steve worked. If that was a Kree alien they could have had that alien perhaps somehow inhabiting the body of the scientist, or having some sort of psychic link to him, after the expirement was a success perhaps they felt they had no more need for the scientist body and abandoned it, or it could have been a Kree who was the scientist who was shot down.

Again I realize that this is based off ideas from the 616 universe and really the Ultimate has given us nothing to work on so far, so it all is guesses but it really is interesting. Lots of possilities..
Other than an alien invasion, what would be the biggest threat to the planet from a terrestrial being that would prove worthy for the Ultimates to be called up. After all, they should only be used when SHIELD can't cope.
I don't think it's in a Kree's character to help other races out... With Cap'n, Earth has a leg up on a lot of things, man. A Kree can't be responsible.

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