Hawkeye101 said:
If Rachel was Jean's sister, then where was she when the Wasp came and visited Dr. Grey at the grey household? Jean seems to be an only child. And still believe certain aspects should remain the same. Nathan Sommers, and Rachel Sommers should be Cable and Pheonix II (except since Jean's code name is still Marvel Girl, she could just be Phoenix), and the children of Scott and Jean. NO time manipulation. Nate and Rachel grow up normally as two mutant prodigies. NO techno virus, cable can have a mutated metal arm if need be.
I suppose every aspect of every character hitherto unknown must not exist either.... But DIrishB said all that needs saying there...
If they introduce a baby, I agree, keep it a baby. But in that case I hope you realize that means we won't be seeing the Rachel or Nate we know and love for another five to ten years (if the comic survives that long, which I hope to god it does, I'm just saying)
I do agree with no Techno Organic Virus. No Stryfe either... and No metal arm whatsoever. it's kind of pointless, especially since X-Man worked perfectly fine without one. And X-Man, in my oppinion, is essentially the younger more likable (not to mention, attractive) alternative to Cable.
An I am sick of the straight male sterio type, where they don't want to be fathers. Ugh! I'm sick of it. I'm a straigh guy and I welcome the thought of children. Scott doesn't seem like the kind of guy who whould abandon Jean at the news of a child. They live for free in a mansion for Christ's Sake! What worries would Scott have as a dad?
Are you implying that sexuality has absolutely anything to do with wanting children? Because thats complete bull****. But since I don't feel like yelling at you right now, I'll stick to the topic... well that's not true... I just don't want to get out of hand and say something to get myself banned.
Cyclops had a ****ty childhood, he lived in an orphanage where he lived entirely in his head (remember the entire planet he created with his imagination?). He has a crap relationship with his little brother, he lives in an environment where he and his teammates are in danger constantly, and even -moreso- if Magneto escapes, or his brother (or another teammate) gets killed. Its -not- a good place for any parent to be raising a kid, especially Scott, who already has pretty bad emotional issues. And they live for free in a mansion that's owned by the US government, where they all work for the US government, and do you think that SHIELD wants to be responsible for the liability of a baby?
As for the two of them being full siblings, there is no more reason than any of you and yoyur siblings. As much as I think Cyclops is a pushover, I am still tired of him and Jean not being 'happy'. So many things screw up between the two of them. I would just love to see the relationship crap between them stop, and let them have their family.
In their late teens/early twenties?! They haven't even discussed the possibility of Marraige! Not to mention the fact that they have a bad relationship because they don't communicate about anything (see the beginning of the latest issue). Just because they -should- be happy isn't a reason to overrule years of continuity.
And yes, you're right, there isn't any good reason that they should be siblings, thats what I said.
Cable can cunstuct anything he wants with his powers, and the Phoenix is a distructive force. Apocalype could want the two of them, so Rachel can destroy the world and Cable can re-build it in his image.
Quoth Nathaniel Essex, the only clue to what Apocalypse wants: "the child is coming". Not the Children, the CHILD. And for someone who probably needs a new body to return (if he's anything like his 616 counterpart), what use is two separate bodies?
Still, I mean, the Ultimate Universe is a more 'realistic' approach on things done with super-heroes. Each of you hate the idea of time-travel, and each of you present ideas that would cause continutiy questions (not neccissarily continuity problems). If Cable and Nathan Sommers were two separate People, how come we haven't heard of Cable yet? If Cable is to remain the same, and be a one mother fuggin power house of psychic abilities, Xavier would have taken interest to him, or somebody would (like Fury). And if Rachel is to be the same, who would she recieve Phoenix abilities? As far as I knew, in 616 Jean's sister wasn't a mutant, and Rachel was Jean's daughter, with fire-bird abilities.
And Cain Marko was Xavier's stepbrother, and Emma Frost was a member of the Hellfire Club, and the Shadow King crippled Xavier, and Proteus was the son of Moira and general MacTaggert, and Nick Fury was white, and Bucky became a Communist Cold War Assassin, and Iron Man wasn't a genetical anomoly, and Jarvis had a thing for Aunt May, and Gwen Stacy was killed by Green Goblin, and Harry Osborn was the Second Green Goblin, and Kravin didn't get genetically altered, and so on and so forth.....
And Rachel was the daughter of Scott and Jean that they had and raised in a dystopian future where they were in concentration camps and the sort, and Rachel was fashioned into a hound and servant of the Sentinels.
If Cable is to be as powerful as he is in 616, if he didn't want to be found, he wouldn't be. SHIELDS Psychic devision is crap, they've said so. And Cerebro has limits, it can't just track down anyone anywhere in the world. If he could, he'd know where Rogue went, wouldn't he?
And why does Rachel need to have the exact same Pheonix abilities as her mother? If the Pheonix Force is an entity in the Ultimate Universe, it would be centered in one person, not two.... Rachel just needs telepathy and pyrokinesis to be on the same page, and frankly I think she'd be a good character without all that, make her a powerful telekinetic, or something like that, where she'd be on par with her sister in a different way. Think of Cyke and Havok, they don't have the same abilities.
Now, if they introduce a Baby Rachel, kill off Jean, and have the Pheonix Force bury itself into the child, I'd be cool with that. Just no rapid aging, time travel, or nonsensical multiple possession.
We are going to have retconned history in comic books, its how you make new stories, so I wouldn't put too much hope into the argument that if we haven't seen it yet, it can't exist theory.
What you have proposed is too much change. Yes I agree that the whole time-traveling is much, but there has to be some degree of familiarity. I've known Cable to be Nathan Sommers ever since I was five (?) and the son of Jean's clone and Scott. And I've known Rachel to be Jean and Scott's daughter for years. If you want to Ultimize them, making it simpler, but the same is the way to go.
Well, unfortunately Cable has never been Nathan Sommers, but thats just me being an *******. The truth is that Cable himself didnt know he was Nathan Summers for a hell of a long time, he was Nathan Dayspring, the Askani-son, he lived a complete and full life in the future, and then came to the Present.
And if you want the same, go pick up the originals. I want a good story, I want surprises. Not necessarily giant changes, but tweaks that make the story more relevant to now.
Man, you must hate Carnage and Venom. And Ben Reily. And... well, I think you see where I'm going with this.