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- Dec 9, 2005
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hey everyone, i thought Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Avengers 2 were good. but I saw them before the Ultimates. but it would have easily have been R if they would have Giant Man beating Wasp.
Hellsbuttmonkey said:Orson Scott Card could have written them.
Victor Von Doom said:That might've actually been an improvement.
Hellsbuttmonkey said:I can't ever agree with something that says Card could make an improvement on something. Thats like the comic book equivilent of sitting in a dark room smelling gas and lighting a match to find the leak....
He didn't?Hellsbuttmonkey said:To be fair, these films could have been a lot, lot worse. I mean, Orson Scott Card could have written them.
That's not going to happen, they've become separate continuities. and I think its been stated that Panther will be differentleather_w0lf said:This thing with Panther scares me. Will he be able to become MAN PANTHER in Ultimates 3? Same with Pym dying, which may very well happen at the end of Ultimates 2.
They didnt have the rights to add Cap, Iron man, and Thor only allow cameos. Still they shouldnt have done itIceshadow said:God, don't remind me of that **** stain of a show. What retard makes an Avengers show without Cap, Iron Man, or Thor? To top it off they made Ant-Man and Wasp co-leaders, bull****.
Well, so do I, and I don't see this as a problem. I picked up the comic DVD to see how they would do the voices and the adaptation, and thought it was a fairly good job (except for Thor's voice, which I expected to have some sort of accent. On the DVD, he sounds like someone from the northeastern US, not like someone who was presumably born and raised in Norway). Of course, I'm used to DVDs of children's picture books where the "movie" is just still shots of the book's art while someone reads the story, so this wasn't much different.olavthehairy said:I have sunk so low, not only do I own, and cherish, UA1 and have UA2 on order, I have even ordered the utterly ridiculous Ulimates DVD comic.
I'm not wild about it either -- he looks like a college kid.JonnyFreeze said:and i hate ultimate thor without his facial hair
Comments like this suggest that you've never actually read anything by Card, outside of UIM. If that's your only exposure to Card's writing, you're missing out on some good stuff. Go read Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Card's Shadow series. His Homecoming Saga (The Memory of Earth, The Call of Earth, The Ships of Earth, Earthfall, and Earthborn) is also worth a look. I personally enjoyed Past Watch: the Redemption of Christopher Columbus, but that's partly because the book deals with an alternative past in which the Native Americans were forwarned and forearmed against the coming of the Europeans, and that sort of thing appeals to me.Hellsbuttmonkey said:To be fair, these films could have been a lot, lot worse. I mean, Orson Scott Card could have written them.