Ultimate Deadpool
Well-Known Member
I disagree. This isn't 616 Cable we're talking about here. This is crazy, kidnapping, Wolverine Cable. Your Superman/Darkseid analogy doesn't really fit.
You make a valid point, but I'm not totally convinced that Cable is future Wolverine... how did he grow 8 inches? Literally, how? Wolverine may have a slow aging rate with the healing factor, but he's still a fully grown man. Not only that, but the adamantium coating his bones would make growth impossible.
Hmm... a mechanized Wolverine. Code Name: Cable. Real Name: Albert?
That's just silly, besides Xavier is in the future at the moment, so if that were so Apocalypse wouldn't exist in the present timeline.
Anyway there is an easier to do Ultimate Apocalypse, instead of being a 5000 Egyptian mutant, he is very powerful mutant born in modern times who thinks he is a ancient Egyptian god. He has convinced other mutants of this and they have formed a cult around him. Apocalypse has used his mental powers to seek others who may be worthy, like Sinister.
Well we don't know what's going to happen in the next couple issues. Bum-bum-bum.
You're right, that would be easier... and just as easy still if it's Xavier's alternate personality that believes it...?
Onslaught was born out of not only evil pesona from Xavier, but from Magneto as well. That makes more sense then an Xavier/Apocalypse type thing.
The not-so-saint-like Ultimate Xavier can't have his own dark side without being defiled by another's?
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