I'll admit I didn't read the whole thread, but I'll put in my two cents anyhow.
Now Angel, to me has always been an obvious choice for death, seeing as how he would be interpretid as the "Angel of Death", plus the name Archangel was always hella cooler.
Take Blob as famine, for iranys sake.
Make Juggernaut war, because the creature does nothing but leave a path of destruction anywhere he goes anyway.
And fianlly make Omega Red (Not ****ty dumb Bendis version) pestilence, death spores people, he reeks of disease.
There those are my Horsemen, except for Blob he is in there soley to humour me, to be honest I don't really have a preference for famine, maybe a really cool version of Leech. Not a joke this time, if they made Leech look cool it would be sweet.