Patriot Mk2
The poster formerly known as Johnny Bravo
jtg3885 said:Erm... WTF?
On the first page ngnot asked about Bendis' DD.
jtg3885 said:Erm... WTF?
Patriot Mk2 said:The team-up story was bollocks.
UIM is good.
Nuff said.
Victor Von Doom said:Curse you Proj and you're UIM Foot-In-Mouth fascination!!!!
As Tony gets older, his father's researchers continue to develop the bioarmor bacteria until they finally get a batch that either becomes transparent or takes on the wearer's actual skintone (I can't remember which off-hand, and I don't have the issues in front of me at the moment). Card does explain it at some point in the story.notTHATtodd said:[T]he only thing I'm overly curious about is why Tony is no longer blue. Everything else doesn't matter, insofar as I'm concerned.
Seldes Katne said:I have a mixed response to the UIM vs. UMTU discussion.
On the one hand, if an author is going to write for an existing series, I think s/he needs to read what's been done previously; if s/he isn't going to follow established continuity, there needs to be an explanation for it. If UIM doesn't fit continuity, both Card and the Marvel editorial staff should take responsibility, since it's the editors' job to not only check punctuation and spelling, but also larger issues like character development and continuity. (Of course, we haven't seen Part II of UIM, so continuity issues could still be resolved.)
On the other hand, the impression I got from UMTU is that no one actually sat down and thought about the implications of ultimizing various regular Marvel characters; they just chose a bunch of folks to introduce because "it would be cool for Spider-Man to meet [insert character name here]". In the early issues in particular, characters like Tony Stark, the Fantastic Four, and Bruce Banner/Hulk seemed to have been lifted straight out of regular Marvel and transplanted into the UU with virtually no changes in either looks or background. Then, of course, later writers came along and really developed these characters as separate Ultimate entities.
(Have we gotten an explanation for Banner's ability to turn into the Hulk in the UU yet? Before he shows up in The Ultimates, I mean. When we see him in UMTU, he's already able to transform, and there's only a bare mention of any background on it. Unfortunately, I don't have access to a copy of that story right now.)
As an author, I'd hate to have to use UMTU as rock-solid continuity if the stories were just written for the purpose of giving Spider-Man new characters to interact with. I agree with Patriot Mk2 that the UFF issue was especially unappealing, although I believe it's been publicly stated that that issue is not considered part of the UU continuity.
As Tony gets older, his father's researchers continue to develop the bioarmor bacteria until they finally get a batch that either becomes transparent or takes on the wearer's actual skintone (I can't remember which off-hand, and I don't have the issues in front of me at the moment). Card does explain it at some point in the story.