Tuesdays: New Comic Shipping Day?


Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Jul 24, 2004
The World of Icelandia.

BREAKING NEWS: Diamond to move comic shipping day to Tuesday? Speculation of a date change begins in Chicago

Moments ago at the retailer's summit occuring in Chicago before C2E2 begins, Diamond Comics, the sole distribtutor of weekly comic book issues floated the idea of moving the release day for comic book issues to Tuesday. Our main on the inside, John Siuntres of Word Balloon was at this panel and reported that Diamond floated the idea continginent on if the comic book retailers would be willing to pay 5 dollars a week more. The put the idea to a show of hands to the retailers in the audience and Tuesday releases narrowily won out.
Why is Tuesday better than Wednesday?
Hmmm...interesting. Wonder what the reasoning behind this is? I'm sure it has something to do with the fact many other media formats are released on Tuesdays (cd's, dvd's, video games) and corresponding sales figures. Obviously Diamond thinks they'll increase profits. I wouldn't mind, sooner I get my comics the better.

Coincidentally, this is the first post i've made using my new iPod (love this thing).
Coincidentally, this is the first post i've made using my new iPod (love this thing).

Thank you for not calling it an "iTouch". Pet peeve of mine.

If the $5 is for expedited shipping then it makes sense to charge it. Otherwise, they are just taking advantage of retailers, many of whom likely can't afford to pay more for no reason whatsoever. I'd like to see reasoning behind this, assuming it is believed that moving it a day earlier will make someone more money.

And don't think for a minute that if this happens the retailers won't be forced to pass the new expense on to you.