Transformers G1 Cartoon Universes - Timelines

I know, I already talk about it somewhere in the timeline explanation or something, the thing about the Japanese continuity is that they are supposed to be about the same universe, but Vector Prime for some inexplicably reason listed all of them as diferent universes.
he did it with the aligned Continuity too, which is why, I use the universe list in the wiki only for references.
good work, only correction, the Beast Wars comics, aren't canon in Primax 496.22 Alpha [Personally I don't even belive this universe exist, but talking about official works] since they tie-in with Fun Publication works, which tie-in with the Alignment novel, which in return tie in with Generation 2, which in return tie-in with Primax 984.0 Gamma. What a journey. Theft of the golden disck lead directy into dawn of future predacons so the short episode is also set in Primax 984.0 Gamma.
Why do you think 496.22 Alpha doesn't exist? Because you think it is just the future of 984.0 Gamma?
Are the conections between the Beast wars comics that I listed (only this comics, not other) and the Golden Disk with the comics so strong on this side that it makes them not possibly be part of the cartoon timeline? (I haven't read them/watched them yet) Because a series can happen in different universes as we can see with the UK/USA issues and the American/Japanese cartoons
Why do you think 496.22 Alpha doesn't exist? Because you think it is just the future of 984.0 Gamma?
Are the conections between the Beast wars comics that I listed (only this comics, not other) and the Golden Disk with the comics so strong on this side that it makes them not possibly be part of the cartoon timeline? (I haven't read them/watched them yet) Because a series can happen in different universes as we can see with the UK/USA issues and the American/Japanese cartoons
I don't belive its existance coz is stupid to have one universe made only by beast wars. I am one of the people that thinks that the serie happens in both Primax 987.17 Alpha and Primax 984.0 Gamma, but with the only difference made by the expanded universe media that are canonical in a universe and not in the other. I also think that events from the comics [Referenced by the series] happened off screen in Primax 984.17 Alpha, and events from the G1 Cartoon [Referenced by the series] happened off screen in Primax 984.0 Gamma. Another subtle thing that support this, is that the Vok are canonically born from an incident happened in Primax 984.0 Gamma, since the series is canonical with the G1 Cartoon too, how they could have been created in Primax 984.17 Alpha? Also there are a lot of off screen canon things in Beast wars, so I personally think that this way of viewing Beast Wars, is the correct one.
Why do you think 496.22 Alpha doesn't exist? Because you think it is just the future of 984.0 Gamma?
Are the conections between the Beast wars comics that I listed (only this comics, not other) and the Golden Disk with the comics so strong on this side that it makes them not possibly be part of the cartoon timeline? (I haven't read them/watched them yet) Because a series can happen in different universes as we can see with the UK/USA issues and the American/Japanese cartoons
for the comics, like I sayed, are connected one after the other, starting with the aligment novel, so if safe to say that the comics aren't canon in Primax 984.17 Alpha, and theft of the golden disk since it ties in with the comics. For making this simple, the single comic arcs could be canon in Primax 984.17 Alpha, the problem starts when you see the connection which followiing from future to past brings us to Generation 2 [or secrets & Lies if you want to be precise] which is set on Primax 984.0 Gamma.
I don't belive its existance coz is stupid to have one universe made only by beast wars. I am one of the people that thinks that the serie happens in both Primax 987.17 Alpha and Primax 984.0 Gamma, but with the only difference made by the expanded universe media that are canonical in a universe and not in the other. I also think that events from the comics [Referenced by the series] happened off screen in Primax 984.17 Alpha, and events from the G1 Cartoon [Referenced by the series] happened off screen in Primax 984.0 Gamma. Another subtle thing that support this, is that the Vok are canonically born from an incident happened in Primax 984.0 Gamma, since the series is canonical with the G1 Cartoon too, how they could have been created in Primax 984.17 Alpha? Also there are a lot of off screen canon things in Beast wars, so I personally think that this way of viewing Beast Wars, is the correct one.
Yeah, I see what you are saying
It is also Dawn of Future Past the same or it could be canon?
nope the comic is canonical only in 3 continuities (or 2)

1) Primax 984.0 Gamma
2) Primax 206.15 Gamma (IDW Beast Wars [which could be part (maybe?) of Primax 984.0 Gamma, at the moment IDK])
3) Primax 509.28 Epsilon (Wings Universe)
In case I can't know when an episode takes place, should I assume it takes place in it's release date? It would be weird that characters always have adventures the same of the week, but with a lack of a better date...
In case I can't know when an episode takes place, should I assume it takes place in it's release date? It would be weird that characters always have adventures the same of the week, but with a lack of a better date...
Oh found It, finally. Ok I'm actually thinking about counting the DW Transformers comics as Canon to the cartoon continuity (DW Is not IDW) Since they have a resemblance to the cartoon and follow its lore. The War within starts soon After the flashback where Megs kills Sentinel in the cartoon, Also OP and Megs saw their future, their Battle that happens on the second episode from the cartoon and a section with rodimus. Optimus gives Megatron a lobotomy with one punch (not joking, so he forgot everything) the backstory of OP Is different, but can be worked together with War dawn. And finally the main comic Takes Place in 2002, sparkblug Witwicky died in 1998 and Daniel Is a Little kid. The only thing that separate this from the continuity Is that Vector Prime gives an alternate designation, but I think if the comic continued we would eventualy got into the movie. So for me their inclusion can work. What do you think?
What do you think?
Honestly I think I underestimated the amount of effort this thread carries. With all of the other threads and personal life, I haven't even finished watching season 1 of the Transformers :confused:
Honestly I think I underestimated the amount of effort this thread carries. With all of the other threads and personal life, I haven't even finished watching season 1 of the Transformers :confused:
Sorry for that. Well someday you Will get to It.
Oh found It, finally. Ok I'm actually thinking about counting the DW Transformers comics as Canon to the cartoon continuity (DW Is not IDW) Since they have a resemblance to the cartoon and follow its lore. The War within starts soon After the flashback where Megs kills Sentinel in the cartoon, Also OP and Megs saw their future, their Battle that happens on the second episode from the cartoon and a section with rodimus. Optimus gives Megatron a lobotomy with one punch (not joking, so he forgot everything) the backstory of OP Is different, but can be worked together with War dawn. And finally the main comic Takes Place in 2002, sparkblug Witwicky died in 1998 and Daniel Is a Little kid. The only thing that separate this from the continuity Is that Vector Prime gives an alternate designation, but I think if the comic continued we would eventualy got into the movie. So for me their inclusion can work. What do you think?
IMO, that should be considered a different universe. I also remember seeing an interview or something a while ago where it was officially stated to be seperate.

In my view, the G1 cartoon canon consists of:
1.) The G1 cartoon itself
2.) The season 5 live action Powermaster Optimus segments
3.) Rodimus vs Cyclonus (many characters are shown with different designs during the 86 movie era in this comic, but that's just for toy advertisement purposes)
4.) Transformers Madman comic