Transformers Aligned Continuity Timeline (v 2.0)

So that's what I said, right?
-G1 cartoons
-Beast Wars/Machines
-Robots in Disguise (2001)
-A bunch of stuff made for Japan like that prequel manga set in the previous iteration of the universe.
I think this is all that is animated in Japanese G1

Japanese G1
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Season 1 (Dub of The Transformers Season 1-2)
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Scramble City - Mobilization
Transformers: The Movie
(Dub of The Transformers: The Movie)
Secret Files of Teletraan II [In-universe data files] (Dub of the Secret Files of Teletraan II but some of the American ones are missing and in turn there are some Japanese exclusive ones)
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers 2010 Season 1 (Dub of The Transformers Season 3)
Transformers: The Headmasters Season 1
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Super-God Masterforce Season 1
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Victory Season 1
Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers: Zone 1x01
Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers Season 1
(Dub of Beast Wars: Transformers Season 1)
Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Metals Season 1 (Dub of Beast Wars: Transformers Season 2-3)
Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Returns Season 1-2 (Dub of Beast Machines: Transformers Season 1-2)
Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers Season 1
Lio Convoy in Imminent Danger!

Super Lifeform Transformers: Beast Wars Neo Season 1
Transformers: Car Robots Season 1
(Original Japanese version of Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001) Season 1)
G.I. Joe: The Greatest Expert Team on Earth (Miniseries) Part 1-5 (Dub of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Miniseries) Part 1-5) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub)
G.I. Joe: The Revenge of the Cobra Part 1-5 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub)
G.I. Joe: The Greatest Expert Team on Earth Season 1-4 (Dub of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Season 1-?) (It was drop mid-series but apparently canon to the Japanese Universe)
G.I. Joe: The Movie (Dub) (Has different cast from the series, so maybe an alternate universe)
G.I. Joe: Operation: Drangonfire Part 1-5 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
Sgt. Savage and his Screaming Eagles 1x01 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
G.I. Joe Extreme Season 1-2 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
Gem Season 1-3 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
Inhumans Season 1 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
C.O.P.S. Season 1 (Dub) (Not sure of if it is the real name of the dub) (Not sure if it was even dubbed)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Japanese Transformer lore one where EVERYTHING is in the same timeline? Like, all the shows, movies, mangas and video games? Or was that just for Japanese G1 Transformers?
Almost all the G1 shows, pack-in manga etc. are in the same universe, not all but most. I didn't read it but there was a new pack-in manga about the end of the G1 universe in the distant future released a year or two ago. I am not a complete expert. I read some of those pack-in manga and watched the English version of the G1 cartoon.

Animated, UT, Bayverse, Aligned on the other hand are each seperate timelines. I am not 100% sure but I think the Japanese version of the third UT cartoon (Galaxy Force) is meant to be a different reality than the first two UT shows. But Takara may or may not have changed their minds on that.
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My continuity thoughts on the Aligned comics;

When asked how the RID15 Grimlock worked with the already existing FOC Grimlock, the RID15 producer Adam Beechen offered the explanation that the name Grimlock might be common among dinosaur Transformers. So, the Aligned Dinobot comics (along with much if not all of the FOC game) can still easily be canon.

The only IDW Aligned comic that I think is non-canon is the one below, since it got adapted as an actual episode in the Prime show. From what I remember, the episode condradicted the comic. Albeit now that I think of it, much of the comic took place on Earth, while the episode itself ended just as Arcee and CJ landed on Earth. So, it might not be as condradictory as I remember.

IDK if the Titan Magazines and Eaglemoss Prime comics fit the show continuity. I didn't read too much of those. Do they condradict anything @selfishmisery? I know that there was a different Tantrum from the one shown in Aligned novels, but they could simply be two different characters without breaking continuity.

Edit: For the Transformers Prime prequel miniseries featuring Arcee and CJ, maybe it can be argued that the Out of the Past episode takes place in-between the comic's panels? Many of the plot points match, like Arcee saving CJ from his restrains and them using a Space Bridge that explodes short after. Maybe Shockwave was present in the events of the comic but was simply not seen (it would be as if his scenes were deleted in the comic, not literally ofc).
I treat the Titan Comics on a case-by-case basis. They're mostly disconnected from another aside from the odd reference between the different MECH ones so they surprisingly work with the cartoon. But stuff like Issue 18 and 19 are entirely unworkable bc Skylynx and Darksteel are on Earth while Optimus is alive and Bee is mute. I forget if any of the others are unworkable
I treat the Titan Comics on a case-by-case basis. They're mostly disconnected from another aside from the odd reference between the different MECH ones so they surprisingly work with the cartoon. But stuff like Issue 18 and 19 are entirely unworkable bc Skylynx and Darksteel are on Earth while Optimus is alive and Bee is mute. I forget if any of the others are unworkable
That's a shame that there are condradictions. If it's just one or two issues that clash with the show, then IMO the rest can be considered canon.
This live script reading is also meant to be Aligned, featuring then toy-only characters that didn't appear in the Prime cartoon, like Hot Shot and Kup.

However, Rescue Bots also has a Hot Shot. IDK if that one conflicts with the script reading/Prime toyline Hot Shot. Prime Hot Shot is portrayed as a soldier, but it seems RB Hot Shot has never been a soldier? I never watched Rescue Bots, so I don't know if that's an incongruent portrayal. Alternatively, there are two bots named Hot Shot in the Aligned universe.
In the Legacy toyline, it seems characters from various universes meet on some dimension.

There are some characters from the Prime cartoon. Arguably these can be considered the same characters as the ones in the cartoon, even though their design differs from the ones in the cartoon.

There is also a Legacy toy for Reacue Bots Chase. The toy designer says that he imagined him to be a grown up version of the one seen in the Rescue Bots show.
This live script reading is also meant to be Aligned, featuring then toy-only characters that didn't appear in the Prime cartoon, like Hot Shot and Kup.

However, Rescue Bots also has a Hot Shot. IDK if that one conflicts with the script reading/Prime toyline Hot Shot. Prime Hot Shot is portrayed as a soldier, but it seems RB Hot Shot has never been a soldier? I never watched Rescue Bots, so I don't know if that's an incongruent portrayal. Alternatively, there are two bots named Hot Shot in the Aligned universe.
There's 2 Grimlocks and Sideswipes so 2 Hot Shots isn't too crazy. Semi-related but the lore of Vehicons from the story (plus links to the Novels) are so awesome

There's 2 Grimlocks and Sideswipes so 2 Hot Shots isn't too crazy. Semi-related but the lore of Vehicons from the story (plus links to the Novels) are so awesome


I think we also see Airachnid and Bombshock in the Alchemor with new looks.
So I think that's a resolution to that plot thread.
Orange is the New Black(arachnid)

I think we also see Airachnid and Bombshock in the Alchemor with new looks.
So I think that's a resolution to that plot thread.
Orange is the New Black(arachnid)
View attachment 2875
Highly unlikely that this is actually Airchnid, it's more than likely just another Arachnicon and RID is kinda notorious for characters being recycled like the Scavengers in the Starscream Arc (there's literally two Underbite Echo Fighters in this pic)
Highly unlikely that this is actually Airchnid, it's more than likely just another Arachnicon and RID is kinda notorious for characters being recycled like the Scavengers in the Starscream Arc (there's literally two Underbite Echo Fighters in this pic)
It's a loose end for all eternity if not. Also it's not disproven so I can still believe this is her and Bombshock.