My continuity thoughts on the Aligned comics;
When asked how the RID15 Grimlock worked with the already existing FOC Grimlock, the RID15 producer Adam Beechen offered the explanation that the name Grimlock might be common among dinosaur Transformers. So, the Aligned Dinobot comics (along with much if not all of the FOC game) can still easily be canon.
The only IDW Aligned comic that I think is non-canon is the one below, since it got adapted as an actual episode in the Prime show. From what I remember, the episode condradicted the comic. Albeit now that I think of it, much of the comic took place on Earth, while the episode itself ended just as Arcee and CJ landed on Earth. So, it might not be as condradictory as I remember.
IDK if the Titan Magazines and Eaglemoss Prime comics fit the show continuity. I didn't read too much of those. Do they condradict anything
@selfishmisery? I know that there was a different Tantrum from the one shown in Aligned novels, but they could simply be two different characters without breaking continuity.
Edit: For the Transformers Prime prequel miniseries featuring Arcee and CJ, maybe it can be argued that the Out of the Past episode takes place in-between the comic's panels? Many of the plot points match, like Arcee saving CJ from his restrains and them using a Space Bridge that explodes short after. Maybe Shockwave was present in the events of the comic but was simply not seen (it would be as if his scenes were deleted in the comic, not literally ofc).