Top Ten Science Fiction Movies of All Time

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:lol: :lol: sorry that's a little peeve of mine , I used to go on a star wars message board and chat and everyday someone would add the word luke usually it replaced the word No making it "Luke I am your father" I let it go at first but eventually it got to me.

I'm over it now but it's still a peeve , sorry
So, in other words you're saying they should be called social SCIENCE-fiction? :D Come, come, you're like Einstein, refusing to budge from your spot even while Bohrs is proving that that very spot doesn't exist.

That's what I'm saying. Social Science isn't the same as Technological Science, which is what the name has already been roped in with. I see no reason to cram so much under one label. Basically, I think "Sci-Fi" should automatically refer to Tech-Sci-Fi unless otherwise stated. Anything else, you can say "Socio(-Sci)-Fi" or whatever.

In regards to defintion of what should count as SCIENCE-FICTION, I truly believe that ANY fiction that is attempting to make an analysis of human nature, behaviour, or some aspect of life by introducing new elements or testing the extremes of current elements is in some way SCIENCE-FICTION. I mean, isn't that what "science" means? To study for knowledge? 1984 qualifies as science-fiction because it examines sociological conditions and questions using the most extreme possible conditions.

But what good comes from going out of your way to include stuff like that in the definition? All it does is muddle the genre. There's nothing wrong with stressing the difference between Sci-Fi and Socio-Fi and the different "extremes". I guess when making a list like this it's an all right idea, but in general, they really are different genres with different focuses and should be labelled as such. It's only the scientific way to do things.:wink:
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That's what I'm saying. Social Science isn't the same as Technological Science, which is what the name has already been roped in with. I see no reason to cram so much under one label. Basically, I think "Sci-Fi" should automatically refer to Tech-Sci-Fi unless otherwise stated. Anything else, you can say "Socio(-Sci)-Fi" or whatever.

But what good comes from going out of your way to include stuff like that in the definition? All it does is muddle the genre. There's nothing wrong with stressing the difference between Sci-Fi and Socio-Fi and the different "extremes". I guess when making a list like this it's an all right idea, but in general, they really are different genres with different focuses and should be labelled as such. It's only the scientific way to do things.

I disagree, but I guess we're coming from different ways of thinking. You're concerned with systemization and I pretty much hate the concept of genres altogether, so I prefer minimalistic and umbrella style ones with loosely-defined edges to reduce restrictions.
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Science fiction is rooted in the fictionalization --- not fictional as in false, but fictional as in what if --- of science.

But what really interests me these days in literature, comics or otherwise, is the science of fiction.
I'm going to post a list complete with discussion on my new top ten sci fi movies of all time in a week or two.

Don't let me forget!
I should also revamp my list. I think half of it needs to get dumped. And my idiotic placement of Aliens before Alien will certainly be remedied.
I looked back at my list(on page 3) and was surprised that I probably wouldn't change it at all. I need to see Alien and Aliens again, but at the moment I'm pretty happy with that.

If I counted Brazil under my intentionally-harsh-for-the-purpose-of-this-list definition of sci-fi it'd be way up there.
I looked back at my list(on page 3) and was surprised that I probably wouldn't change it at all.

Funny how these things work out.

1. Back to the Future
2. Jurassic Park
3. Minority Report
4. Contact
5. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
6. The Matrix
7. Twelve Monkeys
8. Blade Runner
9. The Fifth Element
10. Aliens
11. The Terminator
12. Starship Troopers
13. Total Recall

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