Nexus of the World
I'm serious - I love MODERN FAMILY and Samson is funny in everything. 
I kind of wish that the Warrior's Three could join the Avengers too. They're a riot in every scene. If not Hogun and Fandral than at least Volstagg!
Thor's change was indeed, a little too insubstantial, but Loki was terrific. He did exactly what you asked, and he was so subtle, you missed it. Loki did it the way Loki would - no smiling and twirling of the moustache. He sits down next to Thor and says, "You can't do anything... except defy father's will. Oh no, Thor. Don't do that!" He manipulates everyone brilliantly by going round and saying they should do something wrong then tries to talk them out of it. He reminded me of Iago from OTHELLO, and I'm sure that's how Branagh told Hiddleton to play it.
But you do have a point: physically, Loki was no real match for Thor and so the climax felt a little one-sided. Once Thor saw through his deceptions, it was way too obvious who'd win and how.
I kind of wish that the Warrior's Three could join the Avengers too. They're a riot in every scene. If not Hogun and Fandral than at least Volstagg!
Eh, probably not in Avengers, but no worries. I'm sure they'll all be back for the guaranteed-to-happen Thor 2.
Nope, I didn't miss that. I noticed it, and it was awesome. I guess I should have fully stated what I meant. Loki showed him self to be a pest, and that he wanted to get Thor in trouble, but that's a far cry from being evil and being Thor's enemy. Loki wanted to ruin "Thor's big day" and manipulate him into doing something that would make their father angry with him, but he wasn't trying to start a war or get Thor banished (at least that's how I interpreted it). He plants the idea for Thor to go to Jotunheim but then tells on him so Odin will rescue them, and he sincerely tries to smooth things over with King Laufey to prevent a battle (he swears when the one giant mocks Thor, knowing that will provoke him to attack). That's pretty drastically different from trying to wipe out the entire race (even though, I'm sure finding out he's one of them was pretty jarring for him).
It comes down to the same thing as Thor's "character arc", it's shallow. Thor is arrogant and is humbled by the girl and being unworthy, Loki becomes evil when he finds out he's a frost giant. Loki's fall and Thor's redemption could have made an awesome story, especially in juxtaposition with each other. That would have made me care about the characters, and that was what this film needed desperately.
The world of Thor is completely fantastical and unbelievable. I can only speak for myself when I say that my suspension of disbelief only stretches so far before it breaks, and Thor took it far beyond that point. But, if the movie had given me a reason to care about the characters, made them more than 2D villains and heroes, then I feel like my suspension of disbelief would have submitted to the fact that I cared about what was happening. Thor and Loki are brothers, and they love each other, but their relationship is made complicated by competition and arrogance and jealousy. What does it take for the favoured, arrogant older brother to grow into the hero and the jealous younger brother to become the villain? Thor and Loki are the anti-Boromir and Faramir; their story could have been at least as interesting and heartfelt as Boromir and Faramir's was in LOTR, but instead they glossed over that and gave us the forced romance, the Avengers tie-ins, and the cliche hero sacrifice.
So again, the movie was fun, the action was cool, the visuals were stunning, the humor was great, but the story sucked and the character arcs were shallow. I don't know why that bothered me so much this time as opposed to other times this has been true in movies, but it did. Maybe when I watch it again (on DVD) I'll know what to expect and be able to enjoy it for what it is - a fun summer blockbuster.
Oh yeah, figure I might aswell give my two cents
Loved it, though the plot kinda felt like it was writing itself.
Couple issues I have though. Relegating Donald Blake to mere lip-service, Personally I would have loved to have seen JMS's take on the Don-Thor dynamic. But I can understand it being left out.
Kinda wish that Sif and the Warriors Three, did more you know, they were great but most of the time they were kinda just.....there
Balder, where the hel was Balder? honestly after Loki/Thor/Odin he's probably the most important Asgardian character and he's left out?
I'm also a little surprised they didn't try and expand the scope of the film and include atleast glimpses of the other seven realms, and maybe atleast hint at guys like Echantress, The Executioner, Hela, Surtur, etc. etc.
anyways those are really just the nit-picks of a fan, the movie was great, maybe not Iron Man good, but definitely takes silver for Marvel Studio's IMO
Also it was pretty cool seeing Walt Simonson and JMS in this in addition to Stan
Anyways I've been trying to figure out what all was in Odins weapons chamber. Besides The Destroyer and the Casket of the Winters or whatever it's called there were six sections. I spotted Mjolnir in one in the scene when Thor and Loki were kids. There was the thing that looked like the Eye of Agamotto but is the Warlock's Eye according to Kevin Feige atleast. There was that glowing blue thing (coulda been the cosmic cube/tesseract but it didn't look like it). and there was this big stone fragment thing that I have no idea what it could be. Apparently the Infinity Gauntlet could be spotted when those Frost Giants were being nuked by The Destroyer, but I didn't catch it. That leaves one more section that wasn't glimpsed at all.
anyways 4.25/5 for me, after seeing it twice, great movie
I demand they have at least a cameo during The Avengers. It would be awesome if they get to show up, along with like every other cool side character from all the Marvel films so far, during the hypothetical giant climactic battle.
Baldur would've been nice, but I think it'd be either him or the Warriors Three as I think they'd step on each others' toes, just as Russo and Hopkins I mean... was there any point to Rene Russo?
That makes sense, the movie really doesn't take too much time between things, just keeps moving. It definitely feels like it should be a longer movie than it wasI've read that about 20 minutes of the finished film's been cut, some of which focuses on her. I hope Branagh opts for an extended cut when it's out on disc.
I hope they have less dutch tilts though. Those were ridiculous.
What is a "dutch tilt"? It sounds like some sort of perverse sex act you'd read about on urban dictionary.
What is a "dutch tilt"? It sounds like some sort of perverse sex act you'd read about on urban dictionary.