Third X-Men Spin-off

Yeah, I was a big Gen X fan when that came out.

Unfortunately, I had to work the night it came on and I was so pissed.

I still haven't seen it to this day, which I'd still like to do despite it's overheard suckiness.
jeremiahvedder said:
Uh... The vacuum of Charles Xavier gone into hiding or disappearing or whatever would create a need for someone else to start training NEW MUTANTS. I'm 100% certain that the studio is having more GENERATION X talk than just a straight EMMA FROST flick. Maybe we'd finally get to see Banshee in a big-budget blockbuster.
You assume a hell of a lot there. You assume that A.) it'll be post X-3 and B.) it'll even be in the same universe as the existing X-movies. Especially if Marvel Entertainment is seizing the rights to the X-property and some of the big wigs didn't seem thrilled with Ratner... I can see the entire X-verse being rebooted by them. And either way they go with the main 'verse, there's no saying that they won't keep the movie completely separate from it.
jtg3885 said:
You assume a hell of a lot there. You assume that A.) it'll be post X-3 and B.) it'll even be in the same universe as the existing X-movies. Especially if Marvel Entertainment is seizing the rights to the X-property and some of the big wigs didn't seem thrilled with Ratner... I can see the entire X-verse being rebooted by them. And either way they go with the main 'verse, there's no saying that they won't keep the movie completely separate from it.

Marvel are only producing a few of their own movies. Sony and Fox still own the rights to Spidey and X-Men. Wolverine and Magneto are being released by Fox, therefore it's safe to assume a third spin-off would be as well. Re-booting the X-Universe would be to much work, and would probabaly confuse most movie fans.

However, I would rather see an X4 with some of the Gen X kids in it than a Gen X spin-off movie.
roguefan said:
Marvel are only producing a few of their own movies. Sony and Fox still own the rights to Spidey and X-Men. Wolverine and Magneto are being released by Fox, therefore it's safe to assume a third spin-off would be as well. Re-booting the X-Universe would be to much work, and would probabaly confuse most movie fans.
You sure? I heard that Marvel was taking X-Men back definitely, and given that neither Magneto nor Wolverine are actually in-progress yet, I could see them pulling in those spin-offs under the Marvel Entertainment umbrella as well. And especially with Raimi butting heads with the execs (Venom's presence, Black Cat's lack thereof), I'm wondering if Marvel won't take the opportunity to retake the property there as well. It would be exceedingly stupid of Marvel not to include loopholes in the contracts for a buy-out that would be worded with some big management term like "performance expectations" or such that would allow them to take the rights back by force if Sony and Fox protested.
I was thinking isn't "Emma frost" off mutant X? But I found out I was wrong diffrent Emma lol


Wolverine spin off - The one i'm most exited about as Wolverine is the best. Prequeal or sequal this will will rock

Magnetio - I think this one could be a BIG surprise as the guy who plays Magnetio is such a great actor and Magnetio is a great actor and so it could be the darkest most serious superhero/villan movie around.

This new one - I'll admit I don't know who she is. I'll watch it as it's X-men could be good but might be a duffer. Could be the next catwoman :sick: :sick: as let's be honest a superhero movie about a female normally sucks.

supergirl , catwoman , Electra. need I say more?
Emma Frost is a fantastic character and if movies like "The Devil Wears Prada" that costar horribly icy characters work out, then we have a chance of seeing this movie.

Frankly I'd like to see a "I'm a prissy little rich girl, and I have psychic powers, and I don't need any of your money, daddy, I can make it on my own..." sort of thing, and then go into her days as a member of the Hellfire Club.

As long as she's played as being a very smart woman who knows just how damn smart she is, I think we're going to be alright.

What i'm afraid of is Ultimate Emma Frost. Ms. Pacifist, Prof X's ex girlfriend, who runs her own mutant school... Because nobody would see a Generation X movie, and they've already failed with the idea once... They would go with the Ultimate's line up: Scott Summer's little brother, Polaris, Cypher, Northstar, Cannonball, and then probably a few others they'll pull up from somewhere.

All I've got to say is that if this is another X-Men movie that is just an excuse to not pay the big actors, the studio sucks, and the movies are doomed.

If they have a good story, Rock On.

Also: If they do the school deal, they better introduce a sexy young lass and her prissy twin brother, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's absence from the movies is the most stupid thing ever.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Also: If they do the school deal, they better introduce a sexy young lass and her prissy twin brother, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's absence from the movies is the most stupid thing ever.

OMG I agree they are great characters. I loved them on X-men : Evolution.

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