Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
You stop already or what?
You stop already or what?
Day 5: Inglourious Basterds
It would be defined as a war film because it takes place in France during the Nazi occupation, but it is in truth a Spaghetti Western with World War II imagery. The arrival of the strangers in a hostile environment, the woman that takes charge, the larger than life villain...
Oh my God I am soooo late. I'm so sorry guys! D:
About Schmidt was a chilling movie about the America Dream.
The movie's message? The American Dream is a big fat lie. Let's think about it: the American Dream says that if you want to happy, just get a decent job, get a wife, have some kids, save your money for retirement, then relax and die.
Schmidt got a decent job, but he still wasn't happy. He found a wife, but he became very much separated from her. "Who is this old woman that lives inside my house?" He had a daughter, but it seemed that she could care less if he lived or died as long as he funded her wedding. He had more than enough money for retirement, but he was bored as hell.
He didn't die, but even Schmidt estimates he is just seven years away.
I find the movie chilling because I am in college, and although I am still a little baffled as to what I need to do with my life, my parents are constantly saying I need to decide on a comfortable job. Is that really the way to happiness? Being comfortable?
I'm not really all that sure.
Day 9: Falling Down
A movie about a man's psychosis breaking apart, his very soul, integrity, and understanding of the American dream rendered made useless as he sees one after another the things that are wrong with the society of America.
It is also a movie about his wife as she struggles with her maniac husband arriving home. At first he was in an office suit. Now he is coming home dressed like a soldier.
Lastly it is about a kind, not aggressive, police officer that attempts to solve the strong of crimes on his last day in office. We think he will be killed for his commitment to the uniform. He survives.
It was a very good film.
That's a great point. It is a spaghetti western with WW2 imagery. I love the film.
Um... I think you missed the point about this movie. Firstly, it's not about the American Dream at all. Primarily because the American Dream isn't getting a family but rather, pursuing your dreams. This movie is about Schmidt's struggle to find meaning in his life. He is retired, so his life is no longer about his job, something he's not even proud of anymore. His wife dies, his daughter marries someone he detests, his best friend betrayed him and he ultimately feels like a shell of a man, who does not matter. Except, at the very end, in a letter he receives, he does find meaning, in the smallest act of kindness.
Actually the American dream isn't pursuing your own dream. It's more along the line of the promise of happiness, that you can find a job and work your way up, provide for your family, and live happily. A car in every garage and a chicken in every pot, white picket fences and all that. So Doublehex's statement is pretty on the money, whether that's what the movie is about I'm not sure.