The Ultimates Annual #1 (SPOILERS)

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nigma said:
I have a 3rd generation camaro, look at the random ranting thread, there the same car with a different name, 3rd gen on the camaro at least ran from 82-92. from all the 3rd gen that i have seen from shows and on the street I have never seen a spoiler that big on a 3rd gen, i have only seen that big of a spoiler on a few 4th gen cars.

edit: on second thought i have seen a spoiler tht big on a 3rd gen, it was at a local car show about a few years ago. a guy had just dropped a 405 small block into it and added a few other tweaks....
Considering I've seen literally a dozen different spoilers grafted onto the back of an '88 Camry (or near enough, they're big old boxies POSs like mine), I doubt that it's as uncommon as you make it sound for a car looking like that to exist.

I agree with J about the cover. Yuck. Not so much the art as it was "ANNUAL" in big block letters on either side.

The Firebird/Defenders scene was great. What schmucks they are, taking advantage of a kid with Polio. I could see why people might say it's SoS that's the insider, not Whiz Kid, and it makes sense, but on the other hand why would anyone with actual powers join this ragamuffin team? The only reason I could see is if they were put there. By Fury.

We got a lot of second-rate superpeople here and I hope they aren't just left in limbo after Ultimates 2 is over. It kind of reminds me of the addition of all the mutants all over the world in New X-Men. It makes the real heroes a lot less special.

The way Millar handled this was perfect for an Annual, and sort of lessened the suckiness of not having an actual Ultimates 2 issue this month. It was nice to see some focus on Fury, and it certainly does a lot to add to the "Fury is the traitor" talk.

Loved the Lieberman character and story. I was immediatley thinking USAgent too. Interesting that Fury doesn't seem to hold Cap in as high regard as it seemed....hmmm....

Great issue and it served it's purpose well.
UltimateE said:
I agree with J about the cover. Yuck. Not so much the art as it was "ANNUAL" in big block letters on either side.
That was the first thing I said to my comic shop guy. It looked like a terrible attempt of an ad or something. :(

You know if this was a regular issue I'd be ok with this. But we're talking about an Annual and I'm really pissed. "Big Hint" who the traitor is... yeah, ok.... Fury, Captain America, Black Widow... they all had subtle hints just as they would in the other books. The "hint" won't make sense to us until the traitor is revealed. Anyway I don't think I liked any of the reservists with the exception of Lieberman. None of them grabbed my attention and Lieberman just didn't even make it, go figure.

Fury's coming off as a real headcase all of a sudden and it wouldn't surprise me if he's the traitor. I don't like how he's being written as far as his opposition with the same government that he works for, represents, and is trying to protect. Fury's being totally uncharacteristic and it doesn't even make sense. His actions are leading to a huge World War and it's like he doesn't even care. It'd be one thing if he trained these "other" heroes in secret but he's letting it known publicly. Which brings me to my next point with "Summer" since when is Fury all about what everyone else thinks about him it's a huge contradiction if he really cared about image why is he pissing everyone off but yet he wants his soldiers in the most flamboyant costumes ever?

Hulk... well let's just throw a mention of him in there for the sake of it. Wow, that was great :roll:

Defenders... I ****in' hate these guys. I don't want to see them mentioned again. They're pointless and they really aren't that funny. Only thing I got from them is SoS is a mole, definitely, watching after Hank Pym.

Giant Wax Man... Vaughn would've somehow added a classic Avengers villain if he was writing this. Instead we learn that for no reason radiation has developed into something it wasn't "back in the days"

Back to Lieberman... His eyes are brown, didn't someone mention the eyes on the cover of that handcuffed cap was brown? But he's dead? Hmmm... I could be wrong but here's a small theory. What if when Captain America was frozen he went into a state these other soldiers went into and that's how the serum works suspending the body until it has fully absorbed the serum... just a thought maybe Lieberman may come back, not as the traitor or maybe as the traitor or maybe just in the distant future.

Colossus Cameo... Awesome! Jarvis, Hilarious as always!

Talk about The Black Widow... still doesn't change my stance on if she's the traitor or not she's my ideal traitor but this doesn't make me think of her anymore than Cap or Fury. I'm dropping out of this "Whose the traitor" game until they're named... I'm so sick of it.

Mr. Nix... brilliant. The whole Mr. Nix subplot characterizes Fury perfectly as the toughest smartest SOB there is and was just probably the only enjoyable thing I got out of this issue.

In conclusion...
The good:
Mister Nix
SoS as the "Defenders" traitor

The bad:

Everything else

Millar is starting to really tick me off and I'm not even going on about politics... more Millar bashing in the UFF #22 Discussion thread.
Classic Quote!

"There are only two of these guns in the world, homie, and I have the other one."

It was cool to see the bullet go through the scope a la "Saving Private Ryan".
TheManWithoutFear said:
Fury's coming off as a real headcase all of a sudden

I didn't get that impression at all. Maybe we're being led to believe that his motives aren't pure, but it's not like he's doing things half-assed and he's not crazy. Gotta disagree with that strongly.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Defenders... I ****in' hate these guys.

Haha - you're supposed to. :lol:
Dr.Strangefate said:
Hey, has anyone considered that the Four Seasons could be the Ultimate Great Lakes Avengers?

I mean, totally different powers, but sort of useless marines from Wisconsin psyched out of their mind to be involved with the Ultimates.... That rings GLA to me...

Awesome idea. You the man Strangefate!! Makes a lot of sense to me anyway.
UltDDmikeMN said:
"There are only two of these guns in the world, homie, and I have the other one."

It was cool to see the bullet go through the scope a la "Saving Private Ryan".

Welcome UltDDmikeMN!! With that handle, you've officially become ManWithoutFear's new favorite member. Good point on the SPR reference, its been a couple years since I've seen that movie (its one of my all time favorites though).

Anyway, as I posted, I enjoyed the issue, and the Hulk appearance made my week! We all know he was still alive after Ultimates 2 #3 from those ending pages, but its good to see some development on Banner. I'm actually looking forward to the Ultimate Hulk vs. Wolverine mini coming up, I think it'll be interesting and if done right would delve into Banner's inner struggles not only with low self-esteem and depression, but he's prone to fits of rage that are capable of transforming him into a huge, incredibly powerful green monster. Banner's war with himself and the monster within should be the central focus of this mini, with Wolverine merely playing a back-up antagonist role. I imagine the first few issues will focus and Banner on some quest (whats he doing in the Himalaya mountains?); with the back-up plot of Wolverine being hired by SHIELD to go after him. Naturally in the final issue we'd have the big fight and resolution. It would be nice if at some point during the mini we got a flashback scene or something which sheds more light on Banner's transformation into the Hulk, and a flashback story of Wolverine at some point in his long career could mirror the Hulk origin to some degree. Anyway, just my hopes.
Two things - the bullet going through the scope... wasn't the bullet supposed to be intangible until it hit the target? Wouldn't it just go through the scope without it breaking?

Ah, but that's nitpicking.

See, in this here annual, there is a big fat hint regarding the traitor. No one's mentioned it yet... I'll tell you all tomorrow when I update the traitor manifesto.
Bass said:
See, in this here annual, there is a big fat hint regarding the traitor. No one's mentioned it yet... I'll tell you all tomorrow when I update the traitor manifesto.
Could you mean where Fury tells Lieberman about being the next Captain America, incase ANTYHING happened? Like "turning to the other side" and all that?

I still say Millar KNOWS how to mess with peoples minds when he wants to.

Trust me on this.

All I will say is, it's part of a big piece of the jigsaw. It's cleverly hidden. And I've not seen ANYONE mention it yet... I'll tell you all tomorrow.
Bass said:

Trust me on this.

All I will say is, it's part of a big piece of the jigsaw. It's cleverly hidden. And I've not seen ANYONE mention it yet... I'll tell you all tomorrow.
If I say pretty please with sugar on top, can you say now, and explain tomorrow? :mrgreen:
icemastertron said:
If I say pretty please with sugar on top, can you say now, and explain tomorrow? :mrgreen:

If he doesn't, I know what I'm doing tonight!

*pulls out copy of Ultimates Annual and starts rereading*

In regards to the Defenders discussion that was going on earlier, I really like those guys. I hope they get a mini or atleast a storyline somewhere. Imagine if they got a huge corporate sponsor (maybe a sort of UU version of Bill Gates). Maybe some of them could get some limited superpowers, some cool tech stuff (Black Knight wearing a mechanized suit of armor maybe?) and start fighting crime. They're marketed everywhere. Soon everyone has to have the Defenders tshirts, action figures, animated dvds, breakfast cereals, stickers, dolls, halloween costumes and about a million other products. In return the Defenders get healthy salarys and instant fame.

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