Unfortunately it was the best possible outcome. Hopefully if there's a democracy by next election we will have better options.
Not really. I'm not a Hillary fan as you well know, but as I specifically said to you in emails, the deregulation/trickle down approach Trump and other Republicans have been pushing for past 35 years never works, and ends same way every time: in major recession.
Trickle down didn't work in 1890's when it was referred to as "horse and sparrow" theory.
Savings & Loan Crisis of 1989 due to Reagan's deregulation and trickle down approach caused a recession that lasted through HW Bush's term. Bill eventually pulled us out of that and handed W Bush a massive budget surplus and strong economy. W managed to squander that surplus away within first two years, all the while pushing more trickle down and deregulation and well, we all know how that ended up in 2008.
Trickle down has only helped shrink middle class. It doesn't create jobs as they claim, else we'd have seen record job growth under Bush's record breaking tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, but just the opposite happened.
Now Trump is pushing more deregulation and trickle down.
It's incredible how so many people have such short memories or are completely ignorant about history. Truth is, economy has always done better under Democratic economic policies than Republican policies. Median wage growth is always better under Democratic than Republican economic policies.
Putting more money into hands of the already wealthy doesn't increase their spending, as they already have more money than they'll likely ever need and therefore aren't living on a tight budget. However, as said, their spending doesn't necessarily increase. What actually happens is the money is stored in offshore non taxable bank accounts and not spent in our country (which is what's necessary for stable economic growth).
But if that money is directed where it should be (the middle class and poor), they spend that money because they usually have to to make ends meet. That means more money spent, injected into economy, and increased business, which leads to hiring and job creation. Every single minimum wage increase in history has resulted in job growth, whereas trickle down results in job loss and inevitable recession.
I get not liking Hillary. She's shady as hell. But then again, so is Donald. Difference is Hillary was at least capable, and her policies have been proven to work, whereas Trump's economic policies have been proven to fail... repeatedly. Ultimately, I think too many people focus too much on the individual and not their policies. That's a definitively short sighted view that comes back to bite people in the ass.
A definition of insanity is trying same thing over and over and expecting different results. This is W. Bush 2.0.
That said, I hope Trump is able to re-negotiate the various trade deals like he claimed through this campaign, but I find it unlikely, especially since it's CONGRESS, and not Trump, who will legislate any such deals. And given Trump's inherent hypocrisy of utilizing a lot of foreign labor, I don't see him doing anything that'll ultimately cost him money or affect his personal profits. Same goes for his supposed closing of tax loopholes. You're kidding yourself if you think he's going to close those loopholes that save him tens of millions in taxes every year.
His tax cuts are also going to bankrupt the government and likely lead to another expensive government shutdown (last one cost us tens of billions). See, it's really simple: you can't build a $40 billion dollar border wall (pointless anyway given the thousands of existing drug tunnels that run under border, which will soon give cartels a new revenue source by taking over coyote trade of smuggling illegals in through those tunnels), you can't drastically expand the military, you can't deport millions of illegal immigrants at same time you're cutting taxes. It's simple math. Many unfortunately can't see the long game and are unable to look past "tax cuts".
I hate both candidates, but Hillary's policies have been proven to actually work and grow economy. Trump's have been repeatedly proven to fail and hurt economy. It's that simple.
And so, we're likely in for another recession in next few years once his policies pass the Republican majority controlled Congress and are given a bit to take effect.
Humanity has an amazing capacity to not learn from history and repeat the same mistakes over and over again.
Beyond the economic problems Trump's policies will create, there are far more reaching issues. Specifically, his largely anti-science stance (he's a climate change denier, anti-vaxxer, and rampant conspiracy theorist).
He's promised to defund Department of Education which will put half a million teachers out of work, and deprive our children and next generation of necessary educational opportunities as a result.
We're basically witnessing the path to Idiocracy becoming a reality, it seems. Perhaps that's a bit hyperbolic, but it's also not completely off base.
And with that history lesson, I'm out.