thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
TOG will let you borrow his.
I hate you.
TOG will let you borrow his.
Haha they delayed Ultimates 3 #1's black and white reprint
Fantastic Four #557 MAR082175 05/21/08
Updates posted from July 11th - August 8th. All caught up.
did ult fant 4 not ship this week?
it did
i cant seem to find it, anywhere
i cant seem to find it, anywhere
i cant seem to find it, anywhere
Holy damn, what the hell is wrong with Marvel now? The last two weeks of delayed announcement have so many titles! They've reverted back to how they used to be again, and after they didn't have so many titles been delayed.
I especially don't understand the delays for TPBs and hardcovers and - to an even greater extent - the omnibus volumes. THESE BOOKS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN COMICS WHICH HAVE ALREADY BEEN RELEASED!!!!