The Return of Ultimate Symbiotes

What will happen with Ben Rielly and the sample?

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Goodwill said:
I think Peter should mature a little more before we allow serial killers in the title because I don't think that it would capture the darkness or mood correctly if we've got a teen after him who is oblivious to what's actually going on.
I disagree. The "darkness or mood" as you put it has absolutely no relation to Peter's understanding of the judicial system. The judicial system hasn't really had any relevence to the spidey stories so far and with a Carnage serial killer story, it still probably wouldn't have any relevance. Spidey does not work with the legitimate authorities so he doesn't have the right to arrest people. He just has to trust that things go ok.
Goodwill said:
I think it absolutely has to do with how Peter precieves his surroundings. That's how we see it.
Yes it does. But Peter's surroundings have no connection to the Judicial system. We haven't seen Peter in a courtroom, a lawyers office or even a police station.
Goodwill said:
Well, he followed the KP, didn't he?
Whats that got to do with the judicial system? He was out to get the Kingpin because he was trying to do something good, not trying to help the authorities
TheManWithoutFear said:
Nurhachi I like you're theory best.

Thee Great One, you voted for Scarlet Spider but said Ben would become the next Carnage... so what is it?

They didn't have that option in the poll. That's why.
I should probably read the four pages, but I've had this idea for a long time now.

Ben Reily uses the sample, and with further testing it develops into a more stable Humanoid. Eventually, the creature, thinking its Peter Parker, absorbs the life out of Reily to become even more human. He kills many other people until he is pretty much entirely stable as a Peter Parker clone-type. He comes to the High School convinced that the Real Peter is an imposter, and fights him, until he realizes that he is, in fact, the duplicate.

This is where we get the Scarlet Spider, and Ultimate Ben Reily jr. The red symbiote takes on the name of his creator and applies to Bayview as a student, using his shape changing abilities to make himself essentially a Blonde Parker. He takes the name Scarlet Spider (think black symbiote spidey with Red and Black), and tries to take over patrolling the city, which doesn't go over too well with Mr. Parker. Especially when Ben realizes he needs to sustain his humanity by absorbing life.... or perhaps he snaps with the craving for blood and goes insane, and we get Ultimate Maximum Carnage.
I'm hoping that we can avoid Peter clones... As much as that would be a good idea for the title, I just think it's weak when that's all the story line a writer has. I would like a SS and I would like to see Reilly's role take a more sit-down rather than him in the suit, but I don't want clones.
I voted Scarlet Spider. Why, you sdk? Because I really dug him back during the Clone saga. I was one of those people that actualy started reading Spider-Man titles because of the swap, and highly enjoyed it for the 3 weeks it worked, untill they started laying the bring back Peter grounds. I would like to see a more heavily Ultimized version of him though, more of a seperate character that can be developed on his own than a one arc throw-away villian.
I think by making him a person instead of a clone that makes Ben Reilly, if he were to become the SS, a totally different characater. He could end up being a villain for all we know.
I have a question. Do the people who voted "other" believe that he won't have anything to do with Carnage's return? Because the two mid-options aren't gettin' much love and I was just wondering if you think Carnage will return on his own or what?
Well, I definitely think that Ben Reilly will be involved with Peter's blood turning into something, however, I'm not going to nail it down as Carnage because, with a blood sample, you can go a lot of different ways...
I do not think we'll see Ultimate Scarlet Spider, but some sort of Peter clone isn't out of the question. I think perhaps the Carnage story arc will end up being the link between Venom and the creation of the clone. Just an interim thing.

Carnage itself, I hope we'll never see again unless there's a major twist handy. The Kasady thing seems unlikely because, well, the Carnage being was destroyed and while it was alive it showed no desire to bond with a host.

heres my thinking, were gonna see eddie again and he's gonna hunt down ben and steal the blood, and with him is gonig to the be a crackpot named Kassidy, crazy kid. and Eddie wants to make peter pay and he puts a little bit of the black suit into the mix and mix's it with the blood, it gets to out of control and it needs a host like the black suit so it bonds with kassidy, and we Carnage.
nigma said:
heres my thinking, were gonna see eddie again and he's gonna hunt down ben and steal the blood, and with him is gonig to the be a crackpot named Kassidy, crazy kid. and Eddie wants to make peter pay and he puts a little bit of the black suit into the mix and mix's it with the blood, it gets to out of control and it needs a host like the black suit so it bonds with kassidy, and we Carnage.

I like it...I like it a lot
I can't speak for all of you, but I would like to think that Venom would return on his on before teaming up with Carnage. I think Venom's got more to him than any incarnation of Carnage ever will in this title and there are still a lot of questions concerning Venom's whereabouts and how he survived the suit. I wouldn't want to see the symbiotes together just yet.

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