The Quentin Tarantino Thread

There's no way Bastards will be better than Pulp or Dogs. Kill Bill wasn't even that great compared to Pulp and Dogs. Death Proof was all right, for what it was meant to be. Obviously, Pulp was his masterpiece (it was nominated for like, 7 Oscars, including Best Film).

I can understand Pulp Fiction being better than Kill Bill, but Kill Bill is much better than Reservoir Dogs... I love RD, but its very clearly his first movie, and he figures so much more out between then and Pulp Fiction... As much as I enjoy it, I always focus on the ways its so much more mediocre than his other movies. I think I might even rank Jackie Brown before RD.
"Bastards" seems an awful lot like it's going to be a bunch of manufactured attempts at cool and badass, filled with made-for-memeizing dialouge and crap. I'd be much more excited to hear Samuel L. Jackson was playing a deep, intense character in a high-quality horror movie or something. I really don't care about this.

And Kill Bill is DEFINITELY better than "Pulp".
"Bastards" seems an awful lot like it's going to be a bunch of manufactured attempts at cool and badass, filled with made-for-memeizing dialouge and crap. I'd be much more excited to hear Samuel L. Jackson was playing a deep, intense character in a high-quality horror movie or something. I really don't care about this.

And Kill Bill is DEFINITELY better than "Pulp".

I'm going to argue that Pulp Fiction's a better film, not only because of its own merits but due to its general effect on cinema following it.

That's not to disparage Kill Bill. Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are by far Quentin Tarantino's crowning achievements- and are, if anything, side by side.

I am partial to True Romance, though. Not as good as the others, but damnit, I can't stop loving it.
By that logic, Saw is a better film than Kill Bill as well.:miffed:

Saw is, sadly, a more important film in terms of the media... *sigh* Torture Porn, I can't believe you have become a legitimate subgenre of Horror...

While I definitely enjoy Kill Bill more than Pulp Fiction, and it is my favorite Tarantino film, I'm not sure its drastically better. They are both great films, though. Overall.

filled with made-for-memeizing dialouge and crap.

Where did you get that from?
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Saw is, sadly, a more important film in terms of the media... *sigh* Torture Porn, I can't believe you have become a legitimate subgenre of Horror...

Exactly, but it's this doesn't mean it's anywhere near as good a movie as Kill Bill.

Where did you get that from?

General feeling based on the buzz for this as well as the various excerpts and quotes I've seen from the script.
The teaser supposedly comes online either today or tomorrow, depending on what timezone you're in, I guess.

At the moment, there's this little preview:

I'm going to argue that Pulp Fiction's a better film, not only because of its own merits but due to its general effect on cinema following it.

That's not to disparage Kill Bill. Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill are by far Quentin Tarantino's crowning achievements- and are, if anything, side by side.

I am partial to True Romance, though. Not as good as the others, but damnit, I can't stop loving it.

No worries, dude. True Romance is probably my favorite too, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Pulp Fiction is a more important film, simply because of the impact that it had on the film landscape, and it's still just a great, classic film; the structure and the style of it. I feel the same way about Scorsese films. Taking the really great early stuff out of it and just looking at Goodfellas and The Departed. I think Departed is the better film, but Goodfellas just sits at this important point in history. But I think Kill Bill's the better movie, because it's just Tarantino, directing this huge epic about all the thing Tarantino loves, and he's had more time to hone his craft, and he just does it.

And that's why Inglorious Bastards will be great.

Edit: Although, Tarantino didn't direct True Romance did he? Wasn't it a sold script like NBK?
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I think TR was directed by the same guy that did Highlander (the good one)

Tony Moore, maybe? Then he did that Will Smith movie about government satellites.

I may have just mixed together three completely unrelated movies, but I think they all had the same director, and I think it was 'Tony Moore'.

(...waiting to be corrected :) )

I'll self-correct, because I just looked it up:)

Its Tony SCOTT - Ridley Scott's brother who did TR and the Will Smith movie.

Russell Mulcahy did Highlander (what was I thinking there??)
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I don't know why it took me so long, but I finally watched Kill Bill Vol. 2 last night. I saw Vol. 1 when it came out but never saw 2. Part of that is because it's hard for me to get to watch movies my wife doesn't also want to see, and she hates gory, violent Tarantino movies.

Anyway, it is one of my favorite movies ever. The dialogue before she actually killed Bill was epic.
I really liked True Romance.

Ditto. Also, the night we watched it, I was really tired and not at all in the mood for some violent, world shaker-upper Tarantino type film. I was pleasantly surprised by one of the most romantic and feel-good films of all time, although if it had gone with one of the other endings, I probably would never want to watch it ever again.

Also, a week or two ago, my Dad and I were watching Pulp Fiction on TV. Bruce Willis' bit with his girlfriend came on just as my Dad went to get a glass of wine. I paused it, forgetting that the whole scene was softcore porn. My Dad had clearly walked out trying to avoid the awkward situation of watching such a scene with his first-born son, but he didn't want to say as much.

I was an idiot and we were forced to endure. As a result, I don't think I can ever...



I really liked True Romance. I didn't like Natural Born Killers though.


Inglourious Basterds teaser trailer!

Well, **** yes gentlemen.

Ditto. Also, the night we watched it, I was really tired and not at all in the mood for some violent, world shaker-upper Tarantino type film. I was pleasantly surprised by one of the most romantic and feel-good films of all time, although if it had gone with one of the other endings, I probably would never want to watch it ever again.

Also, a week or two ago, my Dad and I were watching Pulp Fiction on TV. Bruce Willis' bit with his girlfriend came on just as my Dad went to get a glass of wine. I paused it, forgetting that the whole scene was softcore porn. My Dad had clearly walked out trying to avoid the awkward situation of watching such a scene with his first-born son, but he didn't want to say as much.

I was an idiot and we were forced to endure. As a result, I don't think I can ever...



Yeah, I went to see A History of Violence with my Dad and I don't think I could ever rape a woman on the stairs again.
Some of the characters in Inglourious Basterds have really cool names. Like, Hans Landa. That's an awesome name.
Am I the only one who thinks Tarantino is overrated and hasn't lived up to the kind of standards he set with his first two movies? Like, his only two GREAT movies are Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. Kill Bill gets too much credit.

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