I agree, but it's sort of like slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound. And DC is trying that, to a degree. Justice League is launching at 3.99 for print or digital or 4.99 for both. Clearly it's a step in the right direction, but it strikes me as a little backwards. I think the ideal pricing would be to include a digital code in all the print issues, and lower the price for digital by itself. 3.99 for print and digital or 2.99 for digital alone. It's a tact that the music collector's industry is already taken. A lot of new vinyls are being released come with digital codes.
And on that note, I think the music industry is a pretty good analogy for how things are going to have to change. Comic shops don't have to die, but they do have to change, and I think they'll have to change in a way the music industry has in the past few years. When music downloads first came about, there was gloom and doom about the death of the record shop, but that didn't happen. Instead, we saw the rise of parallel markets. iTunes and similar online markets provide cheap and convenient music for the casual market. But at the same time, we've seen the reemergence of vinyl. There's a parallel market for audiophiles to buy product that offers them aural fidelity, tangible product, and status. Music stores sell music, while record stores sell a lifestyle and social outlet. It's a collector's market that isn't predicated on the same sort of dangerous speculation that we associate with the comic collector booms. They're similar markets, really. The print industry may have to start looking at new formats for the direct market: glossier and larger format books, extras not included in the digital versions, etc. (in the same way vinyl does), but ultimately it's going to come back to selling the experience of the shop. Shops that foster community will retain customers. Those that don't, won't.
I collect records, but I no longer collect comics, and it's entirely because of format. Floppy comics, as they're printed now, offer me nothing I want.
Yes. yes. yes. I could not agree more. (Also, I love collecting vinyl, and I've long stopped getting individual comics, instead getting HC trades)