The new TPB/HC thread

New Frontier is great. The Absolute edition makes it even better.

Did you order from the Ultimate Central Store?

No, I forgot!

There's a place I've been shopping for a while that comes to Wizard World Chicago every year. They're pretty good.

But it's cheaper at the UC store. I'll definately try to remember next time I order trades (which is about every three weeks or so). Remind me.
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 "Power & Responiblty"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.2 "Learning Curve"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.3 "Double Trouble"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.4 "Legacy"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.5 "Public Surcity"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.6 "Venom"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.16 "Deadpool"
Ultimate X-men Vol.1 "The Tomorrow People"
Ultimate X-men Vol.2 "Return To Weapon X"
Ultimate X-men Vol.3 "World Tour"
Ultimate X-men Vol.4 "Hellfire And Brimstone"
Ultimate X-men Vol.5 "Ultimate War"
Ultimate X-men Vol.6 "Return Of The King"
Ultimate X-men Vol.7 "Blockbuster"
Ultimate X-men Vol.14 "Phoenix?"
Ultimate X-Men Vol.15 "Magical"
Ultimate Fantastic Four Vol.6 "Frightful"
Ultimates Vol.1 "Superhuman"
Ultimates Vol.2 "Homeland Security"
Ultimates 2 Vol.1 "Gods And Monsters
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.1
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.2
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.3
Ultimate Adventures
Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra
Ultimate Elektra

Avengers - Disassembled
New Avengers Vol.1 "Breakout"
New Avengers Vol.2 "The Sentry"
New Avengers Vol.3 "Secrets And Lies"
New Avengers Vol.4 "The Collective"
Young Avengers Vol.1 "Sidekicks"
Young Avengers Vol.2 "Family Matters"
Fantastic Four - The Life Fantastic
Nextwave - Agents Of H.A.T.E. Vol.1 "This Is What They Want"
NYX - Wannabe
Runaways Vol.1 "Pride & Joy"
Runaways Vol.2 "Teenage Wasteland"
Runaways Vol.3 "The Good Die Young"
Runaways Vol.4 "True Believers"
Runaways Vol.5 "Escape To New York"
Runaways Vol.6 "Parental Guidance"
New X-men Vol.1 "E Is For Excintion"
New X-men Vol.2 "Imperial"
New X-men Vol.3 "New Worlds"
New X-men Vol.4 "Riot At Xaviers"
New X-men Vol.5 "Assault On Weapon Plus"
New X-men Vol.6 "Planet X"
New X-men Vol.7 "Here Comes Tomorrow"
Uncanny X-men Vol.4 "Grey's End"
Uncanny X-men Vol.5 "First Foursaken"
X-Men Vol.6 "The Blood Of Apocalypse"
Astonishing X-men Vol.1 "Gifted"
Astonishing X-men Vol.2 "Dangerous"
Astonishing X-men Vol.3 "Torn"
New X-men Vol.1 "Childhood's End - Part 1"
New X-men Vol.2 "Childhood's End - Part 2"
New X-men Vol.3 "Childhood's End - Part 3"
X-Factor Vol.1 "The Longest Night"
X-Factor Vol.2 "Life & Death Matters"
X-men - Generation M
X-men - Son Of M
X-men - Deadly Genesis
X-men - Fairy Tales
Captain America Vol.1 "The Winter Soldier - Part 1"
Captain America Vol.2 "The Winter Soldier - Part 2"
Captain America Vol.3 "The Red Menace - Part 1"
Captain America Vol.4 "The Red Menace - Part 2"
Daughters Of The Dragon - Samurai Bullets
Daredevil Vol.1 "Guardian Devil"
Daredevil Vol.2 "Parts Of A Hole"
Daredevil Vol.3 "Wake Up"
Daredevil Vol.4 "Underboss"
Daredevil Vol.5 "Out"
Daredevil Vol.6 "Lowlife"
Daredevil Vol.7 "Hardcore"
Daredevil Vol.9 "King Of Hell's Kitchen"
Daredevil Vol.10 "The Widow"
Daredevil Vol.11 "Golden Age"
Daredevil Vol.12 "Decalogue"
Daredevil Vol 13 "Murdock Papers"
Daredevil Vol.1 "Devil Takes A Ride"
Daredevil - Father
Daredevil - Redemption
Elektra - The Scorpio Key
Elektra Vol.1 "Introspect"
Elektra Vol.2 "Everything Old Is New Again"
Ghost Rider - The Road To Damnation
Ghost Rider Vol.1 "Vicious Cycle"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.1 "Return Of The Monster"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.2 "Boiling Point"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.3 "Transfer Of Power"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.4 "Abominable"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.5 "Hide In Plain Sight"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.6 "Split Decisions"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.7 "Dead Like Me"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.10 "House Of M"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.11 "Planet Hulk Prelude"
The Invincible Ironman Vol.1 "Extremis"
The Invincible Ironman Vol.2 "Execute Program"
Moon Knight Vol.1 - The Bottom
Nightcrawler Vol.1 "The Devil Inside"
Nightcrawler Vol.2 "The Winding Way"
The Pulse Vol.2 "Secret War"
The Pulse Vol.3 "Fear"
The Punisher - Born
The Punisher - Welcome Back Frank
The Punisher - Very Special Holidays
The Punisher MAX Vol.1 HC
The Punisher MAX Vol.2 HC"
The Punisher MAX - From First To Last
The Sentry
The Sentry - Reborn
Amaxing Spider-Man - Death Of The Stacy's
Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol.1 "Down Among The Deadman"
Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol.2 "Venomous"
Sensational Spider-Man Vol.1 "Feral"
The Thing - The Idol Of Millions
Wolverine - Origin
Wolverine Vol.1 "The Brotherhood"
Wolverine Vol.6 "World Of M"
Wolverine Origins Vol.1 "Born In Blood"
Venom Vol.1 "Shiver"
Marvel Team-Up Vol.3 "League Of Losers"
Marvel Team-Up Vol.4 "Freedom Ring"
Cable/Deadpool Vol.2 "Burnt Offering"
Cable/Deadpool Vol.3 "The Human Race"
Cable/Deadpool Vol.4 "Bosom Buddies"
Cable/Deadpool Vol.5 "Living Legends"
Spider-Man/Black Cat - The Evil That Men Do
Spider-Man/Wolverine - The Stuff Of Legends
Wolverine/Black Cat - Claws
Hulk/Wolverine - Six Hours
Daredevil Vs Punisher
Punisher Vs Bullseye
Venom Vs Carnage
Captain Universe - Universal Heros
Marvel Universe - The Road To Civil War
Marvel Universe - Earth X
Marvel Universe - Universe X Vol.1
Marvel Universe - Universe X Vol.2
Marvel 1602
Marvel Mangaverse Vol.2
Supreme Power HC Vol.1
Supreme Power - Nighthawk
Supreme Power - Hyperion
Squadron Supreme Vol.1 "The Pre-War Years"
The Book Of Lost Souls

Aquaman - Sword Of Alantis Vol.1 "Once And Future"
Batgirl - Destruction's Daughter
Batman - Year One
Batman & The Monster Men
Batman - Son Of The Demon
Batman - Hush Vol.1
Batman - Hush Vol.2
Batman - Hush Returns
Batman - War Games Act One
Batman - War Games Act Two
Batman - War Games Act Three
Batman - City Of Crime
Batman - Face To Face
Blue Beetle Vol.1 "Shellshocked"
Catwoman - Selina's Big Score
Catwoman - The Replacements
Flash - Rogue War
Gotham Central Vol.3 "Unresolved Targets"
Gotham Central Vol.4 "The Quick & The Dead"
Green Arrow Vol.1 "Quiver"
Green Arrow Vol.2 "Sounds Of Violence"
Green Arrow Vol.3 "Straight Shooter"
Green Arrow Vol.4 "The Archer's Quest"
Green Arrow Vol.6 "Moving Targets"
Green Lantern Vol.1 'No Fear"
Green Lantern Vol.2 "Revenge Of The Green Lanterns"
Green Lantern Corps - Recharge
Ion Vol.1 "The Torchbearer"
Jonah Hex Vol.1 "Face Full Of Violence"
Manhunter Vol.1 "Street Justice"
Manhunter Vol.2 "Trial By Fire"
Nightwing - Mobbed Up
Nightwing - Renegade
Robin - To Kill A Bird
Robin - Days Of Fire And Madness
Superman - Emperor Joker
Superman - Infinite City
Superman - Godfall
Superman - Infinite Crisis
Superman - Up, Up, & Away
Superman - Camelot Falls
Wonder Woman - The Hiketeia
Wonder Woman - Land Of The Dead
Birds Of Prey - Between Dark & Dawn
Birds Of Prey - Perfect Pitch
Checkmate Vol.1 "A King's Game"
JLA Vol.11 "The Obsibian Age - Part 1"
JLA - Earth 2
JLA Classified - I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League
JSA Vol.8 "Black Reign"
JSA Vol.10 "Black Venegance"
JSA Vol.11 "Mixed Signals"
JSA Classfied - Honor Among Thieves
Outsiders Vol.1 "Looking For Trouble"
Outsiders Vol.2 "Sum of All Evil"
Outsiders Vol.3 "Wanted"
Outsiders Vol.5 "The Good Fight"
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.1
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.2
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.3
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.4
Teen Titans Vol.1 "Kid's Game"
Teen Titans Vol.4 "The Future Is Now"
Teen Titans Vol.5 "Life And Death"
Teen Titans Vol.6 "Titans Around The World"
Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman - Trinity
Superman/Batman Vol.1 "Public Enemies"
Teen Titans/Outsiders - The Death And Return Of Donna Troy
Teen Titans/Outsiders - The Insiders
DC Universe - Rahn-Thanger War
DC Universe - Day Of Vengeance
DC Universe - Infinite Crisis
DC Universe - The Battle for Bludhaven
Justice Vol.2
Elseworlds - Kindgom Come
Elseworlds - "Superman - Red Son"
Elseworlds - "Batman - Thrillkiller"

Swamp Thing Vol.1 "The Saga Of The Swamp Thing"
Swamp Thing Vol.2 "Love And Death"
Swamp Thing Vol.8 "Spontaneous Generation"
Swamp Thing Vol.9 "Infernal Triangles"
Hellblazer - Original Sins
Hellblazer - Hard Time
Hellblazer - Highwater
Hellblazer - All His Engines
Hellblazer - Staring At The Wall
Hellblazer - Stations Of The Cross
Hellblazer - Empathy Is The Enemy
Hellblazer - Lady Constantine
Hellblazer - Papa Midnight
Absolute Sandman Vol.1
Death - The High Cost Of Living
Death - The Time Of Your Life
Lucifer Vol.1 "Devil In The Gateway"
Lucifer Vol.2 "Children And Monsters"
Lucifer Vol.4 "The Divine Comedy"
Lucifer Vol.6 "Mansions Of The Silence"
Lucifer Vol.8 "The Wolf Beneath The Tree"
Lucifer Vol.10 "Morningstar"
Lucifer Vol.11 "Evensong"
Black Orchid
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days
Fables - 1,001 Nights Of Snowfall
Fables Vol.1 "Legends In Exile"
Fables Vol.2 "Animal Farm"
Fables Vol.3 "Storybook Love"
Fables Vol.4 "March Of The Wooden Soldiers":
Fables Vol.5 "Mean Seasons"
Fables Vol.6 "Homelands"
Fables Vol.7 "Arabian Days And Nights"
Fables Vol.8 "Wolves"
Y The Last Man Vol.1 "Unmanned"
Y The Last Man Vol.2 "Cycles"
Y The Last Man Vol.3 "One Small Step"
Y The Last Man Vol.4 "Safeword"
Y The Last Man Vol.5 "Rings Of Truth"
Y The Last Man Vol.6 "Girl On Girl"
Y The Last Man Vol.7 "Paper Dolls"
Y The Last Man Vol.8 "Kimono Dragons"
Otherworld - Book One
V For Vendetta
Neil Gaiman's Stardust
Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere

The Authority V1 Book 1 - Relentless
The Authority V1 Book 2 - Under New Managment
The Authority V1 Book 3 - Earth Inferno & Other Stories
The Authority V1 Book 4 - Transfer Of Power
The Authority - Human On The Inside
The Authority V2 Book 1 - Harsh Realites
Planetary Vol.1 "All Over The World And Other Stories"
Planetary Vol.2 "The Fourth Man"
Planetary Vol.3 "Leaving The 20th Century"
Planetary - Crossing Worlds
Captain Atom - Armageddon
Ex Machina Vol.1 "The First Hundred Days"
Ex Machina Vol.2 "Tag"
Ex Machina Vol.3 "Fact v. Fiction"
Ex Machina Vol.4 "March To War"
Desolation Jones Vol.1 "Made In England"
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol.1
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol.2\
Promethea - Book Three

Spawn Collection Vol.1
Spawn Collection Vol.2
Spawn - Armageddon Vol.1
Spawn - Godslayer
The Adventures Of Spawn
Hellspawn Collection Vol.1
The Best Of Curse Of Spawn
Sam & Twitch Vol.1
Ant Vol.1 "Reality Bites"
The Darkness Compendium

Fathom - Dawn Of War
B.R.P.D. Vol.4 "The Black Flame"
B.R.P.D. Vol.5 "Universal Machine"
From Hell
Alan Moore's "A Small Killing"
Alan Moore's "The Courtyard"
Alan Moore's "Another Suburban Romance"
Alan Moore's "Lost Girls"
Grimm Fairy Tales Vol.1
Johnny The Homical Maniac
Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book Of Unspeakable Horrors.

And i'm getting the rest of my Lucifer and Promethea trades tomorrow.
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Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I got my Absolute New Frontier in the mail today! I am so going home, lighting candles, and defiling every page of this book.

Oh my God.
In no particular order:

- DC/Marvel -
JLA/Avengers: Collectors' Edition

- DC -
Hard Time: 50 to Life
Kingdom Come
The Kingdom
Absolute Watchmen
Green Lantern Legacy: The Last Will & Testament of Hal Jordan
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Across the Universe: The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore
Arkham Asylum
Batman: Year One
Robin: Year One
Batgirl: Year One
Nightwing: Year One
Nightwing: A Knight in Bludhaven
Batman: The Man who Laughs
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again
Batman: Hush vol. 1
Batman: Hush vol. 2
Batman: The Long Halloween
Batman: Dark Victory
Batman: Under the Hood
Batman: Gotham Noir
Batman: No Man's Land Vol. 1
Batman: No Man's Land Vol. 2
Batman: No Man's Land Vol. 3
Batman: No Man's Land Vol. 4
Batman: No Man's Land Vol. 5
Superman for all Seasons
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Godfall
Superman: Red Son
Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Son of Superman
Starman: Sins of the Father
Starman: Night and Day
Prelude to Infinite Crisis
The Life Story of the Flash
The Flash - The Return of Barry Allen
The Flash - Born to Run
The Flash - Race Against Time
The Flash - Dead Heat
The Flash - Terminal Velocity
Impulse - Reckless Youth
The Flash - Blood Will Run
The Flash - Rogues
The Flash - Crossfire
The Flash - Blitz
The Flash - Ignition
Gotham Central - In the Line of Duty
Gotham Central - Half a Life
Gotham Central - Unresolved Targets
Gotham Central - The Quick and the Dead
Green Lantern - Emerald Knights
Jonah Hex: Face Full of Violence
Legion of Super-Heroes: Teenage Revolution
Young Justice
Young Justice: Sins of Youth
Teen Titans: A Kid's Game
Teen Titans: Family Lost
Teen Titans: Beast Boys & Girls
Teen Titans: The Future is Now
The New Teen Titans: The Judas Contract
JLA/Titans: The Technis Imperative
JLA: Year One
JLA: New World Order
JLA: American Dreams
JLA: Rock of Ages
JLA: One Million
JLA: Justice for All
JLA: Strength in Numbers
JLA: World War III
JLA: Earth 2
JLA: Tower of Babel
JLA/JSA: Virtue and Vice
Justice League: A New Beginning
Formerly Known as the Justice League
JSA All-Stars
JSA: Justice Be Done
JSA: The Return of Hawkman
JSA: Fair Play
JSA: Stealing Thunder
JSA: Savage Times
JSA: Princes of Darkness
JSA: Black Reign
JSA: Lost
The Power of SHAZAM!
History of the DC Universe
Batman Beyond
Secret Origins
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Superman
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Batman
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Wonder Woman
Just Imagine Stan Lee Creating Shazam!
The New Frontier vol. 1
The New Frontier vol. 2
Zero Hour: A Crisis in Time

- Vertigo -
Animal Man
Animal Man: Origin of the Species
Animal Man: Deus Ex Machina
V for Vendetta
Black Orchid
The Books of Magic
The Books of Magic: Bindings
The Books of Magic: Summonings
The Books of Magic: Reckonings
The Books of Magic: Girl in the Box
The Books of Faerie: Auberon's Tale
The Doom Patrol vol. 1: Crawling from the Wreckage
The Doom Patrol vol. 2: The Painting that Ate Paris
The Doom Patrol vol. 3: Down Paradise Way
The Doom Patrol vol. 4: Musclebound
The Doom Patrol vol. 5: Magic Bus
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Original Sins
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Fear and Loathing
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Tainted Love
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Rake at the Gates of Hell
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Son of Man
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Haunted
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Setting Sun
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Hard Time
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Good Intentions
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Freezes Over
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Highwater
John Constantine, Hellblazer: All His Engines
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Red Sepulchre
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Black Flowers
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Staring at the Wall
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Stations of the Cross
John Constantine, Hellblazer: Empathy is the Enemy
The Pride of Baghdad
Fables: Legends in Exile
Fables: Animal Farm
Fables: Storybook Love
Fables: March of the Wooden Soldiers
Fables: The Mean Seasons
Fables: Homelands
Fables: Arabian Nights (and Days)
Fables: Wolves
Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall
Lucifer: Devil in the Gateway
Lucifer: Children and Monsters
Lucifer: A Dalliance with the Damned
Lucifer: The Divine Comedy
Lucifer: Inferno
Lucifer: Mansions of the Silence
Lucifer: Exodus
Lucifer: The Wolf Beneath the Tree
The Invisibles vol. 1: Say You Want a Revolution
The Invisibles vol. 2: Apocalipstick
The Invisibles vol. 3: Entropy in the UK
The Invisibles vol. 4: Bloody Hell in America
The Invisibles vol. 5: Counting to None
The Invisibles vol. 6: Kissing Mister Quimper
The Invisibles vol. 7: The Invisible Kingdom
The Filth
The Mystery Play
The Preacher vol. 1: Gone to Texas
The Preacher vol. 2: Until the end of the World
The Preacher vol. 3: Proud Americans
The Preacher vol. 4: Ancient History
The Preacher vol. 5: Dixie Fried
The Preacher vol. 6: War in the Sun
The Preacher vol. 7: Salvation
The Preacher vol. 8: All Hell's A Coming
The Preacher vol. 9: Alamo
Absolute Sandman vol. 1
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
The Sandman: The Doll's House
The Sandman: Dream Country
The Sandman: Seasons of Mists
The Sandman: A Game of You
The Sandman: Fables & Reflections
The Sandman: Brief Lives
The Sandman: World's End
The Sandman: The Kindly Ones
The Sandman: The Wake
The Sandman: Endless Nights
The Sandman: Dream Hunters
The Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives
The Sandman Presents: Taller Tales
The Sandman Presents: The Furies
The Little Endless Storybook
The Dreaming: Through The Gates of Horn and Ivory
Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days
Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold
Death: The High Cost of Living
Death: The Time of your Life
Sea Guy
Sebastian O
Swamp Thing Vol. 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing
Swamp Thing Vol. 2: Love and Death
Swamp Thing Vol. 3: The Curse
Swamp Thing Vol. 4: A Murder of Crows
Swamp Thing Vol. 5: Earth to Earth
Swamp Thing Vol. 6: Reunion
Transmetropolitan Vol. 1: Back on the Street
Transmetropolitan Vol. 2: Lust for Life
Transmetropolitan Vol. 3: Year Of The Bastard
Transmetropolitan Vol. 4: The New Scum
Transmetropolitan Vol. 5: Lonely City
Transmetropolitan Vol. 6: Gouge Away
Transmetropolitan Vol. 7: Spider's Thrash
Transmetropolitan Vol. 8: Dirge
Transmetropolitan Vol. 9: The Cure
Transmetropolitan Vol. 10: One More Time
Transmetropolitan Vol. 0: Tales of Human Waste
Y: The Last Man - Unmanned
Y: The Last Man - Cycles
Y: The Last Man - One Small Step
Y: The Last Man - Safeword
Y: The Last Man – The Ring of Truth
Y: The Last Man – Girl on Girl
Y: The Last Man – Paper Dolls
Y: The Last Man – Motherland

- Wildstorm -
Planetary vol. 1 - All Over The World and Other Stories
Planetary vol. 2 - The Fourth Man
Planetary vol. 3 - Leaving the 20th Century
Planetary/The Authority - Ruling The World
The Authority Book One - Relentless
The Authority Book Two - Under New Management
The Authority Book Three - Earth Inferno and Other Stories
The Authority Book Four - Transfer of Power
The Authority - Human on the Inside
Jenny Sparks - The Secret History of the Authority
Coup D'Etat
Global Frequency vol. 1
Global Frequency vol. 2
The Authority: Revolution Book One
Point Blank
Sleeper: Out in the Cold
Sleeper: All False Moves
Sleeper: A Crooked Line
Sleeper: A Long Way Home
Stormwatch: Force of Nature
Stormwatch: Lightning Strikes
Stormwatch: Change or Die
Stormwatch: A Finer World
Stormwatch: Final Orbit
Ex Machina: The First Hundred Days
Ex Machina: Tag
Wildcats Version 3.0: Brand Building
Wildcats Version 3.0: Full Disclosure

- America's Best Comics -
Promethea Book One
Promethea Book Two
Promethea Book Three
Promethea Book Four
Top 10 Book One
Top 10 Book Two
Top 10 - The Forty-Niners
Tom Strong Book One
Tom Strong Book Two
Tom Strong Book Three
Tom Strong Book Four
Tom Strong Book Five
Tomorrow Stories Book One
Tomorrow Stories Book Two
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Book One
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Book Two

- Marvel -
Alias Omnibus
Daredevil HC vol. 1
Daredevil HC vol. 2
Daredevil HC vol. 3
Daredevil HC vol. 4
Daredevil HC vol. 5
Daredevil HC vol. 6
Daredevil Legends Vol. 1 - Daredevil: Yellow
Daredevil Legends Vol. 2 - Born Again
Daredevil Legends Vol. 3 - Man Without Fear
Daredevil: Redemption
Daredevil: The Devil, Inside and Out vol.1
Elektra: Introspect
Fantastic Four Vol. 4: Hereafter
Fantastic Four Vol. 5: Disassembled
Iron Man: Extremis
Marvel 1602
The Pulse: Thin Air
The Punisher MAX HC vol. 1
The Punisher MAX HC vol. 2
The Punisher MAX: Born
Supreme Power: Contact
Supreme Power: Powers and Principalities
Powers: Who Killed Retro Girl?
Powers: Roleplay
Powers: Little Deaths
Powers: Supergroup
Powers: The Sellouts
Powers: Forever
Powers: Legend
The Ultimates vol. 1
The Ultimates vol. 2
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up vol. 1
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up vol. 3
Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 1
Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 2
Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 3
Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 9
Ultimate X-Men vol. 5
Ultimate X-Men vol. 6
Ultimate X-Men vol. 7
Earth X
Universe X vol. 1
Universe X vol. 2
Paradise X vol. 1
Spider-Girl Digest vol. 1
Spider-Girl Digest vol. 2
Spider-Man: Blue
Runaways vol. 1
Runaways vol. 2
Runaways vol. 3
Squadron Supreme
New Avengers vol. 1
New Mutants vol. 1
New X-Men: Academy X vol. 1: Choosing Sides
New X-Men: Academy X vol. 2: Haunting
New X-Men: Academy X vol. 3: X-Posed
House of M: New X-Men
New X-Men: Childhood's End vol. 1
New X-Men: Childhood's End vol. 2
New X-Men: Childhood's End vol. 3
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic Book One
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic Book Two
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic Book Three
X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic Book Four
X-Men: Onslaught Book Two
X-Men: Mutant Genesis
X-Men: X-Cutioner's Song
X-Force: New Beginnings
X-23: Innocence Lost
Young Avengers: Sidekicks

- CMX -
Megatokyo vol. 1
Megatokyo vol. 2
Megatokyo vol. 3
Megatokyo vol. 4

- Minx -
The Plain Janes

- Dark Horse Comics -
Akira vol. 1
Akira vol. 2
Akira vol. 3
Akira vol. 4
Akira vol. 5
Akira vol. 6

- Image -
Flight: Vol 1
The Walking Dead - Days Gone Bye
The Walking Dead - Miles Behind Us
The Walking Dead - Safety Behind Bars
The Walking Dead - The Heart's Desire
Invincible - Family Matters
Invincible - Eight is Enough
Invincible - Perfect Strangers
Invincible - Head of the Class
Invincible - The Facts of Life
Invincible - A Different World
Invincible - Three's Company

- Other -
Best of Twisted Toyfare Theater vol 1
Best of Twisted Toyfare Theater vol 2
Bone - One Volume Edition
Hero Squared!
Strangers In Paradise vol. 1
Strangers In Paradise vol. 2
Strangers In Paradise vol. 3
Strangers In Paradise vol. 4
Strangers In Paradise vol. 5
Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
Scott Pilgrim Versus the World
Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness
Lost at Sea
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director's Cut
Squee's Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors
Understanding Comics
Reinventing Comics
Chasing Dogma (Clerks vol. 1)
Bluntman and Chronic (Clerks vol. 3)
Neil Gaiman's Murder Mysteries
Miracleman Book One: A Dream of Flying
Miracleman Book Two: The Red King Syndrome
Miracleman Book Four: The Golden Age
Whiteout: Melt
Queen & Country vol. 1: Operation Broken Ground
Queen & Country vol. 2: Operation Morningstar
Queen & Country vol. 3: Operation Crystal Ball
Queen & Country vol. 4: Operation Blackwall
Queen & Country vol. 5: Operation Storm Front
Queen & Country vol. 6: Operation Dandelion
Queen & Country vol. 7: Operation Saddlebags

- Tokyopop -
Cardcaptor Sakura - 1-2
CLAMP School Defenders: Duklyon - 1-2
CLAMP School Detectives - 1-3
Chobits - 1-8
Eerie Queerie 1-4
Fake - 1-7
Fruits Basket - 1-6
Gravitation - 1-9
Kare Kano - 1-8
Love Hina - 1-14
Magic Knight Rayearth - 1-3
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Dr.Strangefate , Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 1 , Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 2 , Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 3 , Ultimate Spider-Man vol. 9. What happened to 4-8?
I own 4-8 in singles, then I lost my subscription for a few months, and then I have the rest in singles.

One day I'll post a list of my singles... Im pretty sure i have over a thousand...

But by this count... 461 Graphic Novels, Trade Paperbacks, and Hardcovers.
When I got rid of most of my comic collection a few years back I sold three thousand single issues and I kept probably another thousand more.

I had so many comics. And I miss them all.
Jesus some of those lists are long...

Let's see, now...


Wolverine: Origin
Wolverine: Weapon X
X-Men: Movie Adaptation
Spider-Man 1&2: Movie Adaptations

(Is that it? Wow...that's pretty pathetic)


Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. I
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. II
World Without a Superman
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Red Son
Superman for all seasons
Superman in the Fifties
Superman: Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow?
Superman-Vs-Lex Luthor

Batman: Year One
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Strange Apparitions
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: A Death in The Family
Robin: A Hero Reborn
The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told
Batman Begins: The Movie Adaptation and Other Tales of the Dark Knight


INVINCIBLE Vol. 1: Family Matters
INVINCIBLE Vol. 2: Eight Is Enough
INVINCIBLE Vol. 3: Perfect Strangers
INVINCIBLE Vol. 4: Head of the Class
INVINCIBLE Vol. 5: The Facts of Life
New TPBs I just got at WWP:

  • Planetary Book 1
  • Generation M (Decimation)
  • X-Men: 198 (Decimation)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 13: Hobgoblin
  • X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills
  • New X-Men: Hellions

And new TPBs I got from others:

  • Ex Machina vol. 3
  • The Champions: Classic (First 11 issues of old series)
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New TPBs I just got at WWP:

  • Planetary Book 1
  • Generation M (Decimation)
  • X-Men: 198 (Decimation)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 13: Hobgoblin
  • X-Men: God Loves, Man Kills
  • New X-Men: Hellions

And new TPBs I got from others:

  • Ex Machina vol. 3
  • The Champions: Classic (First 11 issues of old series)


I've gotten no new TPBs in a while, but whenever my DCBS order comes I'll have the Planet Hulk HC, Annihilation Book 3, the Casanova and Fell HCs, the Phonogram TPB, and Fear Agent V1.
I am planning to order 15 trades via DCBS with something insane like $90 shipping.
Graphic Novels:

- Kingdom Come(all four original issues)
- Marvels
- Superman: Peace on Earth
- Batman: War on Crime
- JLA: Liberty and Justice
- The Power of SHAZAM!
- Watchmen
- V For Vendetta
- Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
- Batman: The Long Halloween
- Batman: Dark Victory

Novels and Novelizations:

- Kingdom Come by Elliot S! Maggin. My all-time favourite book. I had a full-blown, life-altering epiphany during the last chapter)

- Batman: Knightfall by Dennis O'Neill. One of the best Batman stories EVER. Batman's character is so perfectly, thouroughly done here(it's O'Neill, what do you expect?) and the story is incredible. An absolute MUST for any Batman fan. It will make you love him even more.

- Spider-Man: The Venom Factor by Diane Duane
- Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction by Diane Duane
- Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda by Diance Duane

- Spider-Man: Goblin Moon by Kurt Busiek and

- All 3 Spidey movie novelizations by Peter David

- Novelization of X2 and X3 by Chris Claremont

- JLA: SUPERMAN - The Never-Ending Battle
- JLA: BATMAN - The Stone King
- JLA: GREEN LANTERN - Hero's Quest
- JLA: THE FLASH - Stop Motion

Wolverine: Origin
Wolverine: Weapon X
X-Men: Movie Adaptation
Spider-Man 1&2: Movie Adaptations
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1


Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. I
Superman: The Man of Steel Vol. II
World Without a Superman
Superman: Birthright
Superman: Red Son
Superman for all seasons
Superman in the Fifties
Superman: Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow?
Superman-Vs-Lex Luthor
Superman: SHOWCASE Vol. 2

Batman: Year One
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Strange Apparitions
Batman: The Killing Joke
Batman: A Death in The Family
Robin: A Hero Reborn
The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told
Batman Begins: The Movie Adaptation and Other Tales of the Dark Knight


INVINCIBLE Vol. 1: Family Matters
INVINCIBLE Vol. 2: Eight Is Enough
INVINCIBLE Vol. 3: Perfect Strangers
INVINCIBLE Vol. 4: Head of the Class
INVINCIBLE Vol. 5: The Facts of Life
INVINCIBLE Vol. 6: A Different World
INVINCIBLE Vol. 7: Three's Company


I bought Invincible Vol.s 5&6 recently and while 'A Different World' was sort of self-contained and didn't really expand on much, it was still pretty good and
the return of Omni-Man was great
. Three's Company was pretty awesome especially
Mark's battle with Angstrom Levy and the cameos from Spider-Man, Doc Ock and Batman!

Pretty much the reason I bought Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 1 was because it was always one of those things I was planning on getting sooner or later and now that I've gotten every Invincible trade to date, I'm left with no trades to read until the next one comes out (I'm getting the monthlies now, anyway, but I'm still going to get the trades. It's that good).
I'm in a pretty relaxed Spidey mood at the moment, anyway (I recently finished 'acquiring' the animated series in its entiriety ;)). It's pretty decent although it's nothing spectacular. It's basically just an expanded version of the original origin story with Gobby thrown in for a battle at the end. Nothing 'ultimate' about it really. Just a modern interpretation. I'll probably get the next one, though. It was pretty decent.

I got Superman: SHOWCASE Vol. 2 primarily because it was 500 pages of cheap, Silver Age fun and I have a LONG road-trip to look forward to on Wednesday, so I figure I'll pack that along with me (maybe I'll buy that Green Lantern one I had my eye on before I go, or perhaps the Justice League one. Hmm...). I haven't started reading it and I don't plan to, until the road trip, but it looks like a bit of fun.

Up next:

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 2
INVINCIBLE Vol. 8: My Favorite Martian
Batman: The Long Halloween

Here's a list of stuff that I'm also thinking of getting. Any suggestions would be appreciated:

The Ultimates
The Watchmen
The Return of Superman
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1&2
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