The new TPB/HC thread

I finally have the entire Earth X trilogy in TPB form. I also have the Earth X hardcover on order...I bought it in hopes that I can replace the entire trilogy with hardcovers.
E said:
I finally have the entire Earth X trilogy in TPB form. I also have the Earth X hardcover on order...I bought it in hopes that I can replace the entire trilogy with hardcovers.
That's what I'm doing. Getting all of the trilogy in HC's.
Ice said:
That's what I'm doing. Getting all of the trilogy in HC's.

I had to go ahead and get the Universe and Paradise TPBs so I could read them in the meantime. It was worth the money to be able to read them now, for me anyway.
sax_russell_the_green said:
I'd like to see a link to the solicit that said the other parts were getting the HC treatment. Anyone have it?

TOG mentioned it, and I couldn't find it anywhere. He said it was in the original solit for the Earth X HC but I can't find that.
E said:
TOG mentioned it, and I couldn't find it anywhere. He said it was in the original solit for the Earth X HC but I can't find that.
I mentioned it first.

I thought it was in another solit. The original one came out in August 2005.
E said:
TOG mentioned it, and I couldn't find it anywhere. He said it was in the original solit for the Earth X HC but I can't find that.

It said it above in big bold letters in the previews magazine. I just trashed all my old ones when I was moving so I don't have it. So that's what I'm waiting for.
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I got my Punisher Vol. 5 "The Slavers" TPB today.
I start my summerjob on Monday and I already have a place for my first paycheck.

Alias Omnibus (HC)
Global Frequency Vol. 1
Global Frequency Vol. 2
Ultimate X-Men/Fantastic Four
Y: The Last Man Vol. 7: Paper Dolls
The Walking Dead Vol. 5: The Best Defense
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 15: Silver Sable

I'm ordering those as soon as the last two come out.
vintsukka said:
Alias Omnibus (HC)

This was my first exposure to Alias, and I loved it. Fun, real, and a great read.

vintsukka said:
Global Frequency Vol. 1
Global Frequency Vol. 2

Loved those too. Very intelligent and sci-fi without being dorky.
Bought today at the Motor City Comic Con:

Marvel Knights 4 Vol. 1, 2, & 3
Y: The Last man Vol. 3, 4, & 5
MAX Rawhide Kid
Fantastic Four: Unthinkable
NYX: Wannabe
Spider-Man Visionaries: McFarlane
Spider-Man Legends: McFarlene Vol. 2 & 3
Saga of the Swamp Thing (Moore) Vol. 1
Daredevil: Born Again
Daredevil Vol. 8 Vision Quest
100 Bullets Vol. 1
Authority Vol. 3
Ultimate Elektra

I spent more than I had planned, and it prevented me from picking up Miracle Man #1-8 that I saw later on which I'm still kicking myself for not selling a kidney so I could buy, but I'm happy. Add these to the Universe X Vols. 1 & 2 I picked up and the Daredevil Vol. 3-13 I got off MwoF and I have a lot of reading to do.

Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.1 "Power & Responiblty"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.2 "Learning Curve"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.3 "Double Trouble"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.4 "Legacy"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.5 "Public Surcity"
Ultimate Spider-Man Vol.6 "Venom"
Ultimate X-men Vol.1 "The Tomorrow People"
Ultimate X-men Vol.2 "Return To Weapon X"
Ultimate X-men Vol.3 "World Tour"
Ultimate X-men Vol.4 "Hellfire And Brimstone"
Ultimate X-men Vol.5 "Ultimate War"
Ultimate X-men Vol.6 "Return Of The King"
Ultimate X-men Vol.7 "Blockbuster"
Ultimates Vol.1 "Superhuman"
Ultimates Vol.2 "Homeland Security"
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.2
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up Vol.3
Ultimate Adventures
Ultimate Daredevil & Elektra
Ultimate Elektra
New X-men Vol.1 "E Is For Excintion"
New X-men Vol.2 "Imperial"
New X-men Vol.3 "New Worlds"
New X-men Vol.4 "Riot At Xaviers"
Astonishing X-men Vol.2 "Dangerous"
New X-men Vol.1 "Childhood's End"
New Avengers Vol.1 "Breakout"
New Avengers Vol.2 "The Sentry"
New Avengers Vol.3 "Secrets And Lies"
Young Avengers Vol.1 "Sidekicks"
Wolverine - Origin
Wolverine Vol.1 "The Brotherhood"
Wolverine Vol.6 "World Of M"
Captain America Vol.1 "The Winter Soldier"
Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol.1 "Down Among The Deadman"
Marvel Knights Spider-Man Vol.2 "Venomous"
The Sentry
The Incredible Hulk Vol.10 "House Of M"
The Incredible Hulk Vol.11 "Planet Hulk Prelude"
Daredevil Vol.3 "Wake Up"
Daredevil Vol.4 "Underboss"
Daredevil Vol.3 HC
Daredevil Vol 13 "Murdock Papers"
The Punisher - Welcome Back Frank
The Punisher MAX Vol.1 HC
The Punisher MAX Vol.2 HC
Venom Vol.1 "Shiver"
Venom Vs Carnage
Hulk/Wolverine - Six Hours
Spider-Man/Wolverine - The Stuff Of Legends
Daredevil Vs Punisher
Captain Universe - "Universal Heros"
Earth X
Marvel 1602
Marvel Mangaverse Vol.2
Supreme Power Vol.1 HC

Superman - "Godfall"
Batman - "Hush Vol.1"
Batman - "Hush Vol.2"
Batman - "Hush Returns"
Batman - "War Games Act One"
Batman - "War Games Act Two"
Batman - "War Games Act Three"
Nightwing - "
Flash - "Rogue War"
Green Arrow - "Moving Targets"
Birds Of Prey - "Between Dark & Dawn"
Teen Titans Vol.4 "The Future Is Now"
Teen Titans/Outsiders - The Insiders
Teen Titans/Outsiders - The Death and Return Of Donna Troy
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.1
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.2
JSA Vol.10 "Black Venegance"
JLA - Earth 2
JLA Classified - I Can't Believe It's Not The Justice League
Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman - Trinity
Rahn-Thanger War
Day Of Vengeance
Kindgom Come
Superman - Red Son
Batman - Thrillkiller

Hellblazer - Staring At The Wall
Hellblazer - Lady Constantine
Hellblazer - Papa Midnight
Death - The High Cost Of Living
Death - The Time Of Your Life
V For Vendetta

Spawn Collection Vol.1
Sam & Twitch Vol.1
Ant Vol.1 "Reality Bites"


with these on order...

Alan Moore's "A Small Killing"
Batman - "City Of Crime"
Best Of Curse Of Spawn TPB
BPRD "The Blacl Flame"
Captain America "The Winter Soldier" Vol.2
Daredevil Vol.1 HC
Daredevil Vol.5 "Out"
Generation M TPB
Green Latern Corps "Recharge"
Hellblazer - "All His Engines"
Hellspawn "The Ashley Wood Collection"
Marvel Team-Up Vol.3 "League Of Losers"
Powergirl TPB
Punisher vs Bullseye
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.3
Seven Soldiers Of Victory Vol.4
Spawn Collection Vol.2
Street Fighter Vol.1
Street Fighter Vol.2
Spider-Man/Black Cat "The Evil That Men Do"
Superman - "Infinite Crisis"
Supreme Power "Nighthawk"
Teen Titans Vol.5 "Life And Death"
Uncanny X-men Vol.4 "End Of The Greys"
Wonder Woman - "The Land Of The Dead"
Wonder Woman - "The Hiketeia"
X-men - "Deadly Genesis"
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E said:
Bought today at the Motor City Comic Con:

Marvel Knights 4 Vol. 1, 2, & 3
Y: The Last man Vol. 3, 4, & 5
MAX Rawhide Kid
Fantastic Four: Unthinkable
NYX: Wannabe
Spider-Man Visionaries: McFarlane
Spider-Man Legends: McFarlene Vol. 2 & 3
Saga of the Swamp Thing (Moore) Vol. 1
Daredevil: Born Again
Daredevil Vol. 8 Vision Quest
100 Bullets Vol. 1
Authority Vol. 3
Ultimate Elektra

I spent more than I had planned, and it prevented me from picking up Miracle Man #1-8 that I saw later on which I'm still kicking myself for not selling a kidney so I could buy, but I'm happy. Add these to the Universe X Vols. 1 & 2 I picked up and the Daredevil Vol. 3-13 I got off MwoF and I have a lot of reading to do.

Cool, E. I know you'll enjoy Y The Last Man and probably some of the others, but I don't know why you picked up The Authority Vol. 3? Because it's Millar?
ProjectX2 said:
Cool, E. I know you'll enjoy Y The Last Man and probably some of the others, but I don't know why you picked up The Authority Vol. 3? Because it's Millar?

I grabbed it hoping that I could also find vol. 1 and 2 but no dice. I actually read Vol. 1 a long time ago. Since I didn't find them (or Y Vol. 1 & 2) I was going to see if I could find them on eBay.
updated my list with:

Transmetropolitan Vol. 3: Year Of The Bastard
Transmetropolitan Vol. 4: The New Scum
Transmetropolitan Vol. 5: Lonely City
Transmetropolitan Vol. 6: Gouge Away
Transmetropolitan Vol. 7: Spider's Thrash
Transmetropolitan Vol. 8: Dirge
Transmetropolitan Vol. 9: The Cure
Transmetropolitan Vol. 10: One More Time
Transmetropolitan Vol. 0: Tales of Human Waste


X-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic Book Three
I got some new TPB's my friend gave me. I now have Batman: Thrillkiller (which the first time I didn't pay close attention to the title, so I thought it was just 'Thrilller), some Thor TPB that I haven't read yet; it's one of the 90's comic one. And then there's the Spawn manga TPB.

I think there's something else, but I'm too lazy to look for it.
E said:
I grabbed it hoping that I could also find vol. 1 and 2 but no dice. I actually read Vol. 1 a long time ago. Since I didn't find them (or Y Vol. 1 & 2) I was going to see if I could find them on eBay.

I know Ice got Vol.'s 1 and 2 pretty cheap on Amazon.