The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Your Team


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
Tampere, Finland
Couldn't find a similar thread, so here goes.

I started thinking what would be a cool "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" type team from current fiction, obviously including movies, tv, comics, video games etc. as well as literature.

So basically the idea is to recruit a team of superheros/adventurers/whatever from fiction that's based on this time period. So that means no Star Wars or anything, but works of fiction that are based on somewhat realistic portrayals of the world we live in at approximately this period in time (say, give or take 20 years).

Here's what my team looks like at the moment:
  • Jack Bauer (24)
  • Rupert Giles (Buffy)
  • Fox Mulder (The X-Files)
  • Mitchell Hundred (Ex Machina)
  • Gregory House (House, M.D.)
  • Marvin the Paranoid Android (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (more like the 80's miniseries version than the movie))
  • Hellboy
  • Ace Ventura

And I thought Cigarette-Smoking Man and/or Tyler Durden would make for an excellent villain for the team.

Anyone else? What does your team look like?
- Ash Williams (Evil Dead trilogy)
- Doctor Strange (Marvel)
- Batman (Batman Begins)
- Hiro (Heroes)
- Gordon Freeman (Half-Life)
- Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
And last but not least, The Doctor (Doctor Who)
DSF came up with an excellent list a while ago in the LoEG thread:

Out of curiousity, who would all of you think of putting in a league, lets say, during the 1970s-80s?

Here are my thoughts:

- Lestat De Lioncourt - Interview with the Vampire (this, of course, would never happen because Anne Rice is a ***** when it comes to characters being used outside her works)

- Dean Moriarty - On the Road (Moore has stated that this character would be in a modern league, and would be related to Prof. Moriarty)

- Ralph - Lord of the Flies (Now a young man, he would be haunted by what had gone on while he was on the island as a boy)

- Will Graham - Red Dragon (Retired from the FBI, or possibly still an active member... He would be an invaluable addition to the team)

- Eliot Rosewater - God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater (Eccentric millionaire and Christ Figure)

- James Bond, 007 - The Ian Fleming Novels (British Superspy, and descendent of Campion Bond)

Side Characters -
- Holden Caulfield - Catcher in the Rye (I see him as a messed up guy, in his 30s or 40s, but still not quite grown up. He probably wouldn't be in the league itself, but more of a guide on one leg of their journey, a la Inspecter Dupin in vol. 1)

- Ignatius J. Reily - Confederacy of Dunces (Particularly if Lestat were involved, and the story moved down to New Orleans to meet up with him... I'm sure Ignatius could chat them up something awful)

- Hannibal Lector - Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs (I would love to see the League have to consult the mass murderer to get some information on a villain)


I would love the plot to have a great deal to due with Vonnegut's superweapon, The mighty Ice-Nine from the book "Cat's Cradle"

Perhaps it would be taken by some fictional crimelord who alludes me at the moment... or perhaps it would be taken by the Soviets, and this would become a Cold War story complete with Russian characters I am unfamiliar with.
My list (Note did not add any dbz characters as I figured they would be much more powerful than the team and take away from the team aspect)

  • Albus Dumbledore (Harry potter) =Allan Quatermain
  • James Bond (007 films) = Tom Sawyer
  • Aquaman (Dc comics) =Captain Nemo
  • Spike (buffy/angel) = Mina Harker
  • Venom (Spider-man comics) =Rodney Skinner
  • The incredible hulk (hulk comics) = Dr. Henry Jekyll / Mr. Edward Hyde
  • Connor MacLeod (Highlander) =Dorian Gray
  • Lex Luthor (Superman) =Professor James Moriarty

Now my list may seem weird but I have not read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but i've seen movie and tried to find modern ones to replace what the old ones brought to the table.

Albus Dumbledore = The Mentor , James Bond = Govement agent , Aquaman = master of the sea , Spike = vampire , Venom = invisibility sort of as the suit can transform in to different clothes i figured master of disguise would work for the illusion of invisibility , hulk = a modern Dr. Jekyll / Mr Hyde , Connor MacLeod = immortal , Lex Luthor = the genius villain of a known a hero who in my team brings Professor James Moriarty quality plus his money would help finance a lot of their stuff.

The mentor was the hardest choice for me. I don't like Harry potter but I figured It is considered one of the best modern series of books. My other choices are all comics / tv / movies so He adds the element of books. As well as that magic is very popular in todays culture mainly due to Harry Potter so I'll give it credit and add him as I think he would make a cool Mentor

Some of My other choices for mentor that I decided no to are -

  • Obi-wan Kenobi - Joey pointed out it wouldn't work
  • Zorro - too old
  • Dr Tommy Oliver (That's right I even considered a power ranger)
  • Prof X - Loved this choice but decided I had 2 marvel characters I don't want more
  • Green Arrow - I didn't know if he was young or changed or what in current dc.
  • Col. John "Hannibal" Smith - too old today

So Ultimately I decided Dumbledore was best
the fact he's dead in books didn't matter that ca always be undone now days
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Star Wars characters don't really work with the concept, which is a group of contemporary characters forming a team. While Obi-Wan Kenobi would fit the time era, his story takes place during a wholly different time. It would have to be a modern character taking place in modern times on Earth.
Well. . .the team would have to be British, right? A modern version could be a pain in the ***. . .four off the top of my head would be Rupert Giles (Or Spike, I suppose), Brian Braddock, James Bond, and Dr. Who. And those last two would have to be the modern renditions. I'll compile a proper list later.
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Star Wars characters don't really work with the concept, which is a group of contemporary characters forming a team. While Obi-Wan Kenobi would fit the time era, his story takes place during a wholly different time. It would have to be a modern character taking place in modern times on Earth.

That is true and I'll change it.

Well. . .the team would have to be British, right? A modern version could be a pain in the ***. . .four off the top of my head would be Rupert Giles (Or Spike, I suppose), Brian Braddock, James Bond, and Dr. Who. And those last two would have to be the modern renditions. I'll compile a proper list later.

Maybe but I think now days they would have different races e.g JLA has non-Americans in it.
Maybe but I think now days they would have different races e.g JLA has non-Americans in it.

The JLA isn't run by the American Government. It's like MI-6 hiring an American; it just isn't going to happen.
The JLA isn't run by the American Government. It's like MI-6 hiring an American; it just isn't going to happen.

Well, they had Tom Sawyer in the movie!

I know I'm only, like, three people who liked the movie, but really, I don't see why they couldn't bring in specialists from other countries for certain missions.
Well, they had Tom Sawyer in the movie!

I know I'm only, like, three people who liked the movie, but really, I don't see why they couldn't bring in specialists from other countries for certain missions.

Because, again, these people are working for the British Government. There's nothing wrong with creating non-British allies of the League. After all, James Bond's biggest ally is probably Felix Lighter. But Felix works with James because the two governments' interests are aligned. Felix still takes his orders from America.

The League itself, though, would need to be comprised of Brits. And don't use the movie as a reference. . .please. :wink:
The JLA isn't run by the American Government. It's like MI-6 hiring an American; it just isn't going to happen.

How about S.H.E.I.L.D having non-americans in their team?

It's not a case of government it's a case of they want the best.

oh and changed Mentor
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How about S.H.E.I.L.D having non-americans in their team?

It's not a case of government it's a case of they want the best.

oh and changed Mentor

Who's in SHIELD that's not American?

By the way, I like the addition of Dumbledore. I was planning on adding Hermione to my team to give a female presence, as well as I feel she would be the most likely to join, being Muggle-born.
Who's in SHIELD that's not American?

By the way, I like the addition of Dumbledore. I was planning on adding Hermione to my team to give a female presence, as well as I feel she would be the most likely to join, being Muggle-born.

i was going to add a female but I figured and this may be mildly sexist I'm not sure but it's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so it shouldn't have women but the movie had one too (not sure on comic) so it's ok It's just that's why I didn't but Hermione = cool choice

but in Ultimate universe S.H.E.I.L.D recruited the Ultimates. Thor is not american is he? Plus Wasp = asian right?

So it could recruit anyone in theory
i was going to add a female but I figured and this may be mildly sexist I'm not sure but it's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so it shouldn't have women but the movie had one too (not sure on comic) so it's ok It's just that's why I didn't but Hermione = cool choice

but in Ultimate universe S.H.E.I.L.D recruited the Ultimates. Thor is not american is he? Plus Wasp = asian right?

So it could recruit anyone in theory

Well, Wasp is an Asian American. Thor never worked for the Ultimates. He made that very clear. He was an ally, nothing more.

As for women in the League. . .Mina Murray is the leader of the at least three incarnations of the Legaue in the comics. Other women in previous Leagues include Ariel from The Tempest (A play by Shakespear), Lady Blakeney from the Scarlet Pimpernel, and Fanny Hill from Fanny Hill. I'm curious who Moore will use in LoEG volume III, since it takes place in 2008.

As for my League (Using Brits only at the moment), I think I've settled on:

Rupert Giles, Abe Sapien, The Tenth Doctor, Brian Braddock, and Hermione Granger after Hogwarts. If I think of more British characters, I'll probably revise this list.
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As for my League (Using Brits only at the moment), I think I've settled on:

Rupert Giles, Abe Sapien, The Tenth Doctor, Brian Braddock, and Hermione Granger after Hogwarts. If I think of more British characters, I'll probably revise this list.

Nice list. Love the idea of Giles. I would of added him but had Spike and didn't want 2 people from the same series.

Anyone think it's ironic that me someone from England uses less "British" characters than people from usa? :lol:
Nice list. Love the idea of Giles. I would of added him but had Spike and didn't want 2 people from the same series.

Anyone think it's ironic that me someone from England uses less "British" characters than people from usa? :lol:

I was going back and forth on using Spike, Giles or Wesley, but Spike doesn't have the British spirit anymore, Wes was too dark and Giles seemed like the right combination of bookworm and bad***, plus he still loves his homeland, so I settled on him.
I was going back and forth on using Spike, Giles or Wesley, but Spike doesn't have the British spirit anymore, Wes was too dark and Giles seemed like the right combination of bookworm and bad***, plus he still loves his homeland, so I settled on him.

Spike has the British spirit of today ironically more than Giles or Wesley.

There are loads of people in the uk who dress like him (I myself normally do with my trench coat) He supports a football team (Man untied) like English bands. Giles though represents the false Stereotype of an english man that americans use.

Even Anthony Stewart Head said that for Giles he was told to speak in more posh tone. When he was acting like his young self in the episode with the chocolate bars he was more like a normal english man.

But still like I said Giles is a great choice and would work very well as the mentor type character that Allan Quatermain was in the film.
This is a very cool thread. I'm not in the frame of mind to create a list just yet, but I think I'll give it a shot in a little while.