The Last Airbender movie (watch the cartoon instead)

I think he spends over a year in that loop. The slaps are just 36 times he tried to get into Andy McDowell's vadgonus.

Have you read the reviews for Last Airbender?
No, I haven't.

Well, are you aware of the reviews?
No, actually.

Well, for the most part, critics have not been kind. Are you just ignoring them? Will you read them this weekend? Have you just not had time?
Are you saying that in general they didn't dig it?

This made me laugh SO HARD.
Oh M Night... I think the ultimate twist ending is that living with your head in the sand will only make you suffer as an artist. Pull your head up, listen to your critics and improve, you obviously have the potential to be a great storyteller, you're just too thick headed to listen.
This made me laugh SO HARD.
I liked this line:
In general, no. Roger Ebert...did not [like it]. The first line of his review is, "The Last Airbender is an agonizing experience in every category that I can think of and others still waiting to be invented." How do you react to something like that?
Oh M Night... I think the ultimate twist ending is that living with your head in the sand will only make you suffer as an artist. Pull your head up, listen to your critics and improve, you obviously have the potential to be a great storyteller, you're just too thick headed to listen.

Oh M Night... I think the ultimate twist ending is that living with your head in the sand will only make you suffer as an artist. Pull your head up, listen to your critics and improve, you obviously have the potential to be a great storyteller, you're just too thick headed to listen.

The thing that gets me the most is that he takes legitimate critic reviews and casts them off, like they know absolutely nothing. He writes the reviews off as "an art form" and completely evades the question. Then he eludes to some weak explanation of a language barrier. I don't get it. Is that his reason for critics, and viewers alike, not being able to enjoy the movie or any of his past couple films? Then he goes on to say he treats the movie-making process with "great respect." What a load of crap! And even if that was the case, why not treat each script with the respect it deserves. He goes on to say he's got his own pace, which is fine and all. But that pace will never fit into all differently toned or thematic stories and work. You have to fit your pace and change it where the story dictates and Shalamalam completely disregards that in favor of his inflated ego. You didn't see Kevin Smith make Cop Out and have Morgan and Willis sit around a donut shop, shooting the **** with each other and talking about how each one likes to give it to their (respective) wives up ass.

What a pretentious ****.
Right. So, I saw the first season and my immediate post-thought if I were doing an Ayvatar mooovie would be to have white-Soh-ka and white-Kee-tara belong to the North tribe. This immediately removes the need to have them travel from one place to the other. Secondly, you can set up white-Ung's white-appearance by focusing on the whitey siblings' lives in their tribe; white-Soh-ka is in love with white-Yoo-eh, the princess engaged to another man (white-Hun), and white-Kee-tara desperately wants to be a white-water-bender but can't because she's a white-girl. So you set up this oppressive, disenfranchised white-world that's crushed the hopes of these two white kids writ against a white society that has to be rigorous because it is in constant warfare with the evil and very not-white fire nation. That way, when white-Ung the white-Ay-vatar is discovered, the hope he brings for the white people is all the more ree-lar-vunt.
That is the most confusing paragraph I've ever read.
I take back my original pitch and replace it with a buddy movie starring Toph and THE BOULDER, along with a murder mystery sub-plot starring Sokka because this is why there is television.
I take back my original pitch and replace it with a buddy movie starring Toph and THE BOULDER, along with a murder mystery sub-plot starring Sokka because this is why there is television.

Oh sweet god, yes.