Re: The rising price of comics.
Awesome news from Bleeding Cool:
While I could understand the worry that this devalues the comics and makes them less important in the development and maintenance of a character, I don't think that would be the case. ESPECIALLY in a down economy.
Awesome news from Bleeding Cool:
Marvel, Disney And The $1.99 Comic Book
Follow me here.
Marvel publishing makes millions.
Marvel films and related licensing can, over time, make billions.
Marvel films' success are based, in part, by the good feeling towards their comics, the media buy in of the fans buzz, the A-list actors willing to take lower salaries to be in something cool, the genuine enthusiast experience that is infectious to the mass market.
If the comics get too expensive, the casual fans may drift away. Marvel may make more money at a higer price point, but with less readers, and less buzz. Which, eventually, may impact on the movies and licensing.
However, what if Disney was premptive? What if Disney want to do something that makes a big impact on the comics business. It may make less money, it may cost them in instant revenue, but it also may reignite the kind of buzz that will help the slew of Marvel and Marvel-related films and merchandise.
What if the comics, rather than creeping towards the $3.99 price, suddenly dropped. To $1.99. Across the board. Sales would rocket, market share would sour, other publishers would be squeezed off the shelves, plastic rings or no plastic rings, comics revenue would fall. But buzz would increase, increase, increase.
It might even just save the direct market.
Naturally such a publisher would need deep pockets to do this on a mass scale.
Oh, it's Disney.
Lose a million, make a billion. I understand this approach is seriously being discussed at the publisher.
And suddenly Vampirella and Fell won't seem that special…
And it might just make Marvel's reluctance to go below $1.99 for digital downloads of single issues moot, and see them support the 99 cent model rapidly becoming the norm…
While I could understand the worry that this devalues the comics and makes them less important in the development and maintenance of a character, I don't think that would be the case. ESPECIALLY in a down economy.