The Incredible Hulk general Series discussion (Spoilers)

Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

i guess were all used to dealing with Joe Q's ****
We referred to Hulk....

Anyways. I'm still going to check out Planet Hulk. I'll be getting the HC. And because I'm Marvel's b****, I'll be checking out all of WWH in TPB.

I'm sorry. :(
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

We referred to Hulk....

Anyways. I'm still going to check out Planet Hulk. I'll be getting the HC. And because I'm Marvel's b****, I'll be checking out all of WWH in TPB.

I'm sorry. :(

Jeph Loeb writes comics because you let him!
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

So, wait. . .

The Illuminati didn't intend to strand Hulk on another planet? They meant to blow him up?

Am I reading this right?
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

So, wait. . .

The Illuminati didn't intend to strand Hulk on another planet? They meant to blow him up?

Am I reading this right?
I'm a bit unclear on this situation as well.

Either the Illuminati tried to kill him or someone knew he would be near the ship at that point. It seemed like he threw the ship toward the city not away from it, which was kind of confusing. Either way were talking serious carnage in the next issue.

I liked the Hulk returning from space by just crashing to the planet.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm a bit unclear on this situation as well.

Either the Illuminati tried to kill him or someone knew he would be near the ship at that point. It seemed like he threw the ship toward the city not away from it, which was kind of confusing. Either way were talking serious carnage in the next issue.

I liked the Hulk returning from space by just crashing to the planet.

i wonder if hulk's baby will live
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Yeah, how did the nuke get on the ship? I don't get it either. But I'm glad literally like everything from Planet Hulk is now obliterated.
If the bomb can be tracked back to the Illuminati, that would explain why they go back to Earth.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I thought the ship just malfunction.

And the end scene made WWH a tad bit more interesting.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Holy Crap, Hulk needs to kill at least half of humanity.
So, the ship explodes and the explosion made a chain reaction that destroyed the planet, Hulk's wife and child died in the explosion. Hulks is pissed and he is coming to Earth.

Seriously, the Iluminatti must die.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm going to regret asking this maybe , but How did hulk have a wife and child? He's none been gone long enough

He had to get married for some political reason, but Caiera was really cool and accepted him and Banner and was hot and they were incredibly happy together so he impregnated her and she was bearing his child when she died.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

He had to get married for some political reason, but Caiera was really cool and accepted him and Banner and was hot and they were incredibly happy together so he impregnated her and she was bearing his child when she died.

I see

So basically marvel rushed him to get married to kill her off and lead to world war event
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Dude, they were in LOOOOOOVE.


yes but they only invented her and forced the wedding just to lead to an even.

I might be misunderstanding but that sounds just cheap
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)


yes but they only invented her and forced the wedding just to lead to an even.

I might be misunderstanding but that sounds just cheap

It was, which made it even more unfair that she was apparently (judging by scans I've seen, I don't read the series) totally awesome.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I'm pissed that they killed off Caiera. I really wanted her to survive, so that she could help him wreak havok on earth. She was hot and bad ***.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

I didn't care if she survived. We still have that big loose end of Betty Ross/Nightmare going on. I wish someone would touch on that. Anyway the issue was pretty good... maybe it wasn't but I'm so glad this Planet Hulk **** is over and he's coming back.
Re: The Incredible Hulk Series Discussion (Spoilers)

Hulk's an intergalactic king now?
