The Iceman thread.

Nurhachi said:
That might make iceman a bit TOO powerful for now. I mean, Icemans got so much potential and if its all realised he'd be impossible to beat. Wat was that comic where he went into the future or something with Juggernaut and a few others? And Juggernaut was good. And Icemans powers were WAY ahead of wat they are now?
"A bit TOO powerful"? Please, it would be better to see him with using that kinda power more than just seeing him how he is now, which is just talking too much trash. And so what if it would make him almost impossible to beat? There are a lot of characters like that, so I don't see why that can't happen. I mean, if you're an Omega mutant, its best to act like one. QQ sure did, even though he was a villain...but that's beside the point.
I still laugh when I remember a discussion somehwere else about Omega Mutants and someone asked if QQ was one. The response

"He Pimp-smacked Xavier. What do you think?"
Iceman should have been called "Snowman" in X-Men #1. The Ice thing was actually the first documented secondary mutation, we just didn't know it. :D
Lol. I always thought it had just been put down ot his control getting better, that he could actually make Ice rather than just snow.
Well, originally he just covered his skin in snow(iddy biddy bits of ice), then he was able to turn his entire body to ice, right? And this most latest mutation is just permanent ice right? plus some healing factor of sorts
Guijllons said:
Well, originally he just covered his skin in snow(iddy biddy bits of ice), then he was able to turn his entire body to ice, right? And this most latest mutation is just permanent ice right? plus some healing factor of sorts
Yes, yes, aaaaaand yes. :wink:
Caduceus said:
You know what that means...........


Caddy please don't tempt me. :D
Hey, for those who know about both Opal Tenaka and Lorna Dane, a.k.a. Polaris, who do you think is a better girlfriend for Iceman? And also, who do you think WAS a better girlfriend to Iceman?
icemastertron said:
Hey, for those who know about both Opal Tenaka and Lorna Dane, a.k.a. Polaris, who do you think is a better girlfriend for Iceman? And also, who do you think WAS a better girlfriend to Iceman?

Opal is better but neither of them was particularly nice so I'm going with Opal. There's a guy on the XMB who consistently refers to her as Opal and Her Giant Pants. Lorna was a cow to Bobby though. Seriously.
Caduceus said:
Opal is better but neither of them was particularly nice so I'm going with Opal. There's a guy on the XMB who consistently refers to her as Opal and Her Giant Pants. Lorna was a cow to Bobby though. Seriously.
That is true. Opal lied to Bobby about being a father, just so she could get what she wants. And Lorna made horrible comments about Bobby at her bachelorette party. But hey, Iceman made mistakes too. I remember one issue, where something might happen to Opal or something, and Bobby just basically used her as bait to draw the danger out, really. Boy was Opal pissed. The neighbor's, instead of making comments such as "GO AWAY MUTIE FREAK" or anything, they just bashed him for being a bad boyfriend.

But as of late, Iceman and Polaris have been getting a bit closer. It's been hinted that they might be put back with each other.

Overall really, I think Iceman tried to be the best he could with them. In one story arc in X-FACTOR, Iceman went to Japan to get a kidnapped Opal. I believe he went with Jean and someone else, that wasn't an X-Man. Iceman, being impatient and all, wanted to just go straight in. But of course, he wasn't allowed to. So he tried Jean's plans first, but that backfired. He then went straight to the location where Opal was, after getting they info they needed. In the end, Bobby had his girlfriend back. Incase anyone wondered, it was her biological grandfather who had kidnapped her.
Just remember that Polaris was a cow to Bobby before Austen decided she needed to be completely insane. How much worse is she going to be now....
Caduceus said:
Just remember that Polaris was a cow to Bobby before Austen decided she needed to be completely insane. How much worse is she going to be now....
Well, with the two issues Milligan has written with her, she hasn't gone crazy or done anything..."cow-ish". Iceman has been nice to her, as if they were always friends and nothing happened, and Lorna hasn't done any rejections of any sort.
Hey, I bet no one thought up a connection between Iceman and Wolverine, from the people they knew, in a few steps. Wondering? Well, here is the connection:

Iceman used to date Opal Tenaka, who used to date Sunfire, who's the cousin of Silver Samurai, who's in the same family as Mariko Yashida (by blood), who was once with Wolverine.
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You know that this means if Opal Tanaka and her Giant Pants had, in fact, been a mormon man, and Iceman and Sunfire had been women, and they had all gotten married at a love-in, and Mariko Yashida hadn't been poisoned or had actually married Wolvie, then Iceman would be the wife of the cousin to Wolverine's wife, making him practically related!!!
yeah... speaking of Iceman and Wolverine. I want to see an issue where Iceman kills Wolverine. Or at least proves he can. Maybe if Wolverine goes nuts, Iceman will have an excuse to freeze his adamantium to absolute zero, then Ice-hulk punch him and shatter him.

i can only dream...

Though, in the Wolverine issue where he killed Northstar, (That death was so dumb I was expecting Northstar to say "D'oh!") Wolverine seemed slightly worried about Iceman closing in. As he says the heroes closing in on him, he states "Iron Man. Iceman." Then goes on about how he has to jump. I think there were other heroes there he didn't say.

Haha I really just want Iceman to get some respect. He wins 90% of his arena matches, 10 % of his comic book fights.

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