The "How Much Like Entropy Are You?" Quiz

1. How do you put your shoes and socks on; sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?

sock, sock, shoe, shoe,

2. What is your favorite empowering black sitcom?

The Boondocks

3. Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Bruce Campbell?

Vin Diesel

4. What is your favorite Jesus and Mary Chain album?


5. Which current author (that means that their still alive and/or have had something published in the last ten years) do you hate the most?

Jeph Loeb

6. Can a walrus kill a polar bear?


7. Can YOU kill a polar bear?


8. What was the name of your first love?

Betty Palmer

9. What movie is best?

Boondock Saints

10. Where does 2 + 2 = 5?


11. Do you know the code?


and finally

12. Why did you bother taking this quiz?

why not?
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1. How do you put your shoes and socks on; sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?

Sock, sock, shoe, shoe.

2. What is your favorite empowering black sitcom?

No idea.

3. Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Bruce Campbell?

The Chin.

4. What is your favorite Jesus and Mary Chain album?


5. Which current author (that means that their still alive and/or have had something published in the last ten years) do you hate the most?

I don't really hate authors.

6. Can a walrus kill a polar bear?


7. Can YOU kill a polar bear?

Even better. . .I can tame one.

8. What was the name of your first love?


9. What movie is best?

The Godfather if I'm going from a film critic standpoint. From a personal standpoint, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Ghostbusters and Back to the Future in a three way tie.

10. Where does 2 + 2 = 5?

Everywho, everywhat, everywhere, everywhen, everywhy, and everyhow.

11. Do you know the code?


12. Why did you bother taking this quiz?

Because I like to sing-a, about the moon-a and the June-a and the Spring-a. . .
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1. How do you put your shoes and socks on; sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
Sock Sock Shoe Shoe

2. What is your favorite empowering black sitcom?
Cosby Show.......?

3. Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Bruce Campbell?
Please. Chuck Norris.

4. What is your favorite Jesus and Mary Chain album?
None. They're annoying.

5. Which current author (that means that their still alive and/or have had something published in the last ten years) do you hate the most?
Ann Coulter

6. Can a walrus kill a polar bear?

7. Can YOU kill a polar bear?
Of course

8. What was the name of your first love?

9. What movie is best?
Pulp Fiction

10. Where does 2 + 2 = 5?

11. Do you know the code?

and finally

12. Why did you bother taking this quiz?
Yes. I just bought this for my PSP yesterday (I had it on DVD but the disc is all scratched).

I hope you got a good deal (I assume you mean you got the UMD). If I could find it for dirt cheap I probably would get the UMD.
I hope you got a good deal (I assume you mean you got the UMD). If I could find it for dirt cheap I probably would get the UMD.

It was about $13.99. No special features at all though. My favorite parts used to be the ones with Samuel L., but really, if you think about it, Butch is the main character.
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1. How do you put your shoes and socks on; sock, sock, shoe, shoe, or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
I don't wear shoes or socks..

I like to let the skin on my feet harden into a naturally leather like material.

I carpet my floors in shards of broken glass.
2. What is your favorite empowering black sitcom?
The Jeffersons, obviously.

But only because my wife is also named Wheezy.
3. Who would win in a fight, Chuck Norris or Bruce Campbell?
Campbell, obviously.
4. What is your favorite Jesus and Mary Chain album?
That one with the 4 minute drum solo.
5. Which current author (that means that their still alive and/or have had something published in the last ten years) do you hate the most?
I'd be tempted to say Bendis, but then again, I don't think he counts as an author anymore.
6. Can a walrus kill a polar bear?
Yes. Never doubt the power of a well-groomed mustache.
7. Can YOU kill a polar bear?
Yes, but only with assistance.

This one time I went to Anatarctica and crossed the frozen wastes until I found this little bar. It was the most rundown place you've ever seen and every bastard inside looked like he could punch an elephant's head clear to Kentucky. It was below zero, but they were all sitting around in tshirts and swimming trunks. So, I go into this place and some ******* goes

"Aren't you a little overdressed?"

And I go

"Aren't you a little gay?"

Now this ****er leaps up and pins me against the wall. He and all his buds gather 'round me and start talking about what they're gonna do with me. But then the bartender speaks up.

"Hey guys, I think we can solve this in a less violent manner..."

The lead jackass says

"...Oh, I know what ya mean."

And all the other jackasses start chanting


So, we armwrestled. I had to go through a gauntlet of these bastards. They had a full professional set up for this stuff. They all stood in line. The first sat down. He had jet black hair and an enormous beard. Before we began he simply said


Before grabbing my hand with his massive lump of a fist. But then something surprising happened. I quickly and easily slammed his fist into the table. I was astonished and so was he. The second stepped up and I defeated him too. And so I defeated each and every single brute and strongman in the bar easily, no matter how huge or imposing. And when I finally came to King Jackass (as I had named him by now), I stared him down and almost made him think he could beat me before I bent his wrist so violently that he screamed. The bartender looked at me and said in amazement

"What the hell is wrong with you, Mister? Listen, we got one more challenge to give ya....If ya dare to except..."

"...**** yeah."

The bartender walked into the back and I heard a loud tussling and ... a roar. I first saw him come out holding a leash. Following behind on the leash was a 12 foot tall Polar Bear.

"You're kidding me, right?"

I said.

"Nope. Now put yer mit up and show 'Frosty' some respect."

He sat Frosty across from me and we both stared at each other. His eyes were calm but full of violence. I put my hand up, shaking. He gripped it with a clawed and cold paw. The bartender made a motion in the air with tree fingers "Three, Two, One."

I felt a horrible tug on my hand and tried to fight it. The bear was strong. I snarled at Frosty and he snarled back. My hand came down and almost touched the table, but I fought back. I managed to get his paw far to the other side but I became exhausted by the effort. When I was at my weakest the bear took advantage and yanked my arm to the other side. I saw it move in slow motion. Getting closer, closer, closer...But then something miraculous happened. A steel-toed boot swooped in like a fighter plane and dug it self deep into Frosty's testacles. Frosty let out a whimpering scream and agony filled its face. I slammed its now limp paw to the table and the bear fell backwards out of its chair. I looked around for my savior but the Jackasses returned stunned looks of confusion. Thats when I turned to see who was standing next to me.

It was Bass, in a pair of steel-toed boots. We highfived in triumph and the bar patrons began chanting again


We celebrated the victory with pretzels, beer and new friends.

It was the best birthday ever.
8. What was the name of your first love?
As you can clearly tell from the above response, Bass.
9. What movie is best?
"Head of the *** 2: *** Is Back In Session!"
10. Where does 2 + 2 = 5?
11. Do you know the code?
Do you?
12. Why did you bother taking this quiz?
To prove the shocking truth...

I'm Entropy's father!!