The Good Things in Life

That's sounds like an episode of Punk'd where they make Van Damme think he's getting a lead role in a michael bay film.

really? That's hilarious!

'cuz... Van Damme...

:D :D :D :D :D

Now if they'd just done it to Segal.... and then cut his head off.
It was 61 glorious degrees Fahrenheit when I left for work today, which means I could wear clothing that didn't weigh fifteen pounds all by itself.

Plus, we have a new Book Forum. :D (As long as I don't log in tomorrow and find out it was all a dream....)
My fiancee just sent me a teaser picture of her in her wedding dress, that absolutely made my day. She has made it clear that i will not see it until the wedding, so a sneak peek meant a lot to me.

Also i have to extol the virtues of shorts weather...and free pizza
It was 61 glorious degrees Fahrenheit when I left for work today, which means I could wear clothing that didn't weigh fifteen pounds all by itself.
What is that in Celsius anyway?

I bet I'd still freeze my nuts off in your country anyway.

In my country, we consider 19 degrees Celsisus too cold.
After a couple weeks of opening and sorting through literally hundreds of cardboard boxes a week, as well as the occasional shifts of giftwrapping I've built up a surprisingly good immunity to papercuts. It's great. Almost everyday I either get some of those, or scrap my knuckles while carrying boxes around, or stab myself in the hand with a screwdriver. Little happens anymore. Even bleeding.
i think the lack of bleeding just means you don't drink a whole lot of water.

EDIT: that doesn't make any sense anymore to me.
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After a couple weeks of opening and sorting through literally hundreds of cardboard boxes a week, as well as the occasional shifts of giftwrapping I've built up a surprisingly good immunity to papercuts. It's great. Almost everyday I either get some of those, or scrap my knuckles while carrying boxes around, or stab myself in the hand with a screwdriver. Little happens anymore. Even bleeding.
It's your teenage superpowers. You're becoming invulnerable.

I'm on to you,

My good thing in life: The thing I talked about in the Social Thread. I still can't believe this isn't a dream. I am definitely the most awkward person around girls, especially ones I happen to like.
My good thing in life: The thing I talked about in the Social Thread. I still can't believe this isn't a dream. I am definitely the most awkward person around girls, especially ones I happen to like.

This is what some would call "The Zone." You my friend are definitely in it.

Do a touchdown dance.
You know that feeling when you're trying to eat a large amount of food, and you still have plenty left, but you're already so full, and then you reach a point a little bit beyond full, where for some reason it feels like eating a bit more will actually make you feel better, and you do and it does? That's pretty nice. The pizza place where I usually get lunch during work was renovating or something today so I went to Swiss Chalet and just got a giant plate of fries, and this was the case.

What's not so nice is that some people can't even imagine this concept. But not drag down the thread or anything...
We had a visit from a police officer this morning, concerning two boys who made an unnecessary 911 call from a pay phone.

Normally, this would not cause anyone to smile. However, the police officer brought the boys to the library, had them each choose a book and read it to him, and even paid off one kid's fifty-cent overdue fine. He explained to the kids that going to the library and reading wasn't a punishment, it was a priviledge and a better way to spend their time than getting into trouble, because it challenged their minds. He was very nice about the whole thing.

I had to laugh when he told the boys he was leaving to "go fight crime".... :D
Because my job relies so heavily on research, I'm glad that there are absolutely no firewalls or content filters applied to the Internet access.

This means I am moderately more likely to get sidetracked in my work, but still, it's nice to know I can read up on the few news-sites I track, and well, post on the board.
My good thing? Well, there is definition of "good" now and days, but I have to say it's when I get home from school and sit in my mushroom chair, pop in Pretty. Odd., sip a glass of Pepsi, play Pokemon, and then when people call, turn the CD down a little, and then turn up the volume on the gameboy micro so they can hear the sound. Then they'll complain. Then i'll yell "WE DON'T SERVE CHICKEN HERE!" And hang up. Then turn up the CD. THen when my girlfriend calls, put down the gameboy and talk with her. Then yell "WE DON'T SERVE CHICKEN HERE!" THen hang up. Ah, the good things in life.​
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