The Flash - Series Discussion (spoilers)

until dc stops ruining the FLASH title with wally's kids every single issue or until barry takes over

I'll be taking a break from this title after reading this comic for like 30 years
The kids suck, but I suspect they won't last long with Waid off the book. Plus, at the end of the last issue the daughter got really old, so it looks like they're dealing with them one way or another.
So, the daughter aged again. Probably just a matter of time until the kids de-age back into babies, which is really the only way to end their storyline.
I've been reading johns flash run, in preparation for rebirth. I gotta say (unsurprisingly) it's really really good.

But like more than i expected, being that this is johns' first bit of big-time work for DC.

So far my absolute favourite tpb has been blitz. Starts off with Gorilla Grodd and then develops to show the origin of a new zoom (or possibly zoom I haven't quite worked out if he's supposed to be the same as professor zoom from the future). But this arc was really really good, you've got 2 of flashes nemesis and really moving ending - My ideal vision of a flash film would follow this pretty close.

That arc climaxes with issue 200 and then the arc that starts 201 - ignition, really takes the book in a completely different direction. I really recommend if people haven't read any of this, those two tpbs are well worth seeking out.

Also wonderland was really fun, that's the first one. And there's a really good one-shot issue focussing on Captain cold. I think Captain cold is one of my fave characters for Johns to write, I'm loving rogues revenge in final crisis.

Man if he's coming back on the flash and he's gonna try and top this, I just can't wait.
I just found the CD I made with all of Johns's Flash run on it. I'm going to finally finish it. It's missing a couple of issues that are from that Secret of Barry Allen arc but I understand that it basically ties into Identity Crisis and isn't that important?

So, Flash: Rebirth next month, huh? I'm excited to see how Johns handles all the different Flashes. I am worried because it starts with Barry Allen investigating the murder of a Flash. Not sure if it's just a generic speeder or an actual Flash... I'm looking forward to Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen all interacting. Should be great fun.
Wait did they bring Bart Back? ahhh comic books is there anything they can't do.

Would it be sensible to have this thread as discussion for flash in general and another new one for when rebirth comes out. I have a feeling that the new flash series will spark as much interest as there is on the green lantern one now (if not more). Keep this thread for the general & non-current Waid / Johns / all that stuff since infinite crisis.
Wait did they bring Bart Back? ahhh comic books is there anything they can't do.

Would it be sensible to have this thread as discussion for flash in general and another new one for when rebirth comes out. I have a feeling that the new flash series will spark as much interest as there is on the green lantern one now (if not more). Keep this thread for the general & non-current Waid / Johns / all that stuff since infinite crisis.

bart came back in legion of 3 worlds. the lightning rod from that JLA/JSA run
Wait did they bring Bart Back? ahhh comic books is there anything they can't do.

Would it be sensible to have this thread as discussion for flash in general and another new one for when rebirth comes out. I have a feeling that the new flash series will spark as much interest as there is on the green lantern one now (if not more). Keep this thread for the general & non-current Waid / Johns / all that stuff since infinite crisis.

Yes, that's why I was thinking. Leave this one for general discussion and make a new one for Rebirth and the new series.

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