The Flash (1990-1991) - Timeline

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Aug 30, 2018
United Kingdom
This is the timeline for The Flash (1990-1991). It takes place on Earth-90 of the DC Live-Action Multiverse.



The Flash 1x09, "Ghost in the Machine" (0:00:00 - 0:03:57)

The Flash 1x01, "Pilot"

The Flash 1x02, "Out of Control"
The Flash 1x04, "Honor Among Thieves"

August 14
The Flash: TV Special #1, "Meet Kid Flash"

The Flash 1x03, "Watching the Detectives"
The Flash 1x06, "Sins of the Father"

November 2
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision" (0:00:00 - 0:05:08)

November 3
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision" (0:05:09 - 0:18:28)

November 4
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision" (0:18:29 - 0:27:44)

November 5
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision" (0:27:45 - 0:44:20)

November 6
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision" (0:44:20 - 0:45:48)

The Flash 1x07, "Child's Play"
The Flash 1x08, "Shroud of Death"
The Flash 1x09, "Ghost in the Machine" (0:03:58 - 0:45:32)
The Flash: TV Special #1, "The Quick and the Dead"


The Flash 1x10, "Sight Unseen"

March 15
The Flash 1x11, "Beat the Clock" (0:00:00 - 0:42:55)

March 16
The Flash 1x11, "Beat the Clock" (0:42:56 - 0:43:35)

The Flash 1x11, "Beat the Clock" (0:43:36 - 0:45:55)

The Flash 1x13, "Tina, Is That You?"
The Flash 1x12, "The Trickster"
The Flash 1x14, "Be My Baby"

The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:00:00 - 0:12:37)
**The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:41:06 - 0:41:53)**
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:12:38 - 0:13:22)
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:13:36 - 0:13:43)
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:41:54 - 0:45:52)
The Flash 1x16, "Deadly Nightshade"
The Flash 1x17, "Captain Cold"
The Flash 1x18, "Twin Streaks"
The Flash 1x19, "Done with Mirrors"
The Flash 1x20, "Good Night, Central City"
The Flash 1x21, "Alpha"

The Flash 1x22, "The Trial of the Trickster"

The Flash (Master System)
The Flash (Game Boy)

March 3

The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:13:23 - 0:13:35) [Alternate Timeline]
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:13:44 - 0:28:08) [Alternate Timeline]

March 4
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward" (0:28:09 - 0:41:05) [Alternate Timeline]

December 9

The Flash 5x09, "Elseworlds, Part 1" (0:00:00 - 0:00:45) [Pre-Crisis]

Viewing Order

The Flash 1x01, "Pilot"
The Flash 1x02, "Out of Control"
The Flash 1x04, "Honor Among Thieves"
The Flash: TV Special #1, "Meet Kid Flash"
The Flash 1x03, "Watching the Detectives"
The Flash 1x06, "Sins of the Father"
The Flash 1x05, "Double Vision"
The Flash 1x07, "Child's Play"
The Flash 1x08, "Shroud of Death"
The Flash 1x09, "Ghost in the Machine"
The Flash: TV Special #1, "The Quick and the Dead"
The Flash 1x10, "Sight Unseen"
The Flash 1x11, "Beat the Clock"
The Flash 1x13, "Tina, Is That You?"
The Flash 1x12, "The Trickster"
The Flash 1x14, "Be My Baby"
The Flash 1x15, "Fast Forward"
The Flash 1x16, "Deadly Nightshade"
The Flash 1x17, "Captain Cold"
The Flash 1x18, "Twin Streaks"
The Flash 1x19, "Done with Mirrors"
The Flash 1x20, "Good Night, Central City"
The Flash 1x21, "Alpha"
The Flash 1x22, "The Trial of the Trickster"

The Flash (Master System)
The Flash (Game Boy)
The Flash 5x09, "Elseworlds, Part 1"
Arrow 7x09, "Elseworlds, Part 2"
The Flash 6x09, "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three"
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This is to keep the Arrowverse purely Earth-Prime while keeping everything DIrishB did available.
I'd also move Meet Kid Flash to after episode 4 as that's when the name 'The Flash' begins to stick, and he's heavily known as The Flash in the comic. That also gives a bit of time between episodes.
(I'm watching the show if you haven't noticed)
I think it was either DIrishB or Selfishmisery who originally had this made for the Arrowverse timeline.
The Flash video game, if it is considered canonical for this universe?
Never played that but did have the Gameboy game. The Trickster, Mirror Master and Captain Cold are all level bosses. It's definitely based on the show versions not the comic book. Tina McGee is in it too. It would probably take place after the series.
Watching a video review of the Sega Master System version - it basically looks like the same game. I wonder how much it cost me to get a system and that game now…

Seriously that Gameboy might be one of my favorite games ever. Coming out after the show ended and it was so specific to the show. Sega review reminded me Trachmann, had visor and power glove to control the Flash, was in game too!!
Reading a description refreshed my memory more. The Trickster is a presence throughout the Gameboy game. Mostly through a still image that taunts between levels. He is the last boss as a figure that bounces around the screen a lot.
You do see Captain Cold as an end level boss before. It does fit my memories that Mirror Master and Trackmann are only name dropped as helping the Trickster. Never seen.

The modern reviews are really harsh. But I was 13 and loved it. Worth mentioning years before my favorite movie ever Back to the Future got one of the worst NES games ever. Even at 11? I saw how awful it was right away!

John Wesley Shipp has said a few years after the cancellation he ran into a former CBS executive at some tv event. They admitted they made mistake canceling the show. During a 2nd season is when the merchandise would have really launched. Which would have helped promote the show.

There is a lot of evidence stuff was in the works before cancellation. Those two games. Video games need a long lead time to develop. The Gameboy game guide book was filled with artwork of John Wesley Shipp as the Flash. Some of which is on cover of that Sega game. Years later I discovered artist Jose Garcia Lopez did a whole style guide for merchandise. Probably around Christmas 1992 my family took trip to Mall of America in Minneapolis. The Warner Bros Store sold an electric handhold Tiger game of the Flash. With some of that style guide art on top. In hindsight I wish I got it. But even as kid I never thought those Tiger games were that great. Compared to Gameboy. Probably not cheap either.
I just found a site that covers all this merchandise and some I don't remember
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Here is a video play through of complete Gameboy game -

Proof I should not trust reviews against my own memory the Mirror Master does appear! At around 22:00. Based on comic book character with mask and cowl. Not only that before that level Tina tells Barry that the Mirror Master is at the Nightshade's garage! Got to give credit to designer, writer of this game they researched the show
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Neither game have any expressed dates
The gameboy game was released in March 1992 in America, 1991 in Europe
Trickster escapes from jail and sets bombs all over the city
Features Mirror Master, Captain Cold, mentions Nightshade's garage
So at the earliest is after episode 19, although if it happened before Trial of the Trickster, I think they would have mentioned all the recent bombs and escape.
I think it's safest to put it in March 1992

Flash 1993 Sega was released September 1993
Trickster and Marcos Trachmann have taken over the city, steal a time machine and go to the future
I think it's safest to put this at release date as well
Does Marcos Trachmann ever clearly appear in the game? Looking at the game play videos it's hard to distinguish who is who? Most levels with the Trickstermoblie presumably the Trickster himself is driving himself. You can make barely make out his figure inside front of steering wheel. Than in another level another figure pops out of window to shot the Flash. I am guess that is Trachmann.

It not surprising that game designers latched on to Trachmann when making games. Early on in the show he was the closest thing to a costumed super villain. Aired before the first Trickster episode and long before the Captain Cold and Mirror Master episodes.

While an original creation of the show Marcos Trachmann closet comic book counterpart was the DC villain the Puppet Master, later renamed the Puppeteer. Originally a Hal Jordan/Green Lantern adversary and later fought Ray Palmer/The Atom.

The Puppeteer imagery is even used in the show. The Flash has a nightmare with Trachmann standing over in controlling him with strings like a marionette.

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