The Dropping Thread

I'm currently considering dropping Countdown and Batman. Countdown hasn't done anything but annoy me so far, and Morrison's Batman just isn't doing it. And its got a pretty shoddy release schedule.

I dunno. I think decision day will be whenever I do my next order.
Yeah. . . I'm dropping Green Lantern.

The last storyline was horrible. I know things are set up to get awesome from now on, but I could always buy the trade later. I'm cutting titles and this one just isn't doing enough for me.

I'm going to have to take a long, hard look at Wildstorm too. I'm getting all the Wildstorm Universe books, but I'm not really enjoying many of them. I've been a Wildstorm whore for the last decade though so it's really hard for me to let go. I don't like Wildstorm being one of the 52, though, and I fear for its chances of surviving unabsorbsed into the DCU. I should just end it now.
Yeah. . . I'm dropping Green Lantern.

The last storyline was horrible. I know things are set up to get awesome from now on, but I could always buy the trade later. I'm cutting titles and this one just isn't doing enough for me.

I'm going to have to take a long, hard look at Wildstorm too. I'm getting all the Wildstorm Universe books, but I'm not really enjoying many of them. I've been a Wildstorm whore for the last decade though so it's really hard for me to let go. I don't like Wildstorm being one of the 52, though, and I fear for its chances of surviving unabsorbsed into the DCU. I should just end it now.

I haven't read the latest issue yet, but Green Lantern is like my favourite DCU book.
dropping She-Hulk

actually i thought it was getting better till she slept with tony and i just thought WTF?
i think its better now there is more fighting going on at least. i mean c`mon you are green skinned and hella strong so what? you solve court cases all day?!?!
I'll drop She-Hulk when Slott leaves unless an amazing writer comes on. Otherwise, I have no loyalty to the character.

I'm hoping to get down to about $20 a week at the old comic shop.
I'll drop She-Hulk when Slott leaves unless an amazing writer comes on. Otherwise, I have no loyalty to the character.

I'm hoping to get down to about $20 a week at the old comic shop.

This is the first week I've ever gone into the shop and gotten outta there without spending less than $35. Most weeks I average $45-50 worth of comics.

I'm so glad I dropped DC.
This is the first week I've ever gone into the shop and gotten outta there without spending less than $35. Most weeks I average $45-50 worth of comics.

I used to be the same way, but this last month I've ben dropping left and right. I got out at $30 yesterday. A few more choice cuts, plus some cancellations I'm not entirely happy about, and I'll be at about target.

Then it's UC store every day!
I spent another $40 on comics today.

But I dropped Green Lantern, Birds of Prey, Shadowpact, GI Joe, and Toyfare.

I have a couple minis coming to an end soon and Blade and Green Arrow are getting cancelled.

Plus, one more agonizing issue of Wolverine. God, I wish I had it in me to drop books mid-arc. I think I might be within sight of my $20 per week goal.
I should come in at about $15 today. Thats assuming I pick up Battlin Jack Murdock, which I'm still on the fence about.

I've been slicing off books that either don't come out regularly or just don't Wow me. Unfortunatly that means that alot of my DCU proper titles are going away. Last time I gave my order into the LCS he was amazed at homw much Marvel was on it (I think 6 or 7 books.)
After dropping my DC titles....I'm down to $20 a week. But what's killing me is smaller titles from Dark Horse, Vertigo, Image, etc.
I only subcribe to the Ultimate titles. Unless something incredible comes about before they expire consider them dropped. The magic just isn't there, not that there aren't good issue now and then but..... nevermind, I don't think I need to explain it further.

I think I'll be going to my not so local comic shop from now on anyway, I'm sick of my subcriptions being bent in the mail. The plan is to test the waters and see if anything tickles my fancy, it's time for something new.

  • JLA
  • The Flash/All Flash/Fastest Man Alive/Zippy the Quick
  • Countdown
  • Any non-Dini Detective
  • Batman - I will try this one again later in trades.
  • Non-Donner/Johns Action

I'm just really tired of DC spinning its wheels with all the crossover building and character shell games. I'm not sure what I;ll start picking up. I know I'm going to give new Avengers another shot. Maybe I'll pick up Post PMD Spider-Man if its got good teams.