The Death Penalty


Face-Punching As Foreign Policy
Aug 16, 2005
Re: Random Science Questions

You know lethal injections? why do they sterilize the needles?
Re: Random Science Questions

Yeah. But they can't kill him on a Sunday.

That would be wrong.

Also - lethal injection isn't humane. It's horrifically painful and violent. Just leaves a pretty corpse.


That said - I'm not completely against capital punishment - just some forms of it.
Re: Random Science Questions

Isn't the person in an induced coma when they do it?

No. They're paralyzed with one drug before injected with the killing drug. If they're only injected with the killing drug, they writhe around, but people are arguing that the paralysis drug is very painful. They leave a pretty corpse, but die in agony. I think there's a third drug injected first, but I can't remember what it is.

This is all stuff I remember from a newspaper article I read a while ago, so feel free to dismiss it if you have an actual source for contradictory information.
Re: Random Science Questions

This is all stuff I remember from a newspaper article I read a while ago, so feel free to dismiss it if you have an actual source for contradictory information.


Warning Twilight likes to kill people slow and painfully but knows how to keep a perfect corpse to recreate scenes from "Weekend at Bernie's"
Re: Random Science Questions

No. They're paralyzed with one drug before injected with the killing drug. If they're only injected with the killing drug, they writhe around, but people are arguing that the paralysis drug is very painful. They leave a pretty corpse, but die in agony. I think there's a third drug injected first, but I can't remember what it is.

This is all stuff I remember from a newspaper article I read a while ago, so feel free to dismiss it if you have an actual source for contradictory information.

I thought they injected them with a coma-inducer first, then one to shut down their lungs, then one to stop their heart.

Feh. You're probably right. At any rate.... if you did something to deserve the death penalty in the first place....
Re: Random Science Questions

I thought they injected them with a coma-inducer first, then one to shut down their lungs, then one to stop their heart.

Feh. You're probably right. At any rate.... if you did something to deserve the death penalty in the first place....

I think we're both right. The paralysis makes them not writhe around while their lungs are collapsing.

Of course, you can't ever 100% guarantee that everyone who gets the death penalty is guilty. I don't know how many people have been executed, but it's practically guaranteed that by now at least one innocent (at the very least of the crimes they were killed for, if not 100% innocent) person has suffered and died unnecessarily.
Re: Random Science Questions

Yeah, that's one of the only reasons I'm against the death penalty. If we ever had a completely infalliable way of telling whether or not somebody's guilty, that would be a different story.

Then again, I think as a civilization it's probably best for everyone if they just don't have it at all and try to set the best example they can all around.
Re: Random Science Questions

Then again, I think as a civilization it's probably best for everyone if they just don't have it at all and try to set the best example they can all around.

but with out it the prisons become over crowed and taxes go up. I wish we had it over here. Honestly I think the death penalty is good.

Also yes some killed maybe innocent but lets say 10% are innocent (this is hypothetical) and 10 , 000 ,000 have been executed. then sure 1 000 000 were innocent but it's worth it to kill 9 000 000 guilty people.

Thats one of the reasons when it came to Afghanistan with the terrorist groups in it we (england and america) should have just nuked it. Sure we kill a hell of a lot of innocent people but the end justifies the means and as long as the scales are in our favour who cares?

by doing that we have saved the lives of everyone they do terrorist attacks to. Same with prisoners. Rape , Pedophilia , mass murder , All should just kill them and say "Next?"

I know these are unpopular opinions expressed by me and anyone offended sorry but that's how I see it
Re: Random Science Questions

That's an extremely utilitarianist way of thinking and I don't agree with it. I mean, would you think the same way if your mother or brother or son was about to be executed for a crime they didn't commit? That's the problem with the ends justifying the means.... the scales won't always be in our favour.

If re-enslaving every black person in the United States(less than 5% of the population) would make the lives of the whites far easier, would you say the same?

And heck, what if it were the non-human animals with their fingers on the button? They could wipe out 6 billion people and save a few dozen times that in the animals we wipe out every year, but would it be worth it?

I don't think prison overcrowding is as bad as you think. Executing every rapist and murderer we can may seem good in the small picture, but overall, I think we should be doing as much as we can to be as civil as possible without comprimising public safety.
Re: Random Science Questions

That's an extremely utilitarianist way of thinking and I don't agree with it. I mean, would you think the same way if your mother or brother or son was about to be executed for a crime they didn't commit? That's the problem with the ends justifying the means.... the scales won't always be in our favour.

It would suck an sure I would hate it. But I would understand it.

That's like me saying the same thing for you. A rapist goes to prison. They decide that the death penalty is wrong. 25 years later he gets out of prison. He rapes your mother or sister or 10 other girls.

was it still worth not executing him when they had the chance?

If re-enslaving every black person in the United States(less than 5% of the population) would make the lives of the whites far easier, would you say the same?

No , That's not the same thing. That's making life a little easier NOT saving lives or stopping people getting hurt.

And heck, what if it were the non-human animals with their fingers on the button? They could wipe out 6 billion people and save a few dozen times that in the animals we wipe out every year, but would it be worth it?

For them it would make sense , If we were told a race wipes out entire races of humans I would want them killed. Sucks to be us in the situation but you hopefully get what I mean.

I don't think prison overcrowding is as bad as you think. Executing every rapist and murderer we can may seem good in the small picture, but overall, I think we should be doing as much as we can to be as civil as possible without comprimising public safety.

It's cool dude you disagree. I suggest if you want we carry this on in it's own thread before we take this one off topic too much as it is an interesting topic even if we both disagree with other i would be curious to see where others stand
I split off the posts and made a new thread because this was getting a bit off-topic.

I, personally, support the death penalty, but only in the most extreme cases.
I split off the posts and made a new thread because this was getting a bit off-topic.

Nice one, Proj.

I think the death penalty should only be used in cases where it's very clear that the criminal in question will never, ever be a benefit to society.

They obviously committed heinous crimes--beyond murder, beyond rape. There is no doubt that they did it. They will never hold down a steady job or contribute to society. Their mind is so twisted that they are simply incapable of providing any happiness to anyone, except by dying. They won't repent or heal. They'll never do anything of any value, no matter how small.

Rape and torture a dozen people to death in your basement and wear their skin? Nothing will ever, ever make up for that. Kill 'em in as humane a method as possible. Abuse a child whose life was entrusted to you in ways no humane person could think of? That's it, you're done, the end.
Re: Random Science Questions

That's like me saying the same thing for you. A rapist goes to prison. They decide that the death penalty is wrong. 25 years later he gets out of prison. He rapes your mother or sister or 10 other girls.

was it still worth not executing him when they had the chance?

No, but by no means am I saying that a crime like rape, first-degree murder or paedophilia should get anything else than a life sentence without parole.

I'd definitely rather someone like that be executed than ever let out of prison.

No , That's not the same thing. That's making life a little easier NOT saving lives or stopping people getting hurt.

So you're only utilitarian in the most extreme situations. Fair enough.

ProjectX2 said:
I, personally, support the death penalty, but only in the most extreme cases.
TwilightEL said:
I think the death penalty should only be used in cases where it's very clear that the criminal in question will never, ever be a benefit to society.

They obviously committed heinous crimes--beyond murder, beyond rape. There is no doubt that they did it. They will never hold down a steady job or contribute to society. Their mind is so twisted that they are simply incapable of providing any happiness to anyone, except by dying. They won't repent or heal. They'll never do anything of any value, no matter how small.

Rape and torture a dozen people to death in your basement and wear their skin? Nothing will ever, ever make up for that. Kill 'em in as humane a method as possible. Abuse a child whose life was entrusted to you in ways no humane person could think of? That's it, you're done, the end.

I agree with this, but unfortunately it would require a whole new tier to the legal system, something like "horrific crimes", and I can't see them writing that in any time soon. They totally should, though.

As long as we're on the subject, I think the age in which you can be actually charged with murder should plummet. There was this case in the UK that's been brought up on the board before, where two kids, I think they were 9-year-olds, kidnapped a 5 year old and gruesomely tortured him to death.

I would absolutely say that's a crime worthy of execution or at least life imprisonment, but since "OMG they're only 9 and thus not actually people but robots that can be accidentally programmed by an ambiguous society to not know that torturing someone to death is wrong", I believe they were to go to Juvi and receive counselling until they were 25. The whole "minors" thing is one of the most glaring problems with modern legal systems, IMO.
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Re: Random Science Questions

No, but by no means am I saying that a crime like rape, first-degree murder or paedophilia should get anything else than a life sentence without parole.

I'd definitely rather someone like that be executed than ever let out of prison.

See that was kind of my point. I wasn't saying kill every criminal , A thief for example = Jail. Sex offenders of any type = Death , Murder (not manslaughter or what ever they call accidental murder) = death , manslaughter e.g Drunk driver kills someone by mistake = Jail.

My ideal is this. If say killing you saves the life of two people then the scales are in my favour I kill you. That's what I saying about the death penalty. So what if 10 innocent people die if 20 guilty are killed.

I know that's bad for the innocent but you take chances e.g have no death penalty just incase then guilty people will start exploiting the system to get freed.

I hope you get what I saying.