FINALLY got to see it today (we went last week and apparently getting there 1/2 hr before it begins wasn't enough to get a good seat, so we left). I am so glad I got to see it. It sounds kind of cheesy but I feel so lucky that we got these movies. What an amazing movie and experience. Most definitely 5 stars, and the problems I had with it were minor enough to not detract from the movie. I'm a total sucker for referencing previous points in movie series like this, so I loved the flashbacks (particularly when Gordon realizes who Batman is). I had such chills when Bruce climbed out of the prison that I thought my spine was going to jump out of my back.
To begin with, there are too many minor characters that are either not needed or are not explained enough.
I didn't think so at all. There certainly seemed like there were fewer than in either of the two previous movies.
but why set the bomb to detonate 5 months into the future? What's the point of all the stuff about giving the citizenry of Gotham their freedom?
Completely, totally agreed. It was well done and interesting but that part of it didn't seem to make much sense.
Also, Bane's voice is an issue. There's nothing wrong with the accent that Hardy and Nolan chose to use for the character. The issue is that he IS fairly hard to understand at times, which is quite distracting.
Absolutely. It wasn't just Bane, either. Even Gordon and Batman had moments where I just could not understand them. I was trying to determine if it's that Nolan mixes the music too high or something but I can't put my finger on it. Bass and Proj were talking on Twitter about how this is a common problem with Nolan films...I don't remember if I had this problem with The Dark Knight and it's the only other Nolan film I've seen in a theatre, but I definitely noticed it here.
Alfred disappears for 4/5 of the movie after an awkward argument with Bruce, Bruce seemingly falls in love with Talia (oops I mean Miranda Tate) after hooking up with her once.
Both good points. I do wish that the relationship with Tate was defined a little better; maybe something close to Jezebel Jet in the comics?
I didn't quite understand the point of all of corporate espionage stuff toward the beginning of the seemed pointless and convoluted.
Ooooh - not at all! It was very important to wipe out Bruce Wayne's finances.
I mean I understand the point about him fixing the autopilot, but I also thought it showed him in the cockpit with only seconds left on the timer. What I'm saying is that he still would have been within the blast radius of the nuclear bomb.
Another excellent point.
I love that John Blake was Tim Drake (with a little Jason Todd), but he wasn't really either. He was his own character. I wish his full name had been Grayson or Drake at the end instead of Robin though, that was a bit of a letdown.
He totally should have been Tim Drake. Totally. Naming him Robin was corny, especially because it is obvious he is supposed to be becoming Batman. It would've made more sense and been a great homage to the comics.
I love that this movie was Knightfall, The Dark Knight Returns, No Mans Land, and Daughter of the Demon among others, but isn't really any of those stories. It's it's own tale.
Anne Hathaway's Catwoman was purrrfect. She's the best Catwoman in any adaptation of Batman I've seen. She played the part wonderfully, and was written well as a character. She's also beautiful, which didn't hurt.
Totally agreed again, especially about how she was well-written. I told my wife after we left that I'm so glad they didn't throw in the corny stuff with cats all over the place like in Batman Returns.
I agree that the romantic relationships weren't developed very well, and that Miranda's reveal sort of made Bane a little less cool, but overall those are rather minor complaints (in my opinion) compared to how great the movie was.
Yeah. You're opinion's wrong. In fact there obviously is a big connecting between Begins and Rises. If anything The Dark Knight was the one that was "out of place".
Totally agreed, and that is taking nothing away from TDK.