My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
Thor's name is Ethan, and he spent 90$! on the white variant of USM#103
In that case, I withdraw my birthday greeting to Thor.
Thor's name is Ethan, and he spent 90$! on the white variant of USM#103
In that case, I withdraw my birthday greeting to Thor.
Wait a tic! Everyone knows Gemini is a pathological liar!
I always knew the devil would resemble Kevin Spacey.
Eh, not funny. And the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
It's already Friday's birthday, on this side of the world. Greetings, man!
Have you been experimenting with your mind powers?
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, Friday!
Brain McLargeHuge!
Call yourself what you want, it's your birthday!
It's Friday's birthday on Wednesday!!? Say Whaaaaa!
Why are we saying Happy Birthday to Friday when it's still Tuesday (and Wednesday in the future)?
Wrong days, people!
And now that the terribly pun is out the way, Happy Birthday man who was once called Baxter!![]()
Happy Birthday whatever you are calling yourself now.
Happy birthday, Wednesday.
Don't forget, Bax.
Only those that are born are the ones that get to die.