#1 reason not to join UC
I wonder if my tastes suck or his dialogue in Dardevil isn't bad. I never hear any complaints about it and he's not writing teen/early 20's there.
UltimateE said:Ice is right on the money. He's hit or miss. EVERYONE is hit or miss. Just as Rhyo said - there is no universally liked comic. Similarly, no writer is universally liked.
TheManWithoutFear said::roll: I meant Bendis titles.
Just curious... Did you start with Season One, Vol. 1 ("Who Killed Retro Girl?"), or just pick up a few single issues, along the way?UltimateE said:I tried Powers and didn't care for it, and I haven't read any of this other creator-owned work. But for the most part I like what he's done and do think he's getting better.
Pretty much what I was looking for.compound said:Favorite Bendis Titles
Powers: Season 1
his ENTIRE Daredevil run
Currently reading in single issues
- nil -
Curently reading in TPBs
Powers: Season 2
Currently reading via downloads or borrowed comics
The Pulse
New Avengers
UFF: The Fantastic (w/ Millar)
Mildly enjoyed
USM until "Carnage" -- particularly the arcs involving Gwen
Secret War until the extreme delays (#3 or so)
his UXM run
Didn't bother reading Disassembled or House Of M, because of the advanced/ongoing negative feedback, while they wer ebeign released, so I can't judge. I'd give them a chance, if I had the time AND access to a free copy (which I don't, at the moment).
Haven't read his independent crime stuff, but I'm looking forward to that even more. Alias was strengthened by all the fun ties to 616 continuity, but it ALSO read like a very strong detective story and character study, in its own right, so I have high expectations for Jinx, Goldfish, and Fire.
And yes, I believe there's a marked decline in the quality of his work, as he begins to take on more 'event' qualities.
He just doesn't have a solid grasp of big group/team dynamics -- his run on UXM is enough to prove that.
And he fares much better with stories about characters responding to a character (UMTU Super Special, the double-sized Daredevil anniversary issue with all the gust stars, House of M #1) rather than a situation (House of M the series, Disassembled), if that makes any sense.
Guijllons said:And furthermore MWoF, how does the logic behind someone doing something better than another qualify them for being worthy of respect for what they do work?
compound said:Just curious... Did you start with Season One, Vol. 1 ("Who Killed Retro Girl?"), or just pick up a few single issues, along the way?
Oh, yeah, it's inaccessible in a million different ways.UltimateE said:I didn't read any of Vol. 1. I started with Vol. 2 #1 and read through #6. I asked Bendis on his Q&A if I would be able to pick up on the story without having read Vol. 1 and he said yes. He was wrong. What I did figure out was only because I asked people specific questions.
compound said:My real problem with current Bendis material is that it's written in such a way that it requires you to have some degree of familiarty with shared-universe continuity that would be otherwise irrelevant to the series.
Compare his work on Daredevil with New Avengers.
Daredevil has all of his strengths -- stylized dialog, simple non-convoluted plotting, strong characterization -- and it happily acknowledges the rest of the MU, when it's necessary to do so (e.g. when the story calls for SHIELD to get involved), but it doesn't require an active knowledge of 616 to appreciate it. But otherwise, it's generally self-contained.
The Pulse and New Avengers, on the other hand, are built around events that happened in completely unrelated titles: Millar's Wolverine run, Secret War, the original Sentry mini, to name just a few. And it's much harder to make readers give a ****, as a result.
Bass said:Who doesn't like Watchmen?
Dr.Strangefate said:Comparing Brian Michael Bendis to Alan Moore is like comparing Jerry Farwell to Jesus Christ.
Dr.Strangefate said:Comparing Brian Michael Bendis to Alan Moore is like comparing Jerry Farwell to Jesus Christ.
They're not even on the same playing field.
TheManWithoutFear said:It was just my retaliation for people claiming he sucks. Anyone on a given day can write a better story than someone. But if Bendis just so happens to write the better comic on that given day, does that mean the other guy sucks?
Dr.Strangefate said:Comparing Brian Michael Bendis to Alan Moore is like comparing Jerry Farwell to Jesus Christ.
They're not even on the same playing field.
Dr.Strangefate said:Comparing Brian Michael Bendis to Alan Moore is like comparing Jerry Farwell to Jesus Christ.
They're not even on the same playing field.