The Arc to End All Arcs

Goodwill said:
You guys, I'm sensing the Acolytes here for some reason...

Remember the Acolytes already showed up? Plus, they got whomped big time? It was in the single issue story with the double panel system thing with Xavier on one side and the X-men on the other.
I know that, however, under the leadership of someone like Mystique or something, these Acolytes could really make a full recovery and become a force to be reconned with. I'm not so sure my guess is that far off... Expect something big, right? ;)
Yes I am which is why I don't think the Acolytes. But your entitled to your opinion
Caduceus said:
Yes I am which is why I don't think the Acolytes. But your entitled to your opinion
Ditto. The Acolytes returning would be cool, but I don't think either that they'll be in Vaughan last arc before Singer jumps on.
Well, maybe the Hellions will be the villain group, here, I'm just sensing something having to do with a villainous group somewhat tied to the Brotherhood... Who knows until the arc comes out, right?
Wouldn't surprise me if the Hellions were a villain group. They were in 616 (most of the time) and they were fighting the New Mutants every chance they got.
Well, Dazz, Havok, and Emma, I was referring to. All three of those characters have at least an affiliation to them.
I'd say Havok will be the first Hellion and Emma will be leading them. That seems fairly predictable to me. The conflict in UU will not be between the New Mutants except MAYBE Emma-Charles, Emma-Dazzler (just a little but probably not) and Scott-Alex. Depending, of course, on how the plot unfolds, the Hellions can either be friend or foe. I cannot however see them having any ties to the Brotherhood, not if Emma Frost continues to be involved. Her philosophy of non-violence woud prevent it but there is nothing to rule out a leadership struggle. The Hellions were younger mutants in 616 and they were an independent bunch.
Yet, so were the New Mutants, so things are still pretty much undecided. I don't think we know enough about Emma to say that she won't be involved with the Brotherhood and we don't have enough on the other characters being introduced at that point to judge whether or not they'd overthrow her power, capture her, and go after Xavier...
Look back over at Emma Frost and tell me she isn't completely opposed to mutant violence. We dont have a lot of her character, in fact, this is almost the only thing we know about her. But we do know it. The other characters however remain to be seen. I really doubt Alex is the only Hellion.
I'm just saying she could still go either way... Writers have thrown character through the loop before and they've come out totally different than what they first appeared. Watch that. ;)
Goodwill said:
Writers have thrown character through the loop before

Indulging in a moment of non-american-ness, I have absolutely no idea what this means. Can you explain a bit please?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Vaughan over at his site pretty much said Ultimate Polaris would be coming back with Alex. I don't remember his exact words but it definitely wasn't "Stay Tuned" or something like that it was more like "Yes, more the likely" or something more hopeful.

I remember that now. I shall await her with interest.
The person asked if there was a chance Polaris would return and Brian replied, "That's a definite possibility." ;)

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