The Amazing Spider-Man - Timeline

IDK, maybe Sony use Electro from Earth-120703 or a reboot from SSU, how i just said, i don't know
Yeah. Either the same version, (NWH Spoilers) with his powers back, or a new version similar to Adrian Toomes/Vulture in Morbius.

That's if this film ever actually goes into production in the first place, knowing Sony.
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What's happening here?

March 8
The Amazing Spider-Man
Chapter 11 (1:17:51 - 1:24:38)

March 12
The Amazing Spider-Man
Chapter 11 (1:17:51 - 1:24:38)
The Amazing Spider-Man Chapter 12 (1:24:38 - 1:25:04)

March 16
The Amazing Spider-Man
Chapter 12 (1:24:38 - 1:33:59)
Just a note: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Video Game) is an alternate universe.

The fact that it covers the second film completely differently, that makes sense, but I'll leave that here.

I wish this was said about all non-canon video games, to be honest. Better to be a canonical alternate reality than just void.
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I wish this was said about all non-canon video games, to be honest. Better to be a canonical alternate reality than just void.
You could add an "alternate timelines" section listing them:
The Amazing Spider-Man Videogame Timeline
The Amazing Spider-Man (Movie)
The Amazing Spider-Man (Videogame)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Videogame)

Btw the version of the TAS2 game from IPad had a different plot from the console/pc version, I guess the first TAS videogame for iPad has a different plot too.
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There's actually an explanation for that on the page already.
I can't find that 2013 car registration or the calendars you mention in the movie. and the daily bugle tumbler could have been wrong, sometimes the marketing campaigns are not chronologically correct like the dark knight's marketing campaign, on the gcpd page they said that the attack of the narrows occurred in the fall of 2006 and in gotham tonight that at the end of 2007 and in the novelization that before December. The most accurate date would be the newspaper of the movie, it is props that are clearly displayed on the screen. Where it says that they are in 2012 also agrees with its year of release and setting. The most canonical is the movie.
Peter tiene 7 años al comienzo de la película. Fuente (a las 1:15) pero es extraño ya que dicen que sus padres han estado ausentes durante 12 años, lo que haría que Peter tuviera 19 años.

No creo que sea un error, en la escena inicial, el tío Ben le dice a Peter "¿por qué un chico de 19 años estaría interesado en una maleta vieja?" cuando Peter descubre la maleta de sus padres
En realidad, ya hay una explicación para eso en la página.
No has puesto ninguna explicacion solida mas alla de unos calendarios que cuadran con algunos meses del 2012 y 2012, no encuentro dicha matricula de taxi y el marketing de tasm 2 que bien podria estar mal como el del caballero oscuro.
La más canónica es la propia película.
Nada en TASM 2 afirma haber pasado 1 año.
There's actually an explanation for that on the page already.
bro this timeline sucks
Peter was 7 when his parents left, then 12 years passed so he would be 19 in tasm 1, there are 12 years difference between those parts, not 11 as you suggest
According to the book "The Amazing Spider-Man: Behind the Scenes and Beyond the Web", Peter is 7 years old during the flashback set 12 years before the main events. However, Gwen states she is 17 years old in The Amazing Spider-Man. In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, May says that Peter has lived with her since he was 6 years old.

The book is just wrong.
Peter is in the same class as Gwen, and I don't think Peter is gonna be graduating at 21. You know that that poster could be outdated, right? It's early 2013 I've placed the movie in.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 shows that the video Richard Parker sends from the plane is dated June 12, 2002.

There's your source for "six years old".

Also, there's no need for insults. That's not necessary, mature or helpful for these discussions.