The All About Manga Thread

I went to an anime con this weekend. Multiple people cosplaying L thought I was cosplaying Light. They licked me. I wasnt cosplaying Light.

The End.
You thought I'd forgotten, didn't you? Well I could never forget about...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - The story about how everyone knows everyone continues. Nothing new worth reporting. Hope this picks up soon.

1.5/5 Annoying Lieutenants

Naruto - Tobi stops playing with Naruto and the gang, but before he goes Kakashi notices his sharingan. Tobi does some kind of weird teleport technique where he looks like he's getting swallowed head first by the air. They run over to the spot of the Uchiha Rumble and collect the bodies. Naruto's team arrives too late. Naruto looks mad. Sasuke wakes up in a cave. Tobi appears and says he patched the ubermensch up. Sasuke is quiet and emo. Gee, that's new. Tobi grabs his attention by telling him that he's an Uchiha and beginning to remove his mask. Here's my question: What the **** happened between Kisame and Team Ubermensch?

3/5 Smartass Plantguys

One Piece - Sanji and his poster lookalike argue. He gets tackled by flying fish and dragged down under the water. Fortunately, it is revealed that mermaids are the fastest swimmers in the ocean. Cami swims down and saves him. Meanwhile Luffy scares posterguy's buffalo so bad it faints just by talking to it. Not quite as impressive as Shanks staring down the Sea King, but I guess Luffy's aura is coming along. Sanji resurfaces and kicks the crap out of Poster man.

2.5/5 Waterlogged Chefs
I starting to get sick of the rumors that Tobi is actually Obito. I tell them time and time again, what use is a body crushed by boulders? We'll find out soon enough I suppose. And as for the real Pain, I'd like to know where he is and if he's actually on his way to collect the Kyuubi.
I starting to get sick of the rumors that Tobi is actually Obito. I tell them time and time again, what use is a body crushed by boulders? We'll find out soon enough I suppose.

I always thought that the fact that Tobi is one letter short of being an anagram of Obito sort of gave it away.

I mean. . .this is the same manga that had people speculating for years that the Fourth Hokage was Naruto's papa and then being dismissed as being too predictable. . .only for that to be the case.
Iceshadow's Manga Quickies!
(Not a McCheese ripoff. Look! The title isn't even centered!)

Akumetsu- Shou Hazama is your average high schooler living in a fictional Japan that is in it's economic death throes because of corrupt bureaucrats bleeding the country dry. One day Shou gets powers (the details of which haven't been explained yet), so what does he do next? If you guessed "become a high profile vigilante whose acts border on terrorism" you'd be right! V/Punisher/Akumetsu wants to destroy all evil, and even death can't stop him. I rather like this one, Shou/Akumetsu is borderline insane in his quest, and the overall theme seems to be on the morality of his actions, as Shou asks his friend Shiina "If you had this power, would you do nothing?"

3.7/5- Points off for the sometimes overly long social commentary.

Kekkaishi- This title is set in familiar Shounen territory and is about Yoshimori Sumimura, a student by day, and a Kekkaishi at night. Kekkaishi are basically demon exterminators who kill their enemies by creating barriers (invisible boxes) around them. Along with his neighbor Tokine Yukimura (who is a Kekkaishi from a rival clan), the Kekkaishi's have to protect the spiritual land of Karasumori (which their school in built on) because it attracts demons who can get stronger just by being there. The first couple of arcs aren't amazing, but they aren't bad either. However, the later arcs have been awesome so far with a lot of character growth and snazzy action scenes. The characters are likable, Yoshimori doesn't really give two ****s about his job (he really wants to be a pastry chef), and Tokine is not a damsel in distress, but is actually a level headed character who can be ruthless when she needs to be.

At first it was 3/5, but now it's 4/5- For killer invisible boxes.

Seto no Hanayome- God help me I read something from the school/romance/comedy section...and liked it. Before you take away my man cards, let me 'splain. Nagasumi drowns but is saved by mermaid Sun, the problem is that mermaid law dictates that anyone who sees a mermaid must be killed. Sun doesn't want to kill Nagasumi so she forcibly becomes his fiancee, and saves him from death by her father (a Yakuza boss) and his cronies. Cue wackiness, which (in my opinion) is actually pretty funny, if somewhat stupid. I would suggest this manga if you are looking for something a little different, you might like it, but I can also see why you wouldn't. Give a try if you're bored.

3.5/5- For Naive Mermaids.
Iceshadow's Manga Quickies!
(Not a McCheese ripoff. Look! The title isn't even centered!)
I will murder you in your sleep, ripoff artist!!!
Akumetsu- Shou Hazama is your average high schooler living in a fictional Japan that is in it's economic death throes because of corrupt bureaucrats bleeding the country dry. One day Shou gets powers (the details of which haven't been explained yet), so what does he do next? If you guessed "become a high profile vigilante whose acts border on terrorism" you'd be right! V/Punisher/Akumetsu wants to destroy all evil, and even death can't stop him. I rather like this one, Shou/Akumetsu is borderline insane in his quest, and the overall theme seems to be on the morality of his actions, as Shou asks his friend Shiina "If you had this power, would you do nothing?"

3.7/5- Points off for the sometimes overly long social commentary.
Sounds interesting. I'll check it out.
3.5/5- For Naive Mermaids.

Man-card revoked.
I always thought that the fact that Tobi is one letter short of being an anagram of Obito sort of gave it away.

I mean. . .this is the same manga that had people speculating for years that the Fourth Hokage was Naruto's papa and then being dismissed as being too predictable. . .only for that to be the case.

Yeah, but it was always obvious. I mean why of all people did the only yellow haired character pick a random kid who also only had yellow hair and had a striking resemblance to the hokage. Even from when Jiraiya first started teaching Naruto (right before or after Naruto learns the summoning jutsu), he looks up and says, "Forgive me, Fourth." or something to that extent. There were alot of things pointing directly to the truth. Even Tsunade and Jiraiya's conversation about his parents was barely regarded as conversation filler right before Jiraiya leaves to fight Pein. To me the author was saying, "Well, everyone knows. Let's just throw it in there and finally acknowledge it."

I still think everything points to Madara. Obito was crushed by a rock. Seriously? A rock. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Obito's right eye was damaged by the rock slide as well. I think I remember him telling Rin to give Kakashi his only good eye he had left as a gift. If he is Obito, pizza is on me if you're ever in town.

Also, did Kakuza kill the First Hokage or did he just fight him?
I still think everything points to Madara. Obito was crushed by a rock. Seriously? A rock. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Obito's right eye was damaged by the rock slide as well. I think I remember him telling Rin to give Kakashi his only good eye he had left as a gift. If he is Obito, pizza is on me if you're ever in town.
Do I still get pizza if Madara somehow possessed Obito's corpse and made him into a total badass?

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