The All About Comic Book Movies Thread

I honestly didn't think it would happen, due to Fox being apprehensive about doing an R-rated, ultra-violent, humorous, over the top comic book film (a Deadpool movie done right).

I'm still worried they may try to tone it down to go for a PG-13 rating in an attempt to increase box office (since R-rated films, especially R-rated comic book films, usually don't do well at the box office). However, much like Dredd, with good word of mouth, it could recoup costs and profit hugely on DVD.

Hey, the power of fan pressure...

But anyways, even if they did make it a PG-13 movie with Deadpool's brand of humor (even watered down). Would still be entertaining. I mean look at the test footage. That wasn't too bad (violent and language wise) and everyone thought it was amazing.
Hey, the power of fan pressure... But anyways, even if they did make it a PG-13 movie with Deadpool's brand of humor (even watered down). Would still be entertaining. I mean look at the test footage. That wasn't too bad (violent and language wise) and everyone thought it was amazing.

Right. But the reason everyone liked the test footage is that it was true to the character: potty mouth language, extreme violence (beheading), breaking the fourth wall, etc. That clip alone would get a movie an R rating, likely. So my point is, I hope they have the balls to do it right and pattern its tone after that clip as opposed to some watered down version so they can obtain a PG-13 rating.
X-Men And Fantastic Four Team-Up Movie Apparently Confirmed

""[Simon] Kinberg told me Fox is steering X-Men and Fantastic Four into an eventual team up film," wrote De Luca. "Seems to me maybe, since the Spider-man universe itself is deep, you guys should look at Sinister Six, new Spidey, female movie and Venom as linked pieces leading to eventual mega movie ala Feige and Fox and not stand alone single films. It's early in all these and you can still map out a blueprint for connective tissue.""
Spider man

No movie of spiderman has Ben Riley they should of with spiderman 2099 and a lots of spider man's
Re: Spider man

No movie of spiderman has Ben Riley they should of with spiderman 2099 and a lots of spider man's

So you want a Spider-verse movie? Heh. Imagine, they do that and bring back both Tobey and Andrew, along with the new MCU Spidey, and introduce the Miles Morales Spidey in it... and the insane Japanese Spider-Man with the Power Ranger/Voltron thing.

Wait, that'd actually be awesome!
I wondered if things like the rumors of RDJ not appearing in any more Iron Man movies or Chris Evans not appearing in any more Cap movies had anything to do with salary. Maybe this answers some of those questions.
Perlmutter wanted to take RDjr off of Cap 3 because of the money he was going to make from it.
Perlmutter is an *******.

Perlmutter is said to have attended the Iron Man premiere in disguise and has not been spotted at a Marvel event since. He relishes his reputation as secretive and frugal, according to a top executive who has dealt with him: "It's things like, 'Why do you need a new pencil? There's 2 inches left on that one!' "

Some at Disney are so intimidated, says one source, that they believe "he has spies or is listening in on phone calls," though this person allows that "it could be paranoia." (Or not: A Marvel veteran says "the way to curry favor is to tell Ike that someone spent more than he should have.") Perlmutter once complained that journalists at a junket were allowed two sodas each instead of one, and Disney ran out of food at an Avengers media event because of Perlmutter's constraints, causing reporters to pilfer from Universal's nearby suite for The Five-Year Engagement.

Perlmutter allows actors traveling on Marvel business only a single companion. A source with ties to the CEO says he makes no apologies. "He'll pay for the A-list talent — they get to travel with their entourage," says this person. Otherwise, he rejects Hollywood excess: "He's seen companies go into bankruptcy, and he thinks shareholders look at this stuff — and he doesn't believe in it."

This is only good news
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For my birthday back at start of this month I got Batman vs Robin. I need to see it soon, but am I the only one here who thinks DC's animated movie universe (since its one uinverse since JL war i think) is the best of these "shared universes" in film? Ironically Arrow/Flash/Supergirl is my favourite if we include tv
This is interesting, mainly in regards to Marvel's tenuous relationship with Fox largely due to Perlmutter.

I suppose this could only help mend bridges some between the two studios.

Man, I hope so. Especially now that rumors are circulating that Marvel pushed back the inhumans so they could release the F4 first. Simon Kinberg, producer of the last F4 movie and the X-Men franchise has said he still wants to make a sequel to F4, but there's no way that's happening.