THANOS is back, Imperatively


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
Kelowna, B.C, Canada
While the earth is revelling in it's new found Heroic Age, the cosmos will tremble in fear as a dark thread returns, Thanos the Mad Titain is returning this May in "The Thanos Imperitave: Ignition" By Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning


It is so nice to see Aleksi Briclot doing covers again.

This has me excited, just look at that cover. Plus DnA's stated that Nova is going to be front and centre for this one instead of playing around in the background like he has since Conquest.
Thanos needs an Anti-Life Equation.
Apparently the Silver Surfer is going to figure into this too, it'll be nice to see DNA writing him again, I loved that arc with him in Nova 13-15
I noticed most people who posted in the shipping thread said they were picking this up...what is the appeal? Since when do people care about Thanos?
It's a probable bookend to the Cosmic Marvel.

Basically, everything that is going on in Cosmic Marvel is coming to a head in this book. It's actually not just Thanos that's going to be a problem, but also a parasite universe is coming into the main Marvel universe, using the rift formed in the War of Kings by Vulcan, Blackbolt and the T Bomb and they are hellbent on eating this universe. Meanwhile, the Church of Truth, the ongoing enemy in the Guardians of the Galaxy book, resurrected Thanos, and now he is pissed off, because he got separated from death. Nova, with his new corps, had a foray into the rift and now is with a newly resurrected Namora (I think that's her name anyways), and tried to stop the beast from invading this universe but failed because of an Evil Quasar, who is about to summon the anti'life thing to eat our universe.

I still haven't read ignition yet, but I want too.
It's Namorita, Namora is her mother who appears in Atlas (formerly Agents of Atlas).
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It's a probable bookend to the Cosmic Marvel.

Basically, everything that is going on in Cosmic Marvel is coming to a head in this book. It's actually not just Thanos that's going to be a problem, but also a parasite universe is coming into the main Marvel universe, using the rift formed in the War of Kings by Vulcan, Blackbolt and the T Bomb and they are hellbent on eating this universe. Meanwhile, the Church of Truth, the ongoing enemy in the Guardians of the Galaxy book, resurrected Thanos, and now he is pissed off, because he got separated from death. Nova, with his new corps, had a foray into the rift and now is with a newly resurrected Namora (I think that's her name anyways), and tried to stop the beast from invading this universe but failed because of an Evil Quasar, who is about to summon the anti'life thing to eat our universe.

I still haven't read ignition yet, but I want too.

I guess I should probably read War of Kings then.
I'll hold mine against my monitor for you

I just realize the main mini is starting next week, awesome!

also the big bad surprise at the end, while cool, kinda irked me

I've grown tired of big bad reveals, why can't the bad guy the characters have been dealing with all year be the big bad? seeing Adam Magus mewling at the feet of youknowwho seems wrong to me

I felt the same thing with Blackest Night, Nekron seemed unnecessary to me, just let the big bad be Black Hand (4x alliteration score) he could have carried the even on his own instead of shoving him in the background